Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forsaken Virtue's


by LadyOfSorrows 2 reviews

He didn’t like to think about what he had to do to live; he didn’t like to think about what he was and what he would always be for eternity. Because if he did he felt that in some way he wouldn...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2012-09-11 - Updated: 2012-10-15 - 666 words

Hello, elllo, hello
I’m new to this site and decided that there hasn’t been a good vampire P!ATD/FOB/MCR and a little bit of gabby baby story in while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!

He didn’t like to think of himself as a bad person, in fact he didn’t think he had been a bad person in that last couple of millennia’s. You couldn’t blame him though; he had spent 566 years exactly living up to his name and only in the last 100 years had he tried to go vegetarian, to try and repent his sins. But trying to make up for 466 years of being a mindless beast, it left him frustrated, lonely and especially hungry. He didn’t like to think about what he had to do to live; he didn’t like to think about what he was and what he would always be for eternity. Because if he did he felt that in some way he wouldn’t be able to pretend, or hid from himself anymore. Deep down though, he knew there was no use trying to deny what he was because the past will always come back to haunt you, Gerard was a Vampyre.

Gerard did admit it though and found out fast, trying to live on animal blood after years of drinking off humans left him weak. Animal blood made him sick and could never fill him up, so Gerard decided to only drink from the dying, sick and evil, it kept him full for a little while. That was still repenting right? Soon though, Gerard missed the taste of the innocence, the erotic, deep burning sensation he got in his heart as the humans soul slipped from the dying body into his. And sometimes Gerard couldn’t help himself, sometimes it just happened. It was why he had left home early tonight, he hadn’t fed in ages and his next-door neighbour’s cat was starting to smell good. Gerard stood on the street directly across from a side alley, which was more like a black hole. It was one of Gerard's favourite spot, Gerard stood angled so he could see directly into the service station, which was the hot spot for young robbers. He had been here for a couple of hours already and pretty sure it was getting close to two in the morning. Gerard was getting restless he needed to feed tonight, he couldn’t last another day in the building at a dead end job surrounded by pumping hearts. He was trying to decide whether he should try and find somewhere else or stick it out, when he saw a boy dressed in black wearing a hoddie covering his face, strolled around the corner. Gerard slipped back further into the darkness so he wouldn’t be noticed, “Finally,” he breathed.

He watched as the boy entered the service station, take out the knife he had been carrying in his hoddie threaten the worker. Gerard watched as the worker handed over the cash from the cash tray to the boy. He breathed in anticipation; Gerard rolled back on his haunches getting ready to pounce on the boy, his primal instincts taking over. Time slowed down and he continued to breathe in the boys sent, completely wrapped up in the smell of the adrenaline and sweat perspiring of the hooded boy’s body. “Beautiful,” Gerard growled out, as the boy ran from the service station down the street. He took a step forward out of the darkness and collided with something, he averted his gaze from the boys down to what had interrupted his meal.

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Chapter 1 is Finished...... Review, or don’t I don’t care I’m still going to continue to right this, unless I tell you otherwise, so deal with it. Sorry it was so short, also other people are coming in this is just the , Prologue well kind of!!! You evil little book worms!!!!!!!!!! ;P
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