Categories > TV > NCIS > I Want You So Bad

Chapter Two

by Brambleshadow 0 reviews

Category: NCIS - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-13 - Updated: 2012-10-13 - 425 words - Complete

To clear up any confusion in the previous chapter, Gibbs and McGee were in the other room, but apparently, something (possibly McGee's phone) woke them up when it was time for their watch. And, yeah, Ziva was kinda zoned out towards the end. You know when you have a dream that you act out and you don't even know it? That's what was happening to her.

Ziva settled herself on her bed while DiNozzo shut the door behind them. The look on his face clearly said he wanted to finish their interrupted talk. "You were saying?" he prompted.

The probationary agent racked her brain, searching for a way to begin. Finally she decided on continuing where she left off. Ziva ran a hand through her hair as she admitted, "I can't stand it anymore."


"I think you know," she said softly, looking at him with eyes she was sure were filled with desire. "You were about to say something before we were cut off. Something along the lines of 'Now that you mention it . . .'."

His expression cleared. "You're right. I kinda feel the same way about you that you do about me."

God, she wanted this to be like a corny romance movie. If this was a scene from a movie, he would take her in his arms and kiss her like there was no tomorrow. Sadly, this wasn't a movie. That couldn't keep her from fantasizing, though. And right now, her mind was in overdrive, much as it had been before this conversation. Ziva felt a seductive smile ease across her face. Before she could stop herself, she asked coyly, "And how do I feel about you, exactly, Tony?"

"Why don't you tell me?"

"Unless you'd prefer I showed you. Actually, I'd give you more than that if there wasn't a chance Gibbs could walk in on us."

Her partner nodded, then yawned. "I don't know about you, Zee-vah, but I'm tired." He looked at her suggestively.

Lord, she wanted what he was suggesting so bad, but if their boss walked in, the consequences would prove disasterous. Gibbs and McGee were still at their posts, but . . .

Fatigue overcame her, caused by almost no sleep for the past two nights and rising early in the morning. She sank back against the mattress, eyes already closed, not bothering to undress and change clothes. The probie didn't even move a quarter of an inch when DiNozzo slipped in beside her. Ziva was out cold.

And then she started snoring like a drunken sailor with emphysema.
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