Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Kisses

If only I could make you mine (kiss #26)

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A series of related short stories based on Live Journal's 30 Kisses

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-07-22 - Updated: 2006-07-22 - 1041 words

If only I could make you mine (kiss 26)

By kira

Author's notes: Another kiss based on Live Journal's 30 kisses challenge. My pairing is Inutaisho & Izayoi. This is based on the story Myouga told in "KHz (kilohertz) (kiss#17)."

The dog queen stood there, watching them kiss from the shadows of the old orchard. She had gone in search of her husband when he had disappeared in order to look for the hated human woman he had recently taken as his mate. She watched fascinated, as they knelt in the overgrown garden that surrounded the old abandoned tea house. She was thankful they had stopped kissing as the blatant display of affection wounded her more than his words had when he had told her about Izayoi.

Inukouhi found she really did not want to be there at all, watching them, and listening to snatches of their conversation, but her jealousy would not let her leave. So she let her thoughts wander a bit as she shifted her gaze from the lovers before her to the old tea house itself. More pain stabbed through her heart when she realized her great grandfather had built the tea house as an apology to his mate. The dog queen laughed bitterly to herself when she realized that this place was used more as a lovers' tryst than a place for the tea ceremony.

/If only I could make you mine, /she thought sadly. /Then no one would laugh at you behind your back for your foolishness in taking a human mate. I have the feeling that one day she will be your downfall, dear husband, and I wish to spare you that trouble. But most of I wish I could make you mine simply because I love you with all my heart. /Sighing, she turned to leave with a soft rustle of silk.

Inutaisho looked up at the sound. "Inuki-chan? Is that you?" he called out, while hoping Sesshomaru wasn't anywhere near. While his wife reluctantly understood what was going on, he hated the idea of having to explain things to his young son.

"Hai, but don't let me disturb you, husband," she said coolly from where she waited in the shadows. "It's obvious you wanted to be alone with her, but when you were taking too long..." she trailed off angrily.

"Gomen nasai," he said softly as he made his way to his wife's side, where he gathered her in his arms.

His wife however, wanted no part of him at that moment. "Kissing me after you were kissing her doesn't make things any better, Husband!" she hissed.

Inutaisho shot her a pained look. "I'm sorry, Inuki-chan, but you weren't supposed to be here. It's not like I asked you to come looking for me."

"Don't you 'Inuki-chan' me! I didn't want to be here any more than you wanted me, but your son wanted you. What was I supposed to tell him? 'Stay here because your father is busy with that human whore?'''

"Izayoi-hime is not a whore, Inuki-chan," he said quietly, although there was no mistaking the anger behind the calm statement. "I have apologized to you about this until I was blue in the face and then some, but I made her my mate and we have to live with the consequences whether you like it or not."

"Iie! You are wrong there, Husband! You're the one who was foolish enough to take a mate other than your wife, not me! And why did you have to take a human? Do you have any idea what an insult that is to me?"

"Insult?" The dog general stood there, mouth open as he tried taking that in. He could hear Izayoi crying softly and he longed to go comfort her, but since he could not, he stood there calmly trying to diffuse the situation with his wife.

"Hai, insult!" The dog queen spat. "People look at me with pity, Husband, and I have heard them say things too. They gossip about how poor a wife I must be if you had to go so low as to take a human to your bed and make her your mate!" She glared at him. "Hai! People do talk, my husband, even if you refuse to listen." Inukouhi looked away and sighed. "You have no idea how many times I wished I could have made you mine," she said sadly. "Then you would be spared from all of this." She waved her hand in Izayoi's direction.

"Gomen nasai, Inuki-chan," he said softly as he gently cupped her cheek. "I had no idea how much I have hurt you. What if I never give her a pup of her own? Would that help to ease your pain?" He looked so sad and eager to please her that she instantly forgave him. "I promise you I'll declare Sesshomaru my heir and you his regent." He kissed her cheek and she smiled faintly.

"Hai, I suppose I can content myself with that," she said softly. "But, Husband, what if she manages to get with pup despite your best efforts? The pup'll be hanyou and you know how our people feel about hanyou."

"Hai, I know." He kissed her again and this time she responded to his affection and held him tight in her embrace. "I guess we should be getting back, ne?"

"Hai, but let me go alone, dear husband," she looked up at him, her eyes bright with tears. "I think it will look better that way, and besides I wish to be alone..."

"Inuki-chan, as soon as you're feeling up to it, we can try for another pup..." he whispered softly in her ear.

"Hai, I would like that very much, Inu-chan." She smiled sweetly at him as she let go of him and turned to leave. You have no idea how much I love you, dear husband. And I will forgive you because of that love. The dog queen sedately walked back the way she came. Behind her she could hear her husband and her rival and it saddened her to know that he was kissing Izayoi. She knew he couldn't help it but it still upset her. If only I could make you mine...she thought.
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