Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch. 9

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-06 - 674 words - Complete

Gerard's P.O.V.
"Hey, beautiful! Why you hanging with the fags?" Aled shouted, gesturing for me to hang out with them. "Because, I met Frank here and fell for him." I said in a much higher voice. "Oh really? You know that Faggy Frankie is gay?"He shouted back. "Either way, I think they're nice. I'm Gerard and Mikey's cousin." I told them, praying that they won't ask where I am. "Where's the fag any way?" One of the moron's called dunk barked. "Oh he had to get more art supplies. And stop talking mean about them. All of them." I said, my anger boiling up. "Nah. Come on sweet cheeks. Just hang with us and you'll be okay." Aled tried convincing me. "I'd rather hang with misfits than with you jerks." I shouted at them. "Let's go." Bob said. We walked away leaving the jocks and Barbie bitches confused. "Wow. You got Backberd to flirt with you? Jeez, you really must look like a girl." Ray said, shaking his 'fro. "LET'S HAVE A RACE!!!" Pete screamed. I seriously think that's the loudest that I've ever heard that kid speak. "You're on." Mikey said. "GO!" And we were off. Frank got in first, Bob in second, Pete in third, Ray in fourth, I was fifth [not easy running in heels] and Mikey in last. "The Ways fail." Frank smirked. "You try running in high heels." I said to him. We piled into the car and since it could only hold four people, someone had to sit on someone's lap. Ray, Frank, now Bob, and I secretly planned to have Mikey sit on Pete's lap. If that kid isn't the most socially awkward person I've ever met than that's like saying coffee sucks. "Pete? C-can I s-s-sit on your l-lap?" he stuttered. "Yeah. Make yourself comfy." Pete winked. We drove home in silence. We walked into our house to find mom and a teenage girl talking in the kitchen. "Gerard? Why are you..?" Mom trailed off. "Dare I had to full fill." I explained. "Oh?" was all she could say. "Okay. Boys, I'd like you to meet someone. This is your cousin, Catherine. She's going to be living here for a while until Aunt Debra and Uncle Harry can sort out the divorce." She introduced us. "Um hey." Catherine mumbled. I think she's a Barbie bitch. Has a "tan", bleached skin, shortest clothing ever made on, and had the manicure. "We'll be down stairs. Catherine, would you like to join?" Ray asked in a French accent. "Why yes, I would love too." She giggled. Damn, it's worse than I thought. The six of us walked down the stairs only to bug Frank to return the clothes- only with another twist. "You have to go back at the same time, and you have to be butt-naked again." Frank groaned but surprisingly agreed. We watched movies until it was midnight. "Alright Frankie, strip those clothes off and go next door." Frank peeled his clothes off and walked next door. "Wish me luck." He whispered.
Frank's P.O.V.
I rang the door bell nervously. "Just a minute!" Mr.Hahn called out. He opened the door to find the same guy butt-naked again at the same time with his clothes. Must be weird. "Hey Bill. What happened to your clothes this time?" Mr.Hahn asked. "Uhh, was mugged again. I just came back to return your clothes" I quickly replied. "Oh. Do you want to borrow them again?" He said. "No thanks, my mom should be asleep any way." I stammered. "Come in. if your mom's asleep, she wouldn't know you were gone for a little more." He said in a creepy fashion. "That's okay, I should be one my way. Thanks for the clothes again." I whispered. "Hey if you need anything, just come here." Mr.Hahn told me, stroking Frank Jr. "Ok?" I wimpered. You probably think I' m weak. But really, I'm scared that it'll happen again. If only I could tell anyone. Sigh.
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