Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

Who's throwing up before they digest?


Blood blood gallons of that stuff

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2012-12-07 - Updated: 2012-12-08 - 491 words

Ch 45 who's throwing up before they digest?

Josh's POV

I wake up to this awful pain in my mouth. I swallow and taste metal. Why the fuck am I bleeding?! I look at Matt. 

"Matt! Wake up!" I moan. 

"Huh? Josh, you okay? What's wrong?" 

"My mouth really hurts!" I whine. "I think my tounge ring ripped out from throwing up." 

"Oh, geez, lemme see." 

He cradles my chin in his hands. I whimper as he feels my jawbone. It's not broken, but fuck does it hurt! I gag, as I taste metal again. 

He has me open my mouth and he gasps. 

"Josh, you need to get to a hospital!" 


"Your tounge ring ripped out, and you're bleeding!" 

"No! No more hospitals!" 

I hate hospitals. If I had a dollar for every time I said that....I would have no dollars, because I'm flat broke. 

Matt grabs some towels, and looks for the pieces to my favorite tounge ring. I'm ready to puke from all of the blood in my mouth. Matt finally sees two silver pieces in the sink--my tounge ring. 

He scoops them up, and wraps them in a towel, then picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. I feel like  shit. 
I throw up in the sink, and see red everywhere! It's blood, and acid. I gasp, as more blood pours out of my mouth. Matt calls a nurse, and she gasps. 

"Joshua! Oh my god. You need to get to a hospital!" 

I have blood all over my mouth, and shirt. The nurse grabs a towel, and helps me to a car. She and Matt take me to the ER, and I'm shaking, and pale. I look like the girl who was impaled in this tv show. 

The doctor gasps, as I pull the crimson towel away from my mouth. I look at myself and retch, I have a hole in my tounge where my ring was. It's now dripping crimson. I feel nauseous. Matt looks at the doctor, and hands him the tounge ring. It's a little bar, connected to a round ball.  The doctor holds the ring. 

"Joshua, I'm going to numb your mouth as I put your ring back in, and close the tear." He pulls out a needle, and I freak. I gasp as he pushes the novicane in my tounge. He grabbed my tounge ring, and puts it back in, and cleans the wound. I am shivering, as the last stitch is put in my mouth. I can't talk right now, so I just look at Matt, and cry. I am so goddamn emotional. I want this little fucker out, now! 

I am discharged with pain meds, and a appointment to have the stitches around my tounge ring removed. I crawl into the backseat, and sleep until we get back...

I am so fucking done.

hi Sam!!!! I fucking loved my birthday fic! R&R please? Xo Jules 
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