Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Greasy Black, Ugly White

Hybrid Moments

by OhmyGee 1 review

If you're gonna scream, scream with me.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-12-28 - Updated: 2012-12-29 - 1992 words

Heyyoo!! Sorry, I have been procrastinating on writing. I hope you all had a happy Christmas!!! I got a ton load of books, so all I have been doing was reading comics. I will go out of my way for Dark Horse Comics.

This chapter is just a filler, so really nothing too special.

I have now decided exactly how I am going to end this story. I am also going to create an alternate ending because I can. Also, I am not going to post my Xmas one shot. My friend said it was too dark and it didn’t stick with the Christmas theme. I will post Thursday, either tonight or tomorrow.

Title from the Misfits!

Greasy Black, Ugly White
XIX: Hybrid Moments
“Open it.”

“This party is lame.” Fink commented towards Frank. The older was wearing his black shirt and trousers with a red tie; similar to Gerard’s outfit (the aforementioned was not too pleased about it either) and sipping a cup of beer.

“You’re one to talk.” Frank scoffed. He and Mikey were the ones who put this little shin-dig of a party together. Frank sipped at his third cup of beer. There were people everywhere –men and women; even a few socs- chugging down their liquor. The music was only the best playing: Presley, Cash, Sol, Monroe, and so forth.

“Whatever, man. Have you seen your sister?” Fink slapped back, know just how to irritate any human being alive.

“I don’t have a sister. Or a brother.” Fink smirked at Frank’s annoying face. The latter rolled his eyes.

“Say, where is Way?” Armstrong asked. He and Frank hadn’t seen either of the Way brothers at all yet. But, Frank knew better than to question their appearance; he knew where Mikey was totally.

“Who knows?” Frank shrugged innocently. “Which one? There are two of them.”

“Any.” Fink replied. He walked off, seemingly bored already of their conversation. Frank didn’t mind either though. He walked off to find two girls chit chatting and gossiping.

“Hiya.” Frank waved. He had to speak quietly to the girl so the other didn’t hear.

“Oh, Frank. I hope you don’t mind. I brought Alicia. She is real nice, I say.” Jennifer giggled. Frank casually smiled to Alicia. He never really had too big of a problem with Alicia, it’s just that she is a soc. But the Alicia-girl looked nothing like a soc. She was wearing black leggings with a white T-shirt, and a leather jacket. Her make up was done dark and heavy. Needless to say, tonight, she was no soc.

I know that wearing leggings is tacky and weird, but back then, the greasers actually wore it, and it looked nicer on them.

“That’s totally fine with me.” Frank was super gay, but he had to admit, Alicia looked tuff. Jennifer looked gorgeous with her hair, and how she naturally sticks out. All in all, it was hard for Frank to keep it down. “I really like your make up. Is that Dior?”

Alicia and Jennifer both giggled. “No, silly. Channel.” Frank rolled his eyes; he should have known it was Channel! He is a male, he shouldn’t know any of that. But, with the amount of make he is wearing right now, he can’t really complain.

“So, Frankie, are you going to the sock-hop next Friday? There is a new Hawaiian theme.” Sock hops, yes. I know.

“Ah, no.” Frank would actually go, but for one, he doesn’t go to school anymore –typical greaser- and two, all they will play is that shitty soc music that no one even likes. Though, it would be fun to crash that.

“Oh – come on. You have to! It will be fun!” The two girls started giggling – probably imagining Frank dressed in drag, grinding to wordless beats.

Frank heard a noticeable jiggle at the main door. Apparently Bob heard it too.

“Okay, everyone, hide!” The lights were suddenly shut off. Everyone was scrambling to find a perfect hiding spot. Frank wanted to hide behind the couch, but that was taken. Everywhere he looked was taken. Still, pretty much all of the people couldn’t find a hiding spot by the time the door opened.

Only two people yelled ‘surprise’ as Mikey and Gerard entered the door way. Nobody was hiding basically; they all just stood there as if it weren’t a surprise party at all.

“Damn it, Frank! This was supposed to be organized.” Mikey shouted. He was quite annoyed now. He and Frank had planned this giant party for the past week now. Frank shrugged.

As soon as Gerard actually realized what they were all doing, he let out an awkward ear splitting screech; something that was mostly made by females. He ran over and hugged Frank so tight, that the boy felt like his insides were going to explode.

“Happy birthday, Gee.” Frank hugged back – but not nearly has hard.

“Thank you, Frankie! You organized this whole party for me?” Gerard grinned wider than a fat ladies vagina. Frank felt a bit nervous, like his face was going to split in half or something.

“You deserve it. It’s your birthday. I hope you have a wonderful time.” Frank kissed Gerard on the lips passionately, but yet very softly.

“Thank you, Frank. This is amazing. Seriously, this is going to be the best birthday ever!” Frank smirked with Gerard. He couldn’t help but smirk at seeing how happy and excited he made Gerard.

“Let’s go get you a drink.” Frank smirked again; but this time it was more devilish, rather than innocent.

“So… Alicia…” Mikey said to the girl, trying to make awkward conversation. He wished that Jennifer was still here, but she was over talking to Ray and Bob.

“Mikey.” The female greeted. She was smiling in Mikey’s presence. Mikey was having I nice time with her, it’s just that he had nothing to say.

“How are you?” The younger Way asked the girl. Alicia blushed. So did Mikey.

I just got in a fight with my sister, (joke) it ended up with me shouting, “DO IT, I DARE YOU!” and her saying, “No… I am not going to stab you.” Then I ended with “Haha! I win!...pussy.” How conventional…

“I’m good, you?” Simmons asked Mikey. She could totally tell how weird and nervous he looked: extra pale, too skinny, giant glasses, and just her type.

“Same. So um…” Mikey stuttered. He wanted to offer her a drink, but she already had one. He also had a few drinks before the party. Alicia Simmons soon looked just as restless as him – she smashed her mouth onto the other’s and massaged his tongue with hers’.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen where the booze was being served.

“Hey, so I tried to get as much as possible, but the guy thought that I looked twelve. He wouldn’t sell me nothing, but Bob helped.” Frank said. Gerard wasn’t really listening at all; he was too busy on drooling over what to drink first. There was more than just beer; there was vodka, whiskey, and even about five different kinds of mixed drinks. Most parties only really serve one.

“Oh Frank, don’t be so modest. This is awesome!” Frank smirked as he grabbed the bottle of whiskey and a beer bottle. “Thanks.” Gerard kissed the top of the boy’s head for getting him a drink.

The two drank in silence. It wasn’t Mikey Way awkward silence; it was just shared and needed silence.

After their second drink, they started to get that weird feeling.

“You look hot.” Gerard breathed sloppily; clear that he was just about to get drunk. Frank handed him his third drink, and a cigarette. Gerard groaned as a new song came on the record player. “This song sucks. Change it!” Frank laughed to himself – because yeah, the song really did suck.

Frank rolled his eyes. He grabbed Gerard by the arm and pulled him down the stairs, into their basement bedroom.

“Get the fuck outta here!” Frank screamed. Fink and Ray were dry humping each other on the bed. Fink rolled his eyes. He and Toro were both completely smashed – they walked out if the room.

“No need to be such a killjoy, Frank.” Ray muttered as they left.

“HAHAHA!” Gerard chortled as if that was the funniest thing in the world. “Killjoy! You’re a – you’re a killjoy!”

“You’re drunk. Want your present?” Frank grinned. Gerard was still laughing his ass off, but he sobered up at the word ‘present’.

“Yes! Please!” Way slurred. Frank smirked.

Iero went to the closet and dug very deep to fetch his gift. He left his ass hanging high in the air for Gerard’s view. Gerard was immediately glued to the spot; his mouth was hanging open, eyes shifting widely. Frank smirked because he knew what he was doing. Once Frank finished, he pulled out a small wrapped box, and handed it to Gerard.

“Open it.” And Gerard did. He tore that wrapping paper right off. Inside the wrapping paper were a complete set of Fantastic Four (original) and a couple late editions of Batman. Gerard squealed like a girl unwrapping make up supplies.

“OH MY FRANKIE I FUCKING LOVE THIS! HOW DID OU KNOW THAT I LIKE THIS!?” Gerard screamed. If the people upstairs weren’t drunk, they’d probably think that they were banging. Yet.

“I know that you like art and all that artsy stuff. I figured you might like this.” Frank shrugged, trying to show his modesty.

“I am so going to read the shit out of this!” Gerard hugged his new comic books like they were his children. They are now. Frank almost felt a bit jealous – but then he’d be jealous of a book with pretty pictures. So he wasn’t jealous.

“I am glad you like it. It is seriously nothing though. I wish I could have gotten you something better.” Gerard rolled his eyes. He thought that Frank could understand how awesome of a gift it is to him. First, he throws an unexpected party; then, he goes out and buys those expensive comic books. Frank was dim for not seeing that he made this the best birthday ever.

“How about this. We’ll go upstairs and have some birthday cake. Then maybe, I’ll give you your real present.” Frank smirked. He looked incredibly sexy with that all-knowing smirk. Innocents be damned.

“I thought this was my present.” Frank shook his head.

“Hon, you have turned twenty-five today. You’re a big boy now.” He whispered in his seductive voice – the one that could make straight men and lesbians go weak at the knees. The voice that will make your mother go weak at the knees.

“As if I weren’t a big boy already? How old are you? Like, twelve?” Gerard joked. Frank slapped him fairly hard on the shoulder. “Ow! Sorry, ma’am.” That earned him another slap. Frank doesn’t care if it’s his birthday or not, no one insults him.

“Let me bring you…cake.” Frank whispered back. Then, Gerard knew that he was getting presents!

I have never been this excited for the next chapter. This chapter wasn’t really important, again, just a filler.

I had to go shovel mountains of snow. Wanna know where I put the snow? I put all of the snow on my dad’s car so he can’t get out! Hah-hah. He has to wake up at like four in the morning, now he has to shovel it all back out. Sucks for him. His fault for making me go outside.

I hope you all had a happy Christmas again.

Next chapter: the doctors won’t be happy. Neither will the company.
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