Categories > Original > Romance > Chapter 1

Chapter 2

by JustASecretKept 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-08 - Updated: 2012-10-08 - 428 words

Dan's P.O.V

"We never do anything together anymore Dan! You don't take me out either anymore aswell, lazy shit you are!"

Libbi screamed at me, Pacing around the room like a loon. I was sat on the windowsill not really listening to her rants as usual this happened on a regular basis now, the relationship has sort of went downhill for some reason I apparently 'don't take her out anymore' or 'Never do thing's with her' which is a lie, we still go out I just don't always spend masses of money on really fancy dinners or things like that In all fairness she's being stupid
"I think it's best if you just left Libbi"

she stopped and stared at me as if i'd just murdered someone
"Fine Dan! I really don't give a shit anymore"
And stormed out of the room Slamming the bedroom door shut
I threw my hands to my face and left them there for a minute before groaning and rubbing my eyes
"So fucking sick of this" I thought to myself
Traipsing along the hallway I could hear Phil and Becca in the kitchen giggling, No idea if Libbi had woken up or if they're up on their own accord but i was too frustrated to care to be honest

"Did I wake you?"
I asked curiously, it's not exactly my fault but If Libbi wouldn't apologize I guess I would have too
"No but we did hear Libbi screaming at you.. again"
Phil replied before turning his attention back to Becca continuing their conversation
I guess in was interrupting but they were in the kitchen
"She's just being a twat"
I scoffed, Becca and Phil just laughed, I knew they didn't like her and i was getting sick of her it didn't feel like a nice relationship like it was before, Libbi was just.. Controlling and was horrid towards Becca and Phil

"Um i'm just feeling tired, I'll wake up whenever so.. i'm going back to bed"
Truth is i just can't be bothered doing anything productive today the snow had layed so They two would probably be out in that and i'd either sleep or surf the internet, socially awkward anyway
Last time i was in a shopping centre i fell down an escalator and cut my Elbow, then i got up and pretended like nothing had happened.. yes be ready to be embarrassed if your ever with me

"Okay, we're going out in the snow for a bit"
I replied and dragged myself back to my room
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