Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Under The Cork Tree

You Must Have a Secret Kept Down

by moocow 3 reviews

Major Filler

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 693 words

Chapter 10- You Must Have a Secret Kept Down

"Face down; this is where it leads you - too far.
Buried covered now, you'll find peace - in the earth aground.
Stop now, there's no point in breathing - it's not allowed.
On the surface, how can you find - reason to move on?"

Pete sat on the tour bus couch, watching as Andy and Joe played more video games on the small TV that sat on the other side of the bus. Sighing, Pete turned to see Patrick dozing off, book open over his chest. Pete lightly smiled at his friends, who had been keeping him company for the last month and a half. Warped Tour was ending and one of the last shows was in the good old neighborhood. And Pete had promised the guys he would go and talk to Lizzie, who none of them had heard from since...well since the /incident/. He was tormented by it, the fact that he lived and was actually living without the one thing that could save him, Lizzie. Upon looking outside, he saw they were stopped at a gas station, one that was strangely close to their houses.
"Guys," Pete spoke and stood up. "I have to go," he muttered and Joe raised an eyebrow.
"Guys, Pete's not making any sense," he said and Andy shrugged.
"Should we call the doctor?" he asked and Patrick developed a confused and worried face.
"Pete, what are you talking about?" Pete shook his head and stood up, walking towards the front of the bus.
"Lizzie's house is like five minutes away...I have to talk to her," he muttered and Joe pulled out his phone.
"Call her," he told Pete and he just shook his head.
"You both know very well that she won't answer," Patrick mumbled and Andy nodded.
"Pete, you're completely crazy," he said looking up at his friend. Pete sighed and looked away.
"It's been too long, I haven't even talked to her in almost two months, I have to get everything sorted out" he paused. "Even if it ruins us,"

"Until then you can runaway.
Do you best to hide your face?
And oh I know you best;
I know you get what you get - you get what you deserve"

Pete found himself sitting in one of the tree branches of the cork tree, hidden by the leaves and other branches. He was observing the playground while occasionally taking glances over at Lizzie's house to see if her car was back or not. After a while, he jumped down, seeing the sun beginning to set and watching the kids start to disappear from the playground. Sighing, he stuck his hands in his hoodie pocket and started to walk away, his shadow eerily stalking him. Upon reaching his own home, he snick in through the back yard, climbing up the ladder to his attic bedroom. When he looked behind him for a minute, Pete saw Lizzie's small figure slipping into her basement entry door, purse and keys in hand.
She's home.
Looking down before jumping, Pete pushed himself up off the ground and started to walk over to the giant brick wall that separated their back yards.

"Hush now, don't say a word - its out in the open,
and tell me how can you deal with all this weight?
Speak now, you must have a secret kept down,
down where you can keep it - I need you to spill your guts."

Pete ran across her backyard, noticing the sun completely disappear, casting an eerie glow across the daisies and dandelions in the yard. Blinking, he watched as the porch light came on and its yellow made Pete's figure visible in the dark night. He moved towards the door and was about to knock when he discovered it was unlocked. A smile developed on Pete's face and he slowly turned the door knob and slicked inside. He stopped at the base of the stairs to see Lizzie sitting on the piano bench, her back facing him.

"Speak now, you must have a secret kept down,
down where you can keep it - I need you to spill your guts"
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