Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Love Potion


by duochanfan 0 reviews

Harry is going after his Potions Master. But young Ginny Weasley is ging after Harry, how will that cause problems for the pair as they try and get together and stay together. To get her man she tr...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-07-24 - Updated: 2006-07-24 - 606 words

Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me no matter how much I wish upon a star.

This story will contain slash and mpreg as well as some not very nice situations later on. This story is finished and like Frozen I am going through it once again as I post it.


It had been two months since little Rosemary was born. Ginny was locked away in a young wizard's institute where she would stay until she was old enough to go to Azkaban. Harry felt sorry for the Weasley family, as Ginny is their only daughter. Ron was taking the news about his sister; he didn't talk to her since she was put away, as she had a go at him about Harry being with Severus. After that he had stopped going. Molly and Arthur still went, no matter what they could not abandon her altogether. Harry didn't mind he hoped that she would get over thing, so when she was let out that she would be able to have a normal life.

Harry sat in the rocking chair that had been brought into the hospital wing. He sat gently rocking as he fed the two-month-old baby girl. She was strong enough to finally go home now. It was to be her last night in the hospital wing under the ever-watchful eye of Madam Pomfrey.

"Hello Harry," Ron said, as he walked into the hospital wing followed by Severus and Hermione.

"Hi," He greeted to Hermione and Ron. "Hi love." He greeted to Severus.

Severus smiled and bent down to give Harry a loving kiss. He backed away a little and whispered, "Love you."

"Love you too," Harry smiled back. "Is everything ready?" he then asked as he looked over his two friends and lover.

"Yeah, we just finished the baby's room. It's done how you both wanted it, a lilac colour." Ron answered before anyone else could.

"I still don't know why you didn't have pink after all it is a girls colour." Hermione asked them both curiously.

Severus shook his head and replied "Simple, pink is stereotypical for a girl, we decided to be different. If the baby were a boy we would have had a green colour and not blue."

"Or maybe a dark violet colour." Harry added.

"Oh, I get it." Hermione said smiling. "You don't want to be a conventional parent."

Harry rolled his eyes while Ron said, "When has Harry ever been conventional?"

"Never." Was Hermione's simple reply.

"Hermione, would you hold Rosemary for a moment." Severus said to her as he took the little bundle out of Harry's arms and held her out for Hermione to take, which she did.

"Sev?" Harry questioned.

Severus got down on one knee as he turned to Harry, pulling out a small box and opening it "Would you do me the honour of becoming one with me for all eternity?" he asked smiling at the shocked young man.

Harry shook himself and replied grinning, "Yes, of course I would. Oh Sev I love you so much!"

Severus placed the ring on Harry's finger and then kissed him, "I love you as well."

"Congratulations mate." Ron said as he smiled, he was glad his sister hadn't been able to destroy the relationship the two had forged with each other.

"Well Rosie, you will be able to see you dads getting married, not many children can say they attended their parents wedding." Hermione said to the half asleep little baby. She then looked up to the two men in front of her and said "Congratulations."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.
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