Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Kiss Goodnight


by lalatherapist16 1 review

Gerard's nightmare for years now. He knows what happens but is never ready for the end

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-07 - Updated: 2012-10-07 - 466 words

I walked down the street from the university, my hands stuffed in my pockets. My new apartment was just a mile away, and my poor ass didn't have money for a bike, let alone a car.

Walking everywhere just made it that much more easy. But tonight was different. My stomach clenched in fear.

I felt like someone was following me. Hardly turning my head, I saw the shadowy figure about five feet from me.

My heart jumped wildly. I gasped quitely and turned around, quickening my pace and duckng my head.

I felt breath on my neck. A hand grabbed my forearm, spinning me around. Glowing light brown eyes. Sharp teeth.

Another hand covered my mouth before I could scream. I was shoved up against a light pole.

"Scream and I kill you." I froze, tears falling down my cheeks. I nodded slightly.

The hand was moved. To my hair. My cheeks turned red as the short boy tipped my head back and to the side.

Fear gripped my stomach and made me want to puke as he licked a small line along my skin. Is he going to rape me? Kill me? Kidnap me?

Teeth pierced my skin, making me gasp. Bile rose in my throat as I fought it back down.

The tears turned to sobs, my body shaking under small hands. The one in my hair moved to my other arm, pinning me there.

Splinters slipped between the threads of my pants and pierced the backs of my calfs. My head swam as I forced myself to breathe.

I was released, my knees giving out. Sliding down the pole, hundreds of splinters littered my back.

A small smile with pointed, red-stained teeth was at my eye level. The splinters were suddenly gone. I was alone under the flickering light.


I bolted up in my bed, a small scream ripping out of my mouth. My hand flew to my neck. "Gee?!" Mikey asked loudly, the door flying open.

He had a wet spot on his shirt and his toothbrush was in his hand. "Again?" He asked, a sad look on his face.

I nodded, tears falling from my eyes. He hugged me lightly as I dropped my head in my hands. "It's okay. Come on, Gerard. You gotta get up. You start your new job today." He patted my back softly.

"Right." I sighed, throwing the blankets off of my sweaty body to get ready to shower.

I was excited and nervous to get today started at the same time. Not fitting in at high school as a kids didn't mean I would as a teacher either.

But I'll see how it goes.....

Chapter one!!!!! It's probably gonna alternate between Frank and Gerard for the chapters.


Hugs and Tacos,
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