Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > My Somebody

Chapter Four

by my_fairytale_ending 0 reviews

The first real fight! Sora, Piper, and Emi are getting a first-hand look on how to fight a leader of the Heartless.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Sora - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 567 words

The alleyway was cold, but not filthy. The group filed in fast. Yuffie took out a pair of throwing stars. Piper took out her sword that was very similar to Emi's, but it was lavender and encrusted with pearls.

Heartless began to pop up like daisies on a spring day. "Ignore the small-fry! Look for their leader!" Leon ordered.
Everyone nodded. Sora, Emi, and Piper headed into the Third District...

All was silent.

Piper scanned the area with her misty eyes. It was too quiet...
All of a sudden, the ground began to shake. "Holy...what's happening!?" screeched Emi.

Sora's fingers turned white as her gripped the Keyblade eyen tighter. "This coward better show his face," Emi growled.
Piper's fear grew as tall pillars of concrete rose from the ground, blocking the ways out. "Crap now what?" Emi asked.
Ten Heartless appeared in a puff of black smoke, choking Sora. Emi smiled. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" She smirked. "It's time to kick some major butt!"

She slid her sword hurriedly back into her sheath and pulled out her laser gun from her belt. "DIE SUCKERS!!!" She blasted the gun at the monsters. Bullets of blue laser light whistled through the air.

Piper couldn't help but to laugh quietly at her trigger-happy friend. At the instant, a Heartless pounced for her. She sliced it in half with incredible force. Before the girls knew it, they were back to back. Sora was off to the side fencing off a couple of the fiends.

Emi raised her gun and fired a couple of times. As she went to duck, Piper leapt over her head and slashed away, killing a few of the Heartless.

At last, they were gone. "Is that it?" Sora asked.
"It can't be... Not yet," Piper said looking at the sky. A pink object was falling right for them; it grew bigger and bigger in size.

The large pieces of metal fell to the ground, sending vibrations under their feet. The parts floated in the air, creating a metal Heartless guard.

"Put your laser gun away, Emi," Piper told her friend. "I don't think that will work. We'll have to use magic."

"That's all find and dandy, Piper," said Emi pulling out her blue orb. "But I'm going first."

"Aqua Beast!" she cried. A tidal wave of water forced its way out of the orb, shaping into a tiger and crashing into the monster.

Emi steadied herself. "Wow, it's been a while since I've done that..."

The monster swayed as well, but recomposed itself. He spun his arms ferociously fast around its body smacking the three heroes onto the ground.

Sora cringed and got back up ready to fight, but fell to his knees, not ready to.

Piper clenched her teeth in pain. Her leg had twisted the wrong way. She got up slowly and focused calling out "Fire Phoenix!" A bird shaped figure engulfed in fire flung into the monster, causing it to lose its arms.

Emi went to take another shot at the Heartless but was nearly trampled by its legs.

Sora gulped and raised his Keyblade. "Take this!" he cried out. He performed a combination of extremely complex maneuvers. The monster fell to the ground, the xs in his eyes vanishing. A pink glowing heart withdrew from its crippled army and flew up into the sky.

Yay Sora :):)
Chapter Five in Progress
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