Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not Over

[A/N] - Hey guys! :) Sorry it took so long to upload D: My step-dad switched off internet again because he's doing something in the hall again -.- Eugh... I wouldn't expect an update tomorrow by the way because chances are he'll turn it off again and anyway I have a party :D I'm wearing that dress I posted on Facebook so thanks for the like Penina :3 But I will update Saturday night because I'm going to my Pa's ;D Hope you like this story - I have no idea where it's going :D

"I love you so much." Gerard whispered, kissing Aislinne's cheek "You're the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

Aislinne smiled in reply but she knew that even though they'd just made up again, she'd be replaying the argument in her head for the rest of the day. The things she could've said and shouldn't have said. Luckily Gerard always seemed to forget about the argument the moment they made up. Unless he was like Aislinne and just kept quiet about it.

Gerard took her hand and the two of them walked back over to their small group of friends. Aislinne's best friend Acantha looked up and mouthed "Everything okay?" Aislinne nodded awkwardly and sat down. Gerard instantly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek again. It was sweet of him, she knew that, but she couldn't help feeling smothered.

For the rest of lunch break she stared into space and daydreamed while Gerard whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She was quite relieved when the bell rang and it was time for Science even though it was her least favourite lesson. She didn't understand why people cared so much why the world worked or what metals conduct electricity and why they don't and why they do. Why couldn't people just accept that things were the way they were?

Gerard had art so he kissed her cheek one more time and ran off. Aislinne was happy to get away from him and went to Science with Mia, Frank and Jennifer "Why do you always insist on riding on Frank's back?" Jennifer asked in an amused tone.

"Because he's my mode of transportation!" Mia cried but had to get off when a random Maths teacher came into the corridor and yelled at them "Just because she doesn't have a boyfriend." Mia muttered angrily, trailing by hersef up the stairs.

The maths teacher then called Aislinne over and started yelling at her because she wasn't wearing her shoes, she was holding them in her hands instead. Well she hated her shoes. They were big and clunky and awkward and they were really uncomfortable. So she pulled them on in front of the teacher to get her to shut up but the moment she was out of sight, she pulled them off again then went into Science, taking her usual seat at the back between Jennifer and Mia.

Although she didn't like Science, she did like their teacher Miss Duty. She didn't mind Aislinne's lack of shoes and said that technically in the 'school uniform guide' it said they weren't allowed trainers or massive high heels. It didn't say that they weren't allowed to go without shoes.

During Science she got into another argument with Gerard. He kept sending her messages and she tried to tell them that they'd talk at the end of the day because she hated using her mobile phone and much prefered talking in person. No matter how much she told him that, he didn't understand and thought that she just didn't want to talk to him.

Aislinne sighed heavily and stared out of the window, wishing that she were doing ballet instead of being stuck in a science classroom, arguing with her boyfriend through a block of technology and listening to Mia and Frank say 'I love you more' 'No I love you more' over and over again.

"Is everything okay with you and Gerard?" Jennifer asked eventually, starting to get fed up of Mia and Frank too.

"I don't know." Aislinne admitted "I don't feel like talking about it right now." Jennifer nodded, going bright red. The reason Aislinne didn't feel like talking about it was because she barely knew Jennifer since she was new to the group. And besides, she'd rather tell Acantha anyway.

[A/N] - Sorry it's so short - Things will get better soon hopefully :L Also in PE this woman was all up in our grills about further physical excercise after school and she was really getting on at me... So I told her I'd do walking and she went 'THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. ARE YOU GONNA DO ANYTHING PHYSICAL AFTER SCHOOL!?' and she kept asking right in my face until finally I said 'Look, I'm gonna walk away now...' I really don't like her -.-
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