Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Greasy Black, Ugly White

Paint It Black

by OhmyGee 1 review

No colors anymore, I want them to turn black.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2013-01-04 - Updated: 2013-01-05 - 2972 words

Chapter twenty! Huzzah for my constant writing skills!

Just so you know, the Vietnam War started in 1955. Every where I go on the internet, the websites always say something else. Someone said it started in 1959, someone else said it started in 1950. There wasn’t a real specific date, so we’re just going to say it started in 1955. I had to do a HUGE project on the Vietnam War…

I hope you all love history as much as I do. If you ever want to discuss war and politics with me, then email me. I am just trying to explain how I think Frank (my Frank – not the real Frank) would feel on that. I don’t know exactly what the real Frank thinks on war because I have never met him. (If I am correct, then I think that Frank is a pacifist)

Greasy Black, Ugly White
XX: Paint It Black
“Mikey is still probably drunk.

“Ya’ know. By the looks of it, we’re probably going to go into war with Vietnam soon.” Gerard mumbled to Frank. The two were both sitting in the main living area. Gerard was reading the local newspaper, and Frank was just sitting. It was a day after the birthday party, so a lot of people were still there, sleeping on the floor because of their hangovers.

“I thought we were already in Vietnam?” Frank asked.

“We are. It’s just that, the U.S. is going to send in more troops. Like, a lot more. Like, full blow war.” Gerard responded.

“What? No! I don’t want to go to Vietnam!” Frank shouted. A few guys on the floor groaned at Frank’s volume. Bob groaned a “shut the hell up.” Every time Frank drank alcohol, he never had hangovers. It had like, a golden liver or something.

“Frank, calm down. No one said that you have to join a war. And we don’t know for sure if we are going into war or not.” Gerard replied. Gerard would be great in war (as long as he is not getting his ass killed.) But Frank, he would probably die before he even goes into battle.

“You would be great in war. But, seeing how you rumble…” Frank giggled. Gerard rolled his eyes – Frank isn’t going to ever let that go. One man on the floor – Bob – laughed out loud.

“Shut up. I could totally kick all of those commies’ asses. I could do it with one hand behind my back too.” Gerard lied. Frank rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. You know what they say… If you can lose an entire rumble against like, two people, than you could most defiantly win a war against a couple thousand people with guns.” Frank smirked.

“Shut up, Frank. That’s not even funny. Or clever.” Gerard rolled his eyes as he flipped the page. Frank started to pout.

“I am too funny and clever. You know what they say about –” Frank was interrupted by Gerard saying:

“NO. Frank. Please stop trying to be funny. You really aren’t. Don’t hurt your self by doing that.” Gerard said. Frank rolled his eyes and giggled. Oh yeah… because Gerard is such the comedian…

“Whatever… I would suck if I were in a war.” Frank said. Gerard nodded his head.

“Yeah. Me too. Probably.” Gerard added. Frank could tell that Gerard is slightly nervous about the whole “Vietnam” thing. If America were to go to war, there is no doubt that Frank and Gerard-and probably all of the greasers-would be drafted.

“I don’t see why people have to go to war. I mean… it doesn’t solve anything. All war does is kills trillions of people. Nobody ever wins in war. Why is America going to?”

“First off, honey, there is only like two or three billion people on the planet. Not in the trillions. And because, Ho Chi Minh wants communism. If Vietnam is communist, then other countries around them will also turn communist.” Frank nodded even though he didn’t really understand. Frank used to be incredibly smart at his old school…

“So? That’s their problem. Why does America care so much? I bet we’re just going to go in the war, wait till everybody dies, then pull out before the war even ends. Therefore we aren’t even going to win the war. We will just have a bunch of dead people for no reason!” Frank was now shouting.

“Damn it, Frank, keep it down!” Bob screamed from the floor. “Fucking hangovers…”

Gerard chuckled. “Yeah. You know the Indochina wars?” Frank nodded. “That I think is probably another reason we are going to war. It is a huge cold war era right now. I think that the countries have more drama than a high school cheerleaders’ lunch table.”

“My dad fought in the second war. World War II, y’know?” Frank sighed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Is that why you hate war so much?” Gerard dropped his newspaper to look at Frank. Frank was just smiling lightly at him. He never really did tell people about his father.

“Partially. No matter what, I am still going to hate war. You know they don’t let gays in the military! A gay man can stop a bullet just as well as a straight man! Same with females. They are just as capable too.” Frank was back to the shouting again.

“I know, Frank, I know. There ain’t nothing to do about it though.” Gerard indignantly replied.

“It is really stupid. I mean, if I were to go to war, then it would automatically be my fault for losing… I should go to war with the government and see how they like it.” Frank pouted. He made a weird facial expression to say ‘I got an idea.’

“Frankie, dear, I think Rosa Parks already has got that covered… Say, do you actually want to be a gay man in the military?” Gerard bounced on the couch as Frank blushed scarlet. “No way – you want to join the army! Ahh, I never knew that, Frank, why didn’t you tell me!?” Gerard was giggling like a girl.

“Ugh. Gerard. No. It’s like…”

“You know, I always love a man in uniform.” Gerard purred, making Frank flush even more.

“Oh yeah?” Frank raised his eyebrows. Gerard’s smirk deepened. Frank threw Gerard’s newspaper on the floor and straddled the older man. He pressed their lips closer together in a tender kiss.

“Get a fucking room, you two, I am trying to sleep!” A few people on the floor shouted. Frank – highly annoyed - tore their lips apart.

“Shut up, moron. If you don’t like it, then you can go back to your own house.” Frank yelled. A few people groaned at the volume of Frank. Golden fucking liver…

“Come on, let’s go down stairs.” Gerard said, also very annoyed. Frank stood up pulling Gerard with him, and the two both walked – stomped, Frank wanted to be as annoying to them – down the stairs.

“Fuck.” Frank pouted again.


“We forgot to get drinks. I’m thirsty.” Gerard rolled his eyes. He wasn’t annoyed that Frank was complaining – he was very annoyed because he didn’t want to get up. He was already comfortable. Just as Gerard was about to stand up, Frank said, “I will go get something to drink. Want water?”

Gerard smiled brightly and nodded. He knew that there was a reason for loving Frank. Frank walked upstairs and into the kitchen. He was quite oblivious to what was sitting at the kitchen table.

“Hey, Frank!” Came a very cheery voice. Frank turned around to gawk at Mikey. Not only Mikey, but Mikey with an Alicia sitting on him.

“Hey… Mikey. How are… doing?” Alicia and Mikey was practically one person. For some reason, Frank felt a bit jealous at that. Now he wanted to eat Gerard’s face off. Thanks a lot, Mikey.

“I’m super!” Mikey normally gets horrible hangovers, but today he was very happy. That’s either because he didn’t drink at all, or he is still drunk.

“Great. I see you and… Alicia are getting on pretty well.” Frank said. Mikey beamed.

Yeah, he is still drunk. He looked paler than usual, so Mikey is still probably drunk.

“We are! She’s my girlfriend now! I can’t believe that we never did this before! She is one awesome fox!” Mikey giggled. She mocked him by giggling an even higher pitched giggled. Back then, a “fox” was a very high compliment for a female.

“Yeah, have fun with that.” Frank said as he slowly walked backwards. Mikey and Alicia went back to sucking each others’ faces, so they didn’t notice when Frank backed up and hit a wall very, very hardly.

Frank walked back into the main living area, rubbing the back of his head. It hurt from the wall. Next, just what he wanted to see, was Jennifer and Bob sharing throats. Great. They were just yelling at him for kissing his boyfriend…

Frank is just glad that he didn’t run into any more people that hooked up. Then he remembered finding Ray Toro and Fink getting on in his bed… Frank doesn’t even want to imagine what they did before he found them.


Sunday; around six PM-ish.

Gerard had sat everybody down at the table to enjoy a nice Chinese dinner.

“Oh my g-gosh!” Frank screamed, spitting rice everywhere. He was freaking out and laughing at his boyfriend for no reason at all. “Ge-Gee-Gerard! You’re so-so f-funny! Wh-why are you so f-funny!?”

Gerard swung his hair deeper into his face –but his grease wasn’t helping at all- to try and hide his massive blush. Frank cackled even harder. Mikey stayed paler than ever behind his glasses.

“Who slipped Ritalin in your food today?” Gerard smirked. Frank laughed even harder.

“D-did you!?” Frank was now gasping from giggling to hard. Gerard had devoured most of his meal. Frank only had a couple bits; Mikey hadn’t even touched his food.

“No, Frank. Just eat your food.” Gerard sighed. He took a bit into his food. He actually food it super cute when Frank acted all giggly, but he was blushing way too hard for his liking. So Frank needed to stop.

“Ohh, you’re sexy when you’re angry. Rawr.” Frank purred with a deep throaty voice while he flapped his hand. Gerard didn’t know that it was possible to blush this hard.

“Shut up.” Gerard shoved way too much food in his mouth and swallowed it whole. His throat kind of hurt from eating that large in one gulp – it hurt like giving a blow job would hurt a throat.

Mikey cleared his throat, earning the attention of Frank. “Mikey, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Mikey replied. His voice was ruff and hoarse. He looked deathly pale. He was way too skinny – maybe it was Alicia? Frank knew that Mikey wasn’t okay. It has got to be Alicia.

“Mikey, what’s wrong? Are you sick? How’s Alicia? Are you two fighting?” Frank asked in a rush. Mikey shook his head. “Is Alicia okay?”

“Alicia is fine. She and I are great. I love her. Maybe I will marry her someday.” Mikey cleared his throat again. He looked and sounded like he was on the verge of tears. Frank jumped out of his seat to fetch Mikey a clear glass of water.

“Oh, then what is the matter? You look… sick?” Frank shoved the water in Mikey’s face; he downed it in a second. After the drink, he coughed on his hand. Frank cringed at how painful it sounded.

“I just have a cold. Or a fever. Or the flu? I’m fine, I just need some sleep maybe.” Mikey coughed again, but Frank wasn’t born yesterday. Even Gerard looked sad for Mikey.

“You’ve had that ‘cold’ for the last month.” Frank rubbed Mikey’s back, stepping into worried parent mode. It seemed to help a little bit. Mikey still continued to cough, but he gave up on aiming for his hand.

“No. like, the last three months.” Mikey corrected, but he stopped when he saw Frank’s ultra worried face. “I am seriously fine. I just need to –”

“Mikey,” Frank interrupted, “you need to go to the hospital. I’m no doctor, but I know that if you’ve had a cold or something for more than ten days, then you need to go to the hospital. I know that because I’ve had bronchitis and pneumonia before.”

“I am not going to the hospital.” Mikey spat. He instantly sobered up. “I am totally fine. All I need is sleep. Plus, I don’t even have any insurance to go. So you can’t make me.” Mikey and Gerard both hated hospitals.

“But – Mikey! You have to go! I don’t want you to get sick and die!” Frank shouted. Mikey flinched at his voice: worried but angry.

“When I get sick, you don’t ever take me to the hospital.” Gerard intervened. He was feeling awkward. As much as he dislikes his brother, he does agree with Frank.

“Gerard – not now.” Frank scolded. “Mikey, we are taking you to the doctor.”

“You can’t. I don’t have insurance. They won’t take in a kid who has a cough. They would only take me in if I were injured.” Mikey rationed.

“So, if we punch you in the face that would be an emergency. That way they’ll have to take you in.” Frank shrugged. Mikey paled even more – as if that’s possible.


“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Gerard added. He stood up from the table and clenched his fists.

“No.” Mikey said. His breathe was getting tighter.

“Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah.” Frank nodded. Him and Gerard both stood right above Mikey.

“No.” Mikey shook his head. He couldn’t breathe. At all. Everything became blurry. He could hear people calling his name, but everything turned black.


What I am about to describe here, I saw this on a documentary. I had to watch and do a project on it in health class.

“Alright, Mister Way.” Doctor Saperstein walked into the hospital room. He was carrying a clipboard, looking completely uninterested. Mikey was wrapped in blankets, lying on the hospital bed. Frank was standing by his side, while Gerard was sitting. They had been here for about five hours.

“What’s wrong with Mikey?” Gerard asked. Mikey was awake, he was just really tired, cold, and pale.

“Frank, you might want to sit down for this.” Frank stared at the doctor with cold eyes. He remained standing. “Umm, okay. Keep standing if you want.”

“Well?” Gerard asked after a moment of silence.

“I’m afraid… Mister Way… Your brother has developed cancer.” Saperstein fake cooed. Frank and Gerard both wordlessly gasped.

Nobody spoke for a full minute, until, “C-cancer? I have… cancer?” Mikey spoke.

“Lung cancer, to be precise. The lymph nods have already spread to your –”

“You’ve got to be shitting me, doc. Mikey Fucking Way. He can’t.” Frank interrupted.

“I am sorry.” Frank and Gerard were just about ready to kill the doctor. He wasn’t sorry, he doesn’t understand. It makes the boys mad that the doctor is giving them fake sympathy. “Mikey, I will have you come to the hospital every Wednesday for treatment. I normally would have you come in every day, but you have no insurance.”

“That’s bull shit! Just because he doesn’t have any insurance, you guys are willing to be so heartless to – to just let him like this! That is what is wrong with America, not war. But it’s people like you who will refuse treatment just because he has no money!” Frank shouted. He was so angry; it wouldn’t surprise anyone if he did kill the doctor.

“Listen, you little punk. This is the best I can do for him. Take it or leave it.” Saperstein yelled back. Frank clutched his hands together so tightly that the knuckles turned white. “Now, Mikey, I would best advise that you stay away from any strenuous activities, such as long running or anything in that matter. I am going to give you some pills to help, and I will also give you an inhaler; to help your breathing. I can also give you some cough medicine. But you can only have limited amounts each month.”

“Am I… am I going to die?” Mikey asked quietly. The doctor sighed and said:

“No, kid. As long as you take the meds and stay away from physical activities, you will be fine. If only you came here sooner. Then we could have been able to stop it. I’m sorry.”

“O-okay.” Mikey sighed. He wasn’t as ‘angry’ as Frank and Gerard were. He seemed to be accepting it better than the other two. “I guess I won’t get to rumble with you anymore, Gee.”

“Oh, that’s another thing. I am going to keep you here for at least a week or so. You have a nasty cold as well. Don’t worry, you will be fine.”

How many of you guys hate me yet? I was actually really nervous about posting this chapter.

I have never been this excited to write the next chapter. I am about six chapters ahead of you in writing.

I will update Heads of New Jersey and Thursday tomorrow. Don’t hate me too much for Mikey.

Next chapter: Stick to loving your own kind!
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