Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > My Somebody

Chapter Three

by my_fairytale_ending 0 reviews

The boy has awaken and has begun to panic about his world and friends. Suddenly the hotel is attacked by Heartless!

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Sora - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 564 words

Yuffie came over, but Leon resumed his firm position next to the key. Emi sat up in her chair.

"Ugh..." the boy moaned. He rubbed his head and opened his eyes, revealing their sapphire color. He stared at Yuffie dazed.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Sora didn't say anything, just rubbed his head. "The heartless came after you because you wield the Keyblade..." Yuffie said.
The word Keyblade seemed to reign in the room. Keyblade... Keyblade... Keyblade... The word repeated itself in their minds.
"I'm glad you're okay, Kairi..." the boy said.

"Who's Kairi? I'm the great ninja Yuffie!" Yuffie said giggling. "You must have been hit in the head too hard by Squall."

"Leon," Emi corrected.

Yuffie shrugged. Piper looked at the boy. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm Sora..." he trailed off. Then suddenly he yelled, "Wait, where's my island?! Riku!? Kairi..."

Leon approached the panicking boy. "You know what? I really don't know..." he changed the subject quickly. "They will always come after you as long as you wield this..." he picked up the Keyblade. It disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared in the hands of the boy.

"But, why? Why choose a kid?" Leon put his hand on his head.

"I'm fourteen!" Sora protested.

"Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers..." Leon said under his breath.

"Why don't you start making sense?!" Sora screamed. Piper picked up the hint of fear in his voice.

"The Keyblade can diminish the darkness in people's hearts," Yuffie explained.

"And there is darkness within every heart..." Leon finished.

A long silence followed. Emi's scream shattered the tense
moment. "It's a heartless!" exclaimed Yuffie pointing at the door.

A short black figure with beady yellow eyes and a midnight colored set of armor on its body stood in front of the emerald door.

"Yuffie, go!" Leon yelled. "Get everyone out of here!" Leon withdrew is long Gunblade.
Sora leaped from the bed. He also withdrew his weapon with great speed.

Emi leapt unannounced and kicked the unaware heartless crashing through the two floor window.

Leon looked at her for a second, a hint of mild interest on his face. Emi smiled and drew her blue slender sword, the hilt encrusted with sapphires.

Sora grasped the Keyblade tightly as Yuffie and Piper lead him out through a red ruby door on the other side of the room. "Yuffie!?" a voice quivered from inside the new room.

A girl (also around Piper's and Emi's age) appeared around the corner. She had two long brown French braids that reached to her waist and green eyes that shimmered with worriment. A red bow held her bangs in place. She had on a pinkish red loose dress that came down to her ankles, and brown boot mirroring Piper's.
"Come on, Aerith! The heartless are attacking!" Yuffie cried opening the door that lead into the lobby of the hotel.

"What about Leon!?" Aerith questioned.

"He's a big boy. He can handle himself," Yuffie assured her companion.

The four dashed out of the hotel entrance. In spite of the conditions, Piper looked at Aerith. She was pretty, and she was guessing that she was Leon's girlfriend. Oh, Emi won't like her...she thought.

Another window had been broken above them. Leon and Emi jumped, landing on the cobblestone with ease. They had to get out of there fast.
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