Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the League of Shadows

by SinbladeNev9 2 reviews

Have started rewriting this story.Read how Harry Potter, or should I say Orion Black is being brought up the pureblood way by Sirius Black, his family. Good Voldemort! Dark, Political and Powerful ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Harry,Draco,Lily,Sirius - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-10-11 - Updated: 2012-10-11 - 5419 words

Godric's Hollow – The lane near Potter Manor.
The wind rustled through the trees as the air turned cold with midnight's powers. The town of Godric's Hollow seemed to flinch in silence as an unwanted figure appeared on the cobblestone streets. The shadows themselves seemed to curve upwards to the man, craving an embrace. But yet, he moved forward, not a single noise heard as he departed from that spot. The man strode forward with a sense of purpose, power, and determination. His jet-black hair, perfectly styled, didn't so much as move from the wind, his ice blue eyes glaring straight ahead. As he passed shops with windows covered in paper spiders and children dressed as pumpkins, the man looked around at everyone dressed up in ridiculous costumes and sneered. 'Filthy muggles,' he thought bitterly to himself. 'I could kill them, it would be so simple, but unnecessary, yes, quite unnecessary.' He continued on with long gliding strides. He had been waiting for this day for many months, ever since his loyal servant told him of the prophecy. He had come here for several reasons, one being that the rapist and traitor, James, had gone to Hogwarts for one of Dumbledore's meetings, making this the perfect time to abduct his wife Julia Potter, torture her mind into oblivion, probably force her into giving up a few of the Order’s plans too, those that his loyal servant Snape was not aware of and then finally murder her filthy son, Skylar Potter, in front of her and then send her back to her loving husband and his own personal , Dumbledore.
He stopped; looking from under his hood he spotted a single manor at the end of an old fashioned street. He could see it now that the Fidelius was broken; all thanks to Peter Pettigrew he was now able to see the two-story home which stood at the end of the street, so beautiful and peaceful it looked. He made less noise than the dead of night did as he strode towards the house. He peered through the front window; they had not even drawn the curtains. The occupants inside, like the house, looked quite peaceful for they did not know that this night would be their last. He saw, quite clearly, a woman in her bathrobe, a bright smile on her face as she tickled a giggling, chubby child with chocolate brown hair who looked like he had just had a bath as she was drying and clothing him. Once she was done, she picked him up and proceeded towards the stairs, probably to put him to sleep in his crib. As she disappeared up the stairs, he heard two faint pops. 'Ah, my two loyal Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy and Rodolphus Lestrange,' he was expecting them any moment now and they had just apparated in behind him.
Two tall men with good builds wearing black Death Eater robes and silver masks appeared out of the darkness behind him, only their silver mask could be seen as their pitch black robes almost made them invisible in the darkness, their wands in their hands, as they came forward and stood by him, flanking both his sides.
"Lucius, Rodolphus, my loyal followers, you have both arrived at the perfect time; let us enter this filthy excuse of a manor and finish what we have come to do. Like I said earlier, petrify the woman and apparate with her and her son to our Manor. Do not waste time, we should be off within the minute," Voldemort said in a voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes my Lord," the two men said in unison. The two of them always made sure not to refer to him by his real name away from their headquarters, especially around his enemies, so that it wouldn't give his identity away unnecessarily.
He pulled out his yew and phoenix feather wand from beneath his cloak and with a quick swipe and jab he blasted the home’s wards which crumbled to shreds as the two behind him cast their own anti-apparation and portkey wards up.
"The mighty and powerful wards of Potter Manor set up by the ever so powerful wizards James Potter and Albus Dumbledore," Voldemort smiled a twisted smile, sarcasm dripping from his voice as a shrill alarm pierced the night, a stark contrast to his silent demeanor.
The old iron fence showed slight signs of rust, only showing further how old this home was. The gates groaned in protest as they were forced open, or perhaps they were moaning at the fact that they were betraying their masters? It didn't matter for they would be gone in mere moments.
The windows and door exploded with a fantastic explosion as he smoothly glided in, his followers right behind him. He heard a muffled shriek and then one of the bedroom doors from the upper level of the house being slammed shut and locked. 'Stupid halfblood,' he thought, 'simply giving away her position.'
He climbed the steps, all the while listening with faint amusement at her feeble attempts to barricade herself in. How stupid they were, and how trusting, thinking that their safety lay in friends, friends whom they thought were on their side.
He forced the door open and cast aside the chair and boxes hastily piled against it with a lazy wave of his wand. She stood in the middle of the room a wand in her hands pointed between his eyes.
"Stupefy," she yelled.  The red light flew towards him, but he deflected it away with his free hand as she stared back in shock and fright as the Dark Lord glared at her for being as stupid as to try to best him with a spell as weak as that.
"Foolish woman, never learned anything, did you? Using something as weak as that second-year stunner against me," He hissed.
"Pertificus totalus," Malfoy growled, and the woman fell to the floor, straight on her back, her head banging hard against the wooden flooring. The Dark Lord walked past the petrified Julia Potter and walked up to the crib. The crib held a chubby child with chocolate brown hair; he was curled in a tiny ball, pressing his body to a stuffed dragon he held in his arms, as he started crying.
"Grab that poor excuse of a boy and shut it up Lucius. Rodolphus, levitate the woman, bring her outside." He once again hissed as he glared down at the crying baby.
The two Death Eaters levitated the two Potters, and strode out of the house, setting it ablaze with magical flames. The Dark Lord pulled out three portkeys from his robes and handed one to each of his Death Eaters before casting the Dark Mark above the house and portkeying away to Riddle Manor.
A while later, Godric's Hollow – Outside Potter Manor
Ten minutes later, Dumbledore and James Potter, along with the rest of the Order, arrived at the scene. James collapsed to the ground as the rest of the Order started to put out the flames.
"She's not dead James, the bracelet that she wears tells me that much, which only means that she is in the hands of the Dark Lord. The tracking spell on the bracelet will help us locate her, and we will do our best to find her; I can only hope it is not too late by the time we locate her." Dumbledore said, as he had placed a hand on Lord Potter's shoulders briefly to offer some small comfort, before leaving James so that he could concentrate on working on finding the two missing Potters, with only one man on his mind at the moment, Snape.
Riddle Manor – Outside the Manor.
The house stood on a hill. It was large manor house with tall windows and ivy spreading over the walls. It was, without a doubt, one of the grandest homes in all of England. Behind the house were many large, magnificent gardens. Flowers grew in abundance and fountains were placed here and there. One fountain carved out of pure gold was shaped like snakes, and another fountain looked to be a dragon. Beyond the gardens was a beautiful pond full of frogspawn with lily pads floating peacefully on the top.
If you were to go beyond the gardens, you would come across a forest. This forest was full of many different creatures. One would have to be careful, just because you ventured forth into this forest doesn't mean you would ever leave it alive. For some of the beings that lived in this forest were, without question, some of the most dangerous creatures, or in some people's opinions, monsters, to ever exist.
In seconds, three hooded figures appeared, the Dark Lord, also known as the owner of this beautiful manor, Tom Riddle, along with his two death eaters Lucius and Rodolphus had portkeyed just outside the wards. The three quickly headed towards the entrance, the two Potters levitated behind them as they walked and disappeared behind the main door of the mansion.
As they walked through the front door, shutting it behind them, a small pop was heard.
"Master, welcome back home. As you requested, Lord and Lady Black, along with baby Black, have answered your summons and flooed into the Manor five minutes ago. They await your presence in the living room, master." The small house elf with large eyes like tennis balls squeaked out. She was wearing a black uniform with the Slytherin crest on the chest. Her ears bounced with every step she took.
"Very well, tell them I will be there in a moment." The Dark Lord said.
"Yes master, Pixie will tell them at once." The house elf said, before disappearing in a pop.
"Lucius, Rodolphus, wait here with these two. Come in with them when I call for you. Today the Blacks are in for a surprise. Sirius is going to be very happy to see the wife and child of his nemesis in our possession." Tom said, before walking towards the living room without waiting for an answer from them.
Important –Please don't skip, setup of the Story.
Sirius Black, the head of House Black, followed the rest of his family by becoming a Death Eater and was now one of the few members of the Dark Lord’s Inner Circle.
In his years at Hogwarts, he got close to the Lestranges, the Malfoys, Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and he was good friends with the rest of the Death Eaters. He was once a part of a group called the Marauders, which comprised of James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter, and himself, but the group split apart when Sirius and Lily Evans fell in love with each other.
James was enraged when he found out about the two as he too was in love with Lily Evans and was desperate to marry her, which led to a big fight between Sirius and James and then led to the famous Marauders splitting up with James and Peter going one way, and Sirius and Remus another.
Remus and Sirius eventually became Death Eaters and when Sirius told Lily, he expected her to break up with him. She was furious no doubt, but she had known him for a very long time and knew that he always had a reason for doing things and was willing to let him explain. It turned out that their love for each other was so much that she was willing to trust Sirius enough to talk with the Dark Lord herself and let him explain himself and his plans for the future of Magical Britain.
When she spoke to Voldemort or Tom as she now calls him, she realized that she couldn't help but agree that he had many valid reasons for taking over the Ministry. The Ministry was highly corrupt and was the main cause of Magical Britain's weakening wizards and witches.  Each generation less than the last.
Before Grindelwald Britain was one of the most powerful magical nations in the world, but after he was finally defeated the Ministry had done an extremely poor job in handling the nation. By listening to everything that the Dark Lord had to say, from his point of view, she couldn't help but admit that he was right, and that with his plans, under his reign, Britain’s slow decline would be ended.  Britain, in time, would once again be one of the world’s most powerful magical nations.  It would regain its former glory.  At the end of their conversation, she herself agreed to join, to be with her future husband and become a Death Eater, but under the condition that she wouldn't be required to torture and kill anyone if she didn't want to, unless she chose to.  It would require quite a bit of hatred for her to even consider making an exception, but she would for James Potter, .  for the various things he had tried to force upon her.
Two years after Hogwarts Sirius and Lily got married. After they set up their fake careers, they decided to officially take the dark mark along with Remus and become Death Eaters. Since that day they had become some of Tom's best and most loyal followers, along with the rest of his inner circle.
Ever since Lily Black had set foot in Riddle Manor, things had begun to change. She, along with Narcissa Malfoy and Scarlett Greengrass, had made Riddle Manor something that one could call home. Of course it took a great deal of persuasion to convince the Dark Lord, that this miserable property and home needed to be remodeled.  After three full months of hard work on Lily's, Scarlett's and Narcissa's part, they were able to change what once seemed like a disaster into a beautiful and magnificent looking manor, fit for a King. But of course, those three months were full of complaints from a very grumpy Dark Lord, as they did a complete makeover of his chambers; by the end of it all, he was quiet satisfied, and dare I say it, happy with the changes.  Though he'd never admit it, it was clearly evident on his face.
Spending a lot of time around Lily, Narcissa, Scarlett and later Apolline really caused a change in the Dark Lord. They had managed to get him to live an almost normal life while at home, without counting his business with his Death Eaters. He was even beginning to feel a certain sense of closure, satisfaction, acceptance, and happiness. After all these long years of solitude and ruthless planning, he finally felt like these people, whom he had started getting close to, respected and followed him not out of fear, but out of 'love'. A term he still didn't understand, but he had a feeling that very soon a time would come when he finally would. After all these long years, he finally felt like his Inner Circle of Death Eaters were finally starting to treat him like family and that brought a change in him and his behavior, thoughts, and feelings towards those of his Inner Circle. To them, he was much kinder, and he treated them the same way they treated him. He even started to prefer that they call him by his real name instead of them saying 'My Lord' but of course if they messed up he had to punish them.  He hated doing it, but he had no choice; he had to set an example for the rank and file and newer members of the death eaters, to show them what happens when they fail him.  Of course, to those not in his inner circle, he was the same heartless, merciless Dark Lord Voldemort that everyone feared.
Riddle Manor – Living Room.
"Aww, are you not one of the cutest little things I have ever set eyes upon,," Lily cooed as she played with the boy in her arms.
The two year old boy had his mother's beautiful piercing emerald green eyes, which if anyone stared at would get lost in their seemingly endless depths. He had her skin tone too and a good tan. But of course he also had his father's charming smile and rich raven black long hair, and of course, just like his father, his mother's heart.
"He's our son no, is it not obvious?" Sirius asked with a genuine smile on his face.
"You know, I always wanted to name my child Harry if he was a boy, but for some reason I just know that it wouldn't suit him. Nor would it go with the Black surname."
"If what I remember is right, the Potters are known to have Harry as a very common name among the boys of their family." The Black Head of house said, looking at the ceiling, deep in thought, but still not forgetting to add venom to the name 'Potter'
Lily was going to respond to that when she was interrupted by Tom entering the living room.
"Sirius, Lily, a pleasure to have you here," Tom smiled as he saw the two.
"And how is my little godson doing?" He asked Lily as he went to have a closer look at the boy in Lily's arms.
"Why not see for yourself Tom?" Lily asked, with a playful smirk on her face.
"I've got a bad feeling that he's a metamorphmagus," She continued, as her smirk began to form into a very cute frown, her words immediately causing all of Tom's attention to shift to her.
"And what makes you say that?" He asked a little curiously with a calculating glint in his eyes as he studied the boy in the woman's arms.
"Well today I had to forcefully get his hair cut because it was almost as long as Sirius' and even though it looked really good on him, it gave him that overly mature look that I seriously didn't want to see in my baby. After I had very neatly cut his hair for nearly two hours, I went for a shower and when I returned, to my shock, it had magically re-grown back." Lily said, the frown on her face becoming more prominent as she recalled the incident. All her hours of hard work had gone down the drain.
"How very curious, that is definitely something that we are going to have to wait a little while longer to see." A small smile graced Tom's lips as he stared at his godson. The piercing emerald eyes stared at him right back, unnerving the Dark Lord once again, but the smile on the boy's face clearly made Tom smile once again. He could feel the power of the boy’s huge magical core emitting out of him in waves of magical energy. Tom was certain that the boy would probably grow up to be the strongest wizard he would ever come across, probably even stronger than him. Only time would tell.
"You know," Tom said looking back at the two adults, "I brought you two a guest, someone I'm sure you'd love to see."
"And who in Merlin's name did you pick up this time, Tom?" Lily asked with a calculative look on her face as she studied the Dark Lord.
"Well, that is something you will have to see for yourself, but I can guarantee you this, you are in for a surprise. Lucius, Rodolphus, bring them in." Tom called. A minute later the two men walked in and both the Blacks gasped in surprise.
"What is this supposed to be. my Halloween gift or something Tom?" Lily asked as soon as she recomposed herself.
"Well, no, but you can take it as one of the many gifts that I will be giving you this Christmas." Tom said, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Prat," Lily muttered, as her gaze then shifted to the two Potters in the room.
"Finite," Sirius whispered as he flicked his wand, glaring in Julia Potter's direction. Tonight was the night he was going to get a small bit of his revenge on James for what he did to his Lily that blasted night. Tonight, he was going to send James back a return gift, the body of his dead or brain-dead wife.
The minute he waved his wand, she unfroze, and immediately examined and searched her surroundings, her eyes frantically going from left to right in those eye sockets, until her gaze finally landed on her two year old son sitting right behind her. She immediately rushed to her son and enveloped him in a protectively motherly hug as she looked on with fear evident in her eyes, at the Death Eaters standing before her.
"Why-y h-have y-you brought me he-re?" She asked, as tears slowly started falling down her cheeks.
"Why, I'm sure that you know why you are here Julia, come on, don't tell me that James married a woman so daft that she wouldn't even be smart enough to figure out the reason behind her husband's worst enemy kidnapping her." Sirius laughed.
"Or, he could have married her just to use her," Rodolphus guessed.
"Which I don't think is true, because a mudblood as ugly as her wouldn't even be worthy of marrying a halfblood." Lucius sneered.
"N-no, w-why have you brought m-me he-re? P-ple-ase le-let me g-go," Julia pleaded, fumbling on her words.
"Now now Mrs. Potter, we have a few questions for you. If you answer them, one of you leave this place, if you don't, none of you are leaving this place. So, Mrs. Potter, will you answer my questions?" Tom asked in a sickly sweet voice.
The woman, who had considerably paled, simply stared back wide-eyed at the Dark Lord as the true horror of the situation began to dawn on her.
"James, where are you James? Please come save us James, we need you, please James, please," Julia whispered, as tears continued trickling down her face and onto her bathrobes, dampening them further.
"You better answer me or I will kill you." Tom hissed, causing the woman to flinch.
"Please, please just let me go-"
"Crucio!" Voldemort hissed as the woman pushed her baby away from her and screamed in pain. The cruciatus curse struck her straight in the chest, making her thrash around for all she was worth.
For a whole minute, they just stood and watched the woman scream and thrash as she felt one of the worst torture curses destroy her body inside and out. Finally, after a minute of watching the woman be tormented by endless pain, a smile of pure pleasure and satisfaction replaced the Dark Lord's face as he lifted the curse, leaving behind a barely conscious woman.
"Now, now, Mrs. Potter, you will tell me what I ask you, you mudblood! Or I guarantee you that things could and will get worse." Tom said as a twisted smile graced his lips, but the woman barely seemed to register what he was saying.
"Now tell me Mrs. Potter, what are those so-called precious plans that Dumbledore has in mind, the ones he planned out with James, to counter my Death Eaters raids?" He asked politely.
"I swear, I don't know," The woman whispered. "Please just let us g-"
"CRUCIO!" Voldemort once again yelled, this time putting more power and magical energy into his spell as he watched Julia Potter again scream in pain as her body thrashed around on the floor. Her head was jerking in every direction and her eyes were rolling around in her head. Her hands clenched into fists and her back arched off the ground as her screams got louder. It sounded like she was yelling her throat raw because after thirty seconds her screams changed pitch, the Dark Lord holding her that way for over three and a half minutes as her body jerked slightly and her eyes came back into focus.
"Now will you be so kind as to willingly answer the questions I have asked of you? You see, my patience is quickly wearing thin, and I won't hesitate to kill you." Voldemort finally asked in the same polite tone he used before.
"Please believe me Lord, I have no idea, he hasn't told me anything." Her eyes darted around till they landed on the Blacks.
"Sirius, Lilly, please stop him, I have no ide-" She managed to whisper.
"Don't you dare talk to them," Voldemort snarled, his wand almost itching to cast another unforgivable on the woman.
"Lucius, don't you think she is wearing somewhat inappropriate clothing?" Tom asked, looking in Lord Malfoy's direction.
"I'm afraid you're right my lord, I for one believe, that those bathrobes do not suit her," Lucius smirked, as he flicked his wand and immediately the bathrobe Julia Potter was wearing disappeared, revealing her bare of any clothing for all in the room to see. The panting woman's eyes widened as she slowly began to process what was happening and she tried to cover her bare chest with her hands as she curled up on the floor, a continuous stream of tears rolling down her face as she wept.
Sirius for one was grinning like a dog. If it were any woman but this one he would have had a neutral feeling at the sight, but this was the wife of James Potter. She would pay for his mistakes slowly and painfully, soon enough his time would come as well.
'I'd love to see your face James when you see a pensieve memory of this.' Sirius thought, as his temper rose a little.
"And now I'm beginning to wonder what it is that the traitor saw in her?" Lucius sneered.
"Well, I for one believe there's nothing wrong, James deserved nothing better than a road-side mudblood whore." Rodolphus smirked.
"And you can tell just by looking at her face that she definitely is one." Tom finished.
" Sirius, don't you think that I must punish this woman here just for being in the same room as my godson? Her presence itself is nothing but harmful to him, I believe." Tom now smiled his twisted smile.
"I couldn't agree more," was all Sirius said.
"Please, p-please s-stop this, w-why are you do-ing this t-to me?" The woman pleaded with a strained voice from all the screaming she had done.
"Ah, Julia, Julia, Julia, that is something you will never know," Sirius said politely. "But that bastard you call a loving and faithful husband, James," Sirius almost spat, "he will understand every bit of it, when we send you back to him, dead or alive, I know not." He finished the last part, his voice almost dropping to a whisper.
"No- please, no" Julia pleaded.
"Crucio," Tom once again hissed, jabbing his wand in the direction of the fallen and almost broken woman.
And this time the woman was barely thrashing from extreme exhaustion, her whole body just vibrating as the Death Eaters watched in amusement. Her strained screams now sounded like strained moans, her once sweet voice now hoarse and strained. And her eyes were clamped tightly shut, blood trickling down her parched and dried up and cut lips.
After what seemed like hours, which in actuality was only five minutes, Tom released the curse.
"Yes Tom?" Lily inquired, her eyes not leaving the broken woman.
"What can be more persuasive than pain?" Tom asked softly.
"Love," Lilly whispered back, her voice devoid of all emotions, as she realized what Tom was about to do next.
"No," Julia Potter managed to whisper out in a hoarse voice as her eyes began to refocus on the Dark Lord.
"You know Mrs. Potter, today I will allow you to live; you will return to your precious James." Tom said.
The second those words left his mouth, you could immediately see a flash of hope in Julia's eyes. Hope was the one thing that Tom always allowed his victims, right before crushing them beyond repair and finishing them off once and for all.
"However, tonight, your son will die." Tom said in a voice barely above a whisper.
Julia's eyes widened once again as she finally understood what was to come and she knew what she had to do. She immediately crawled over to her son as fast as her broken body would let her, holding her boy in her arms, and kissing him on the forehead as many times as she could.
"Don't worry Sky, mama loves you." Were the last words she managed to whisper out in her now hoarse voice.
Tom was standing right beside Lily; he glanced over to her and noticed how she had protectively wrapped her arms around her own son. He then once again shifted his gaze back to 'Lady Potter' and addressed the half-dead woman.
"Step aside, you filthy mudblood, I will only give you one chance." He hissed.
The woman, kissed her son one final last time, before carefully placing him a little behind her as she got one last long look at her baby boy, a small sweet smile gracing her face as she proudly studied him for the final time. She then looked back at the Dark Lord, straight in the eyes, awaiting the killing curse. The same pale green curse she had feared so much her entire life.
Tom was mildly impressed with the woman in front of him as he stared back into her eyes. Her face and eyes didn't show any fright whatsoever, all they held was acceptance and willingness. The willingness to protect her son till her last and final breath and the acceptance of what she knew was to come,
After a few seconds, Tom got impatient waiting for the woman to change her mind; it was crystal clear to him that she wouldn't. "Very well, Avada Kedavra," Tom whispered, once again jabbing his wand in the direction of Julia Potter.
The pale green jet of magical energy burst out of his wand, racing towards its target. When it connected with the woman the temperature dropped, the room darkened, and suddenly Tom fell to his knees. Black swirls of dark magical energy started flowing out of Tom's chest. The swirls accumulated in front of the Dark Lord and slowly took the form of a coiled snake; before anyone could react, it lunged straight at the baby in Lily's arms and into his chest.
Suddenly, there was a burst of flames and Dumbledore's majestic phoenix appeared right above the two Potters. It landed on the head of the now late Julia Potter and in a burst of flames had teleported them away.
The people in the room hardly paid any attention to the escaping phoenix as all they could do was stand and stare at the boy who now had his eyes shut, his cute face scrunched up in pain as the dark magic seeped inside the baby. Their gazes then shifted to Tom who was kneeling on the floor and panting heavily, beads of sweat rolling down his face. After a few moments, he finally managed to stand and slowly walk up to Lily and stare down at the baby in her arms. Tom's face showed nothing but shock, as he stared down at the raven haired boy who had now opened his eyes and was staring back at him with piercing green eyes again slightly unnerving him.
He could feel a strange, but familiar pull towards the boy.  He used his well-honed magical senses to reach out and check the boy's magical core.  What he felt left him in another of stage of shock.
The boy's magical core had easily doubled in size and the waves of magical energy rolling off the boy were so powerful that he was left at a loss for words.  He felt the now twice more powerful waves of magic flowing out of the baby and he wondered how the boy's small and tender human body was able to hold and handle so much magical energy without exploding.
As he studied the boy for a few minutes more, he slowly recognized the familiar pull that he was feeling, and once again he was left at a complete loss for words as he stared down at the son of Sirius and Lily Black, his godson and his seventh and final horcrux, Orion Black.(A.K.A. Harry Potter as we all know him)
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