Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is This Our Destiny?

mama, we all go to hell

by lightbehindyoureyes 0 reviews

Frank was in no way naive about what it was Gerard wanted, he may have only been fifteen but he had understood that. Besides, growing up in the slums educates a boy far more than many would realize.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] [Y] - Published: 2013-01-05 - Updated: 2013-01-05 - 2127 words

five years earlier...

Two days after the Goblin’s death, the one armed man, who must have been three years older than Frank, came and offered Frank a job that would pay real copper. Eagerly his mom accepted the offer for him. Coins could be used to buy things in Abothor, and could also be put aside for emergencies.

Over the next four plus years the man would send Frank to cut wood, help mend fish nets and many other simple, yet meaningful jobs the one armed man could not do, but those chores were for show only and took only a fraction of the time the man wanted.

The first day he cut wood for two hours and was called in by the man. Never before or sense had Frank seen such a contrast in living conditions. The shack was similar to all the others, except this one had actual rooms. The furniture was poor, but at least he had some. He also had a real stove and brick fireplace. Clearly this man was rich compared to anyone else out in the swamp slums.

The man led him to the back of the shack, opened the door to the pantry and pulled a lever. Torches lit a hidden passage down. Within seconds it become apparent the real home was underneath the hut everyone thought the man lived in. There were no holes in the planking above that lead to his “hut” and the place was decorated with real fancy rugs and many weapons, some made of silver and others had gems set into the handles. Real furniture of redwood, ash, and rosewood showed off the man’s wealth. Several heavy doors told Frank this was just the beginning of what was down here.

The one armed man motioned to Frank, “Come boy, have a seat next to me. I have an offer to make you. One that I think both of us could find beneficial.”

“That would be up to my mom.” Frank stammered still not believing or understand the wealth and power of a man who acted poor like all the other slum dwellers. The hut was nothing but a façade. All the real riches were here in the man’s basement. Riches was an understatement of the greatest proportions. This man had enough in one of the jeweled weapons alone to be enough to buy a good potion of Abothor.

The man continued, ignoring Frank’s stunned looks, “No, actually it is not. She agreed to sell me your services for work I need around the hut. Under the deal I struck with your mom I can use you for as long as I want each day for whatever type of work needed. In return, she gets a copper a week. My needs are not all that great, for as you see, I am not a man without some means. Therefore, your services for such chores would be no more than 2 or 3 hours a day. What I propose would keep you here for more like 10 to 14 hours a day, sometimes for days at a time.”

Frank scowled, “Many people here would work for a copper a week for that much time sir that are much stronger than me.”

“Ah but few have your allure, and fewer yet have your ability with magic.” The one armed man moved closer to Frank stroking his long soft black hair as he spoke.

Frank froze up, “How do you know about my magic?”

“I felt it in you for a long time now my boy. Now it is active. You did well against the Goblins. You killed their leader. They will never attack your hut again. Word will surely spread. No Goblin will want to take on your hut when there are so many others that have not claimed one of there own, let alone a leader.” The man’s hand moved down rubbing Frank’s back sliding under the burlap bag that was his shirt.

Frank noticed the hand and enjoyed the man’s touch. He was not used to physical contact of others, being the only halfelf in the slums no one seemed to care for or about him except his mom.

Frank allowed the man to pull him closer, “How could you know I did that? You didn’t see me.”

“I didn’t have too, I felt your power emerge in a great gushing of energy. It was a simple matter to trace down the source. I already guessed it had been you, because like I said, I have felt the untapped magic in you for a couple of years now.” The man’s hand was now completely under Frank’s makeshift shirt rubbing between his shoulder blades and still moving down.

He could feel the hole his mom had cut in the top of the bag being pulled down thus starting to push at his throat some. Gently he pulled at the opening so it would feel like he was being strangled. “So what do you want sir.”

“First off, my name is Gerard.” He suddenly removed his hand from Frank’s back and twirled his fingers in a counter clockwise motion. A dark golden beam shot out and flashed around them for a moment. Suddenly they were elsewhere, on a hill overlooking an abandoned house with crumbling walls.

“And that, dear boy, was my home until the armies of Trolleton destroyed it five years ago and took my family and arm in the process.”

Frank gasped, “Where is the swamp?”

“Over a thousand miles to the north, dear boy.” Gerard pointed for emphases. “That is why the weather is so warm here.”

“As for what I want,” Gerard smiled at Frank, “I want to make a deal with you.”

Frank’s eyes betrayed his confusion, “Mom already sold you my services. What else is there?”

Gerard’s eyes danced with joy, “Simply this, I will teach you how to be a sorceror, to read, write and cast all of the first, second and third level spells I know plus a few even more powerful spells. Of course you will not be able to cast the upper level spells for many many years but you will have them in memory for when you do get powerful enough.”

“What’s the catch?”

Gerard carefully looked over the beautiful boy in front of him again. For three years. since he had first noticed the power in the boy, he knew he would have to find a way to get him, to own him. Now was that chance. “In exchange you will agree to be my, how can I say this?, pleasure boy. Furthermore, you will also agree never to let anyone know you are a spell caster or who trained you, even if that means allowing yourself or others to get hurt. I expect you would defend yourself in life or death, but you must be sure your life is truly in danger.”

Frank was in no way naive about what it was Gerard wanted, he may have only been fifteen but he had understood that. Besides, growing up in the slums educates a boy far more than many would realize. Several times over the years he had seen men, and an occasional woman come to the swamps and offer parents coins for the services of their children. Enough times of seeing the same men come and offer money for the use of the same children was enough to put some of the pieces together. The rest fell into place when he had actually overheard a full transaction. Sex was also not easy to hide in the slums. There were just too many holes in walls to see through and too little privacy.

Frank felt so small and afraid right then, but tried his best to hide it, “What if I do not agree?”

Gerard shrugged, “That would be of no benefit to you at all. If you choose to decline my offer, I guess I go to your mom and make an offer of, oh, five silver a month for you and do not train you. Your mom didn’t even hesitate to let you work for as long as I wanted you for a copper a week, do you think she would pass up on five silver a month allowing me to keep you and do whatever I wanted?”

“I truly hope you are smart enough to make the wiser of the two choices.” Gerard stopped letting the boy see just how poor his choices were.

Frank knew his mom would take such a massive amount of money and even agree to never say a word. With that kind of money she could save up enough to move, and might even agree to sell him outright when she did so if this man still wanted him. It seemed Gerard had him trapped. However, to actually learn to read and write, that was a dream for young Halfelf. Frank looked up at the one armed man and nervously nodded, “Ok, but I think my mom should get five copper a week.”

Gerard nearly exploded with laughter, “Oh, you do, do you! Even men who work in the village make only about a copper a day! The men of the swamps are lucky to bring in half that much!”

With butterflies in his stomach, Frank held his ground stubbornly, “Yes, but I heard the baker make an offer to Kandric’s parents for a silver a week to be his ‘little toy’. That’s 10 copper a week!”

Gerard looked out over his once proud home with a bemused grin. This lad is smart, knows how to count, the conversion rates for copper to silver and has paid attention to what goes on, this only makes me want him all the more!

He ran his hand over the boy’s silk like black hair again, “I will agree to pay your mother three copper a week for your services. However, this will mean you must stay over at least two nights a week, and go out with me on the road when I travel. For every three complete days we are gone your mother will get an extra copper. If we are gone for less than three straight days she will not get any extra.”

Frank thought it over for a few moments before nodding, “Okay, you win. Three copper a week.”

Gerard wrapped his single arm around the boy, “Well bargained. Now let’s get back to our little swamp.”

Frank again nodded. He knew he had just agreed to be little more than a plaything to the one armed man, and as best he could tell, he alone knew the man’s name. Many of the swamp dwellers steered clear of him because he was such a mystery. Not to mention far wealthier than anyone else who lived there.. It was well known Gerard traveled on business from time to time. Many thought, because he was rich by slum standards and so secretive, he must run a brothel or something similar.

It took only seconds for Gerard to cast a spell to transport them back to Frank’s home swamp. Moments after they reapeared in Gerard’s den he grabbed the boy and turned to face him. “You must never speak of what I have said or what you saw. I will be by your house later today to let your mom know of our agreement, but with none of the real details. Do you understand that I will not tolerate you speaking to anyone about this?”

Frank swallowed hard, “Yes, I understand. I will not say anything about this any of this.”

“You are a very smart and gifted boy. Just remember that when you come tomorrow your job will be different, and I do expect you to stay with me tomorrow night. You do understand, right?”

“I understand.” Frank weakly stated.

Gerard pulled the boy to him and gave him a kiss to his left temple. Before releasing the boy from his grasp he licked around the hairline for a moment, “You have a wonderful taste.” He whispered far too softly for Frank to hear.


“Never you mind. Just talking to myself more than anything. I expect that you will be bathed and clean when you come to my door!”

“I will.” Frank whispered in a somewhat frightened voice. Before Gerard could say more he hustled out the door as fast as his legs could carry him...

second chapter is up, yay for frerard! just to say that Gerard isn't that much older than Frank in this story. so r&r and i will give you Mikey Way

abbie xo
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