Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is This Our Destiny?

I Should Have Been A Better Son

by lightbehindyoureyes 0 reviews

Just as he was ready to give up on himself, he felt Gerard cast a spell. The top book lifted up in the air and landed back on the small table where he had first picked it up.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2013-01-13 - Updated: 2013-01-13 - 4008 words

As Gerard promised, he offered three copper a week for the boy plus extra for extended trips. It didn't surprise Frank at all when his mom called to him and announced the new arrangements and that he was now expected to work for the man seven days a week and spend at least two nights over there.

Never before had he seen his mom so happy with him or happy in general. In her eyes he was now making as much and in a few cases more than full-grown men in the slums. She mistakenly thought Frank’s work for the man had impressed him enough to make such an offer. This mistake led her to show pride for her son in a way he had never seen before. A guilty feeling crept up into his gut, but he refused to let his mother’s happiness fade. I will do whatever it takes to keep my mom thinking I am a hard worker. No matter what Gerard wants of me, I cannot let mom down.

Frank showed up the next morning at Gerard’s just as the sun was starting to lay a carpet of long shadows on the floor of the swamp. Before he could knock, the door opened to reveal Gerard in a nice robe, way nicer than he had ever seen before. It seemed to even shine some, and the silvery collar was ordained with strange winged beasts.

“Hello my boy.” Gerard had been eagerly waiting for this moment for hours and it showed.

Frank had an idea as to what the man wanted but nothing firm. He stepped through the entryway and allowed his “employer” to close the door. He started to turn, but a hand on his back stopped him.

“Let’s proceed down to the den boy. You know the way.”

Frank took a breath and walked into the kitchen. The whole time Gerard’s hand remained on his shoulder and guided him, almost pushing him to hurry. Keeping his mind on doing what he was told, he opened the door that led to the man’s basement. Instantly the three torches on the staircase lit to light on the passage down. The magic surprised him causing him to jump slightly.

“Ah, a lesson in magic before we even start.” Gerard chuckled, “Did you feel the power?”

“I did, I think I did at least. It felt like the area does before a thunderstorm.”

“Very good! You indeed are very sensitive to magic! Remember that feeling, it will come into play when I start teaching you. Now continue down.”

Gerard nudged the boy forward and guided him to the massive padded couch. Sitting down he used his one arm to pull the boy onto his lap. As he had done the day before he started by running his fingers through the boy’s fine hair. He inhaled deeply allowing the boy’s smell to sink in, and oh what a scent it was!

Frank sat still, not knowing what to do or what the man expected out of him. It didn’t take long before he felt the hand start moving down his back. Like the day before, he had to pull at the hole for his head as the front was pulled against his throat. Nervously, he tensed wondering if this action would anger Gerard. The last thing he wanted was to be magically transported and left on some faraway mountain or some other spell that could do even worse.

Gerard shook his head, “Oh, this will clearly not do at all. Raise your arms up.”

Frank did as he was told. It took no time at all before he felt Gerard used his single hand to remove his makeshift shirt. Feeling the man pull him back, he allowed himself to slide against the man’s chest. He was surprised at how strong Gerard’s muscles felt. His arm was well shaped and his chest was solid as a carved stone.

Gerard inhaled again, the boy smelled wonderful. Slowly he started exploring the boy’s back and chest. The silk smooth hairless skin seemed flawless, other than its owner’s inability to relax. That was fine though. He had a small mean streak that liked a boy to be afraid. For some reason it turned him on. Yet, he also knew should anyone ever do anything to truly damage one of his special children he would kill them on the spot. This boy could very well be the most special of all. He was beautiful and highly gifted in shaman magic as well. However, there was more. An indescribable attraction he could not trace to any source drew him to this boy the very first time he laid eyes on him. Had the boy not agreed, he would have risked exposing himself by buying him. He had done it before, but would have hated turning such a perfect boy into a mere piece of property.

Boys were what made the world revolve for Gerard. No matter where he went, or what he was doing, his eyes searched for their youth, vibrancy and looks. Nothing brought a smile to his face faster than a couple of boys playing and being boys. Of course this weakness had led to him losing his right arm in the fight for his home, but it had been a small price to pay to save a boy’s life. The boy had certainly repaid him over the following 4 years.

Gerard glanced at his stump for a moment, sticking only a few centimeters down from his right shoulder. Oh how wonderful it would be to have both arms to really hold and caress this perfect body sitting on my lap, he mused. So be it. One of these years I will find the magic to get a new arm, until then at least I have this boy.

Having thoroughly explored Frank’s upper body, he moved his hand down to untie the rope holding up his burlap britches. By now he could smell the mixture of fear and uncertainty in the boy. His increased tension had led a light sweat. Gerard licked the halfelf’s back between the shoulder blades and kissed at the neck, enjoying the slightly salty taste.

Frank felt his belt being untied. He had expected this, but it still caused him to shudder with fear. Next he felt his sandals being kicked off by the one armed man’s foot. This, having been done so easily, told him this man had done this many times before. Even the fact that his belt had been effortlessly undone one-handed, spoke volumes as to this all being done with the practiced ease of a master.

The tongue sliding gently around his back took him by surprise. Frank quickly realized what it was and thought it was gross. However, the longer it continued the more he liked it. Involuntarily, he started to relax. He no longer cared that he had been maneuvered out of his britches or that his legs were being explored by the hand. Even as it wandered higher onto the sensitive area of his inner thigh and further still slipping under his badly worn, but freshly washed loincloth, he was able to enjoy being caressed.

Part of this being said this was not what he wanted, but with every passing moment the other half wanted more. Letting this side of him win took no real action other than letting Gerard massage every centimeter of his body. Somewhere in all the kissing, licking, caressing, and fondling Gerard had removed his loincloth. His realization of total nudeness came as a shock. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out how he had been undressed or for how long he had been naked.

Gerard felt the boy tighten again. Part of him was disappointed that he didn’t cause the spasms of an orgasm to overtake this beautiful lad. Yet, he could enjoy this youngster’s fear as well. It was a two-sided coin both of which were wins as best Gerard could determine.

Finally he decided to speak to the boy again, for not a word had been said since he had guided Frank down the stairs. “This is only the beginning. By tomorrow eve you will understand almost everything I want from you. In the meantime, you must learn the rules regarding your duties.”

It took a few moments for Frank to find any voice at all. When he spoke his words were mere squeaks. “What rules, sir.”

Gerard started using his thumb to stroke the boy while still holding him possesivly. “There are a few things you must get used to. Are you ready to pay close attention? Say so if you aren’t because I will punish you for not following them.”

Frank could tell by voice inflection alone the man was dead serious. A slight squeeze to his testicles further confirmed just how important it was for him to get this right. He took a breath and got ready to pay attention before answering. “I’m ready.” He stammered out at last.

“Excellent! First, you will come here clean every day, no excuses.”

“I have to take a bath every day?” Frank was mortified at the thought.

“Yes. I do not care for a dirty boy. Nor do I want anymore dirt than is absolutely necessary to come into my den, or any other the lower rooms for that matter.”

“I understand.”

Gerard’s eyes gleamed at how resigned Frank sounded. “Next, each night I will tell you chores for the next day. These are to be done before you take your bath.”

Frank meekly nodded. This at least made sense.

“Third, you will report to me after getting clean. I will then undress you and we will start your studies. You will remain on my lap unless told otherwise. Breaks will be given as needed, so do not be concerned about necessary matters.”


“Unless I say differently, which will be rare. You will spend four hours a day learning to read and write Elvish, Northmen, Universal, and of course Shaman. Another hour after lunch will be learning Math. Magic lessons will take up several hours following your other studies.”

“I’m going to be indoors all that time everyday?” Frank could feel his love of being outside, fishing, hiking and exploring being crushed.

“No, no, no.” Gerard chuckled, “You will get play time and we will do quite a bit of traveling. But this will be rare until you learn the basics of reading and writing all four languages. The harder you work and the faster you learn the more free time you will end up with.”

“I also want you to master all the auto-spells. This will not take you much time at all as long as you follow instructions and practice.” Gerard took his hand and started rubbing on the now hard muscle the thumb had gotten started. His own was now fully up and he could feel the beginnings of his own cum wanting to explode outwards.

Frank shifted trying to get off the ever-growing lump he felt pushing on him.

Gerard stopped him almost immediately. “No. You must get used to it. Now move back to where you were.”

Frank swallowed hard and slid back over the large bulge under Gerard’s robe. He noticed the man adjust as well pushing up. It was very uncomfortable for a few minutes, but he gradually got used to it. With his mind so preoccupied he suddenly noticed he had missed some more instructions. Almost terrified he interrupted, “Sir I kinda lost track of what you were saying.”

“You told me you were ready to pay attention boy!” Gerard growled.

“I was. I mean I did.” Frank stammered out

“You did promise, but didn’t follow through!” Gerard made his voice angrier than what he truly felt. One thing he had learned about children was: it happened to be far easier to start out to harsh and slack up later then to start slack and try to become more firm. “Stand up!”

Frank chewed on his lip as he stood. The very last thing he wanted was to find out what would happen when this guy got mad. Now he was and to make matters worse it had been his fault. He turned to face his employer hoping whatever punishment was to come would be quick.

Gerard’s hand shot out at lightning speed, “I did not tell you to turn around. Did I?”

“No sir.”

“Yet you did. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. See those two large books on my end table?”

Frank felt the man’s hand tighten like a vice over his bare shoulder. Each second he looked around trying to find what the man was talking about, the pressure increased. By the time he spotted the two black tomes lying behind an unlit lamp on a black table tucked into the shadows of the room’s rear corner tears of pain threatened to start falling. “I see them.” He gasped out at last.

Gerard released his grip, satisfied by the clear finger marks he had left on the boy’s right shoulder. “Get them.”

Frank hefted up the two massive books, each weighing over five kilograms. He never realized paper could weigh so much!

Gerard went over to his cabinet and withdrew an hourglass. “Lift the books over your head boy!”

Bewildered, Frank did as he was told. He looked around expecting the man to go for a cane or paddle. Instead he watched as the glass device was turned upside-down. Bit by bit grains of multicolored sand started tumbling into the bottom area.

“If you do not wish to use your brain, you will use your muscles instead.” Gerard announced angrily. “You are to keep both books held above your head until the very last grain of sand falls to the bottom. For every time you drop your arms you will spend another full cycle of the hourglass in stocks in the middle of the freezing cold bog, dressed just as you are.”

Frank was mortified. “I am not dressed at all!” he nearly shouted.

“Exactly.” Gerard stated matter-of-factly. “The cold would not kill you, but by the time one side of this empties, you would wish it had. Therefore, it would be in your interest to keep those books held up high.”

Frank watched the grains trickle down making colorful patterns. Somehow each color seemed to try to stay together making neat swirling designs in the glass. This held his interest for only so long though. The books pressed down on his graceful slim arms. Long before the top part had even half emptied he felt his arms shaking.

Gee calmly went over to a chair and sat facing the beautiful halfelf. Making sure to seem very disinterested in the plight of the boy, he reached down and started studying a scroll. Occasionally, he glanced up just to make sure the books were still held up then would return to his reading.

Over the years Gerard had paid close attention to this boy. He knew this would be far worse than any beating because Frank was not one to do things slowly. Everything the lad worked at he accomplished as quickly as he possibly could. In many ways this exercise would build his mind as well as strengthen his body. A person who could not learn some things had to be done over the passage of time would be on a path to self-destruction.

Frank continued to watch the sand drain down in agony. By now his shoulders were aching, especially where the man had clamped down. He began to suspect the pressure had been applied just so on purpose, which of course it had. Briefly, he wondered if he would be forced into stocks in the middle of the bog. One look at the man when he did glance his direction answered with a resounding YES.

Finally, he could bare the pain no longer, “Please let me stop!”

“No.” Gerard answered without looking up.

Tears started to blur his vision, “I can’t hold them up anymore.”

“Then lower them for a few minutes and go to the bog for a cycle after you are done here.”

“I’ll freeze! Please let me put them down.” The pain caused tears to start trickling down his cheeks.

“No.” Gerard repeated, looking up calmly. “You agreed to my terms for three copper a week, a man’s pay out here. You wanted a man’s pay, now you must deal with being man like in your decisions. A man who agrees to something then backs out after already being paid could be flogged or worse. You are under contract to me, yet couldn’t even pay enough attention for me to lay out all I expect of you. Now deal with your punishment. No more talk.”

Frank looked back at the glass; it still had a whole lot of green sand in the top. Tears flowed freely now. He didn’t see any way of keeping the books up. His fingers started to spasm and his arms hurt far worse than any pain he had ever felt. Even his legs were starting to cramp up. Not being allowed to even move his feet prevented any shifting that would allow some relief.

Just as he was ready to give up on himself, he felt Gerard cast a spell. The top book lifted up in the air and landed back on the small table where he had first picked it up. With half the burden lifted, he forced himself to make it until the last grains spiraled down to the bottom area of the hourglass.

Gerard jumped up and grabbed the exhausted child before the youngster could react. He used another spell to replace the book on the end table, as he lifted the boy onto his lap and cradled sweat drenched head. “You have a very strong will. I am proud of you.” He whispered gently.

Frank cried as next to every joint in his body had stiffened and was trying to loosen up. It seemed strange. He should hate this man, but he had taken the first book off just in time and didn’t allow a single extra second of punishment beyond what he had promised from the start. The words of praise hit an especially tender spot. Never before had anyone other than his mom said kind words to him, and she almost never seemed proud over anything he did, except get a job from this man.

Tenderly, Gerard worked on each and every sore spot on the boy, rubbing and helping each muscle to loosen. Again he wished he still had both hands. It would have made his work faster. Still, I wasn’t a bad thing to take twice as long when working on such a living work of art. As the boy calmed and loosed, he started over where he had begun earlier in the morning. He couldn’t help but smile as the boy drifted off into a soft sleepy nap.

Gerard’s hand lingered on the boy’s chest for quite some time. Each breath felt precious and sounded so gentle. He hated what he had forced the boy to do, but knew this would not be the last time he would have to deal with such problems. In the long run, his discipline would do far more to help then the discomfort had caused.

Frank woke on the man’s lap to find him again studying a scroll. Clearly his waking up had not been noticed. His legs and arms still hurt some, but nowhere near as bad as they had been. Feeling comfortable, he decided to close his eyes again and rest. Every once and a while he noticed a hand slide over a part of his body almost always coming to rest on his privates. Every time this happened he would also feel a kiss and or a couple of licks around his head, upper chest or neck. If this is what the man wanted, he could easily live with it.

Finally Frank had to relieve himself. He took a deep breath and stretched. Instantly he felt a hand turn his head as a kiss fell on his lips. He tasted the kiss and found nothing disgusting about it at all. In many ways he found this fun and comforting. Yes, he could live with this no question.

“How are you doing little one?”

“Ok, but I got to go outside.”

Gerard chuckled, “No you don’t. Get up and come with me.”

Frank stretched again and followed his employer through one of the heavy doors. Before him an elegant bedroom opened up with a real canopied gigantic bed against the far wall. Two dressers with silver mirrors stood on each side; one looked to be set up for the height of Frank, the other considerably taller, Like Gerard. Next to the bed another door opened into a stairway going down.

Once down a new set of torches ignited revealing a room with a pair of chairs on a wooden walkway. Both seats had holes cut in the middle. Under the platform a fairly swiftly flowing stream splashed through one wall and out the opposite side. A pile of sponge leaves was stored in a box next to each chair.

Gerard smiled at the boy’s slow understanding of what the uses of this room were. “There is no need to go out into the cold when you can allow the current to sweep your waste away. There is another one of these rooms through the redwood door at the end of the hall. This one is only for the two of us.”

Frank nervously started to pee into the stream. “Do others come here?”

“Yes, I do some business out of here. I am a merchant of many things, those who want really expensive goods I transport here magically then take them back. They never see where I live or where I store some of my most valuable wares. You will learn how to be a servant when I bring in guests. The clothing in the small dresser is for you during those times. It also contains traveling clothing, which you will unfortunately have to where when we do travel.”

“Why do you have two rooms like this?”

“Because the other contains smashed papyrus. Sponge leaves are just too expensive to use on someone I do not care about or for. Besides, I like not having to go far at night, and I do not like the idea of people I know little about walking around in our bedroom.”

“Our bedroom?”

“Oh, yes. You will be sleeping with me when you stay over. Had you been paying attention earlier, you would have already known this. I do hope your morning exercise taught you I will not allow you to be defiant.”

Frank nodded vigorously, “Yes sir. I will do a better job of listening from now on.”

“I am sure you will. Never forget, however, those two books will always be close by as will my timepiece. I truly do not like to use them, but when I instruct you to get the books you will know what you are to do. Any complaints from you and I will either make you stand longer or add an extra book or two.”

The very thought of having to stand holding more books or even a fraction more time caused Frank a brief cold tingle. “I will never argue sir.” Never before had his words held more sincerity…

okay so i don't know how you are finding this story so far, but i hope you are liking it! this isn't the usual stuff i write, so i hope this is okay
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