Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Stay Alive Tonight


by ValentineRevenge 0 reviews

Spencer in the ambulance...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-12-30 - Updated: 2012-12-31 - 208 words

In the back of the ambulance, Spencer watched as the EMTs began to work on Ryan, giving him an IV and a shot of something, quizzing him the entire time.

"How many pills were in the bottles?"

"No idea."

"How long was he unconscious?"

"I don't know."

"Does he have any allergies?"


"Why did you go to his house?"

"He was at my house last night, and he was upset. This morning, Brendon tried calling him to find out if he was ok, and he didn't answer, so we got worried and went over there."

"How long was it between the last time you heard from him and when you found him?"

"Like 3 hours."

Soon, they pulled up in front of the hospital.

They took Ryan into the hospital. As he tried to follow, the driver stopped him. "Sorry kid, family only."

Thinking quickly, Spencer said, "I'm his cousin. Closest family in the area."

The driver gave him a dubious look.

"His parents divorced when he was 5, dad got full custody, no visits to mom, hasn't see her since, and his dad died last year."

The driver gave him a sympathetic nod and look, before saying, "Ok, follow me.", before walking into the hospital, Spencer in tow.
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