Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never Leave Me

chapter 8

by MCR-99 2 reviews

The final chapter.. Frankie and Gee find eachother again.. :*)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-12-24 - Updated: 2012-12-24 - 249 words - Complete

Final chapter.Thanks for the great reviews.You guys are the best
So,umm,here ya go..

chapter 8

I heard his voice.
My Frankie.
I run towards him and hug him tightly
"I knew I'd find you!"He beams.
I look into his round green eyes and I kiss him.
I hear yet another voice,a girl's voice
Gee!I found You!
"Helena!"I scream as she runs towards me and I sweep her into my arms for a hug.
"Frankie,We found Gee!"She giggles.
"Yeah we did kiddo!"He smiles as he playfully grabs her and swings her around.
I sit on a bench as I watch them play
"Gerard?"A male's voice says behind me
I turn to see my father.
"Dad!"I say as I hug him
"Easy,easy!"He laughs and I let go.
Frankie comes over and puts his arm around my waist and his head on my shoulder.
"So you found eachother at last"Dad smiles as we all hug.
Helena then runs over.
"Gee!Play with me!"She smiles then playfully hits me
"Oh!I will so get you for that!"I say playfully as I chase after her.
So this is the end.
My life had gone downhill.
But I finally have my Frankie.
That is all that matters.
The end.

Wow.The end of the road.
Thanks again for all the great reviews.
When I find the time,I'll write a new story.
I promise.
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