Categories > Original > Romance > Chapter 1

Chapter 4

by JustASecretKept 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-09 - Updated: 2012-10-09 - 698 words

Phil's P.O.V

I heard the Door close with a thud and a few laughs, i reconized the first one- Dan's but the second voice Was a girl Not Libbi's voice someone different anyway Libbi had stormed out of the house this morning
"Hey!" Dan said
"Hey Dan.. who's your friend then?" I watched as Dan's eyes widened realizing Devon was standing next to him with her long sleeve covering her mouth
"Oh uh, This is Devon I-I said she could stay here for a while uhm.. i found her in the snow so I couldn't just leave her there!"
"Hi Devon" I said smiling
"Hello" She replied sounding timid but she seemed so comfortable with Dan having only just met him.
Dan took Devon's hand and led her to his room, probably for a pair of clean clothes or something leaving me and Becca who had sat silent the entire time
"Dan cares too much" she laughed "She seems lovely although Awful skinny don't you think?"
"I guess But she hasn't eaten for a while I don't think"
Becca stood up and started walking away from me, Hearing her knock on Dan's bedroom door I went to see what she was up to.

Becca P.O.V
"Uhm Devon? is it?"
"Are you hungry?" I looked down to Devon's stomach, it was like she would snap if I hugged her too tightly. She shook her head
"When was the last time you ate?" She shrugged and walked over to Dan at his wardrobe
"The last time i was starving basically"
"So you are hungry"
"Yes you are" I argued back, she had to eat
"yes, I don't want to be a bother though" my eyes widened a little at how polite she was considering how Dan found her, I watched Dan hand her a 'Danisnotonfire' top and said he'd be right back as he went to look for bottom's
"I- uh. well i'll make you something? it's not a bother don't worry"
"Are you Becca?" I'm not letting her avoid the question she has to eat something
"Yeah.. Now don't avoid the question! You have to eat!"
"I'll eat then and i'm not picky with food, Thank you"

Devon's P.O.V

"Thank you" I said to becca as she set the food down
"No problem" I started to dig into my food swallowing big amounts, God I was hungry, swallowing half of what was in my mouth i mumbled
"Where'ss Dan"
"erm probably in his room" she replied and sat with me
"Your Phil's girlfriend right?" She looked up from playing with her fingers as i swallowed the last drop on my plate
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Dan" I laughed
"He seem's really fond of you Devon" Keeping her eyes on me, I walked over to the sink smiling a little to put my plate and cutlery away
"He has a girlfriend" I came and sat back down at the table again, Becca laughed pushing her Dark purple hair out of the way of her brown eyes
"Yeah Libbi. Listen you do not want to ever meet her"
"I had the unfortunate luck of meeting her. Not good at all just take my word for it"
"Okay" I whispered getting a little tired
"Where's Dan having you sleep?" We stood up and stopped in the hallway when Dan came downstairs in pajama's
"I couldn't find any bottom's for you, are you alright just in my top?"
I had a big smile on my face as he Came over to us Becca just kind of looking at me
"Yeah thank's but Where am i sleeping?"
"My bed, I'll take the couch" My eyes widened, His bed! That's not fair i should take the couch
"I don't want to deprive you of your bed Dan" I giggled "That'd be unfair
"I'm taking the couch and that's final" He smiled at me, his Brown eyes we're so welcoming and amazing
"Okay But I don't want to!"
"You have to, My bed my rules" I gave a playful glare at him Shaking my head a little
"Fine, Night Dan, Becca"
"Night" they said in unison
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