Categories > Original > Humor > Army Of Two

Chapter 4. (Kent)

by ImAFlyingDonkey 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-25 - Updated: 2013-01-25 - 723 words

Chapter 4. (Kent)

I had got a lift today from Jett’s mum. She saw me walking in the rain and turned into God for a day. Well that’s how she was talking about it “Late for work now, I am!!” Jett rolled his eyes as we got out the car. “It was her idea to give you a lift! I Don’t even know why she was moaning! If it were me, I would have left you walking.” He gave me a friendly punch in the arm and a smirk. But to be honest I don’t think he was joking.

I decided to not let it bother me. As we walked up the cobbles to the main entrance. Myra and her friend Kitty were already standing by the bench’s waiting for us. Myra ran up to me and implanted a kiss on my unexpecting lips. At first I didn’t know what hit me. She looked like an orange blur. I pulled her off of me and held her at arms width. She was wearing the most blotchy fake tan I had ever seen. Her purple eye shadow was so invading she looked like a panda. And her lip stick was all over her chin.

“What did you do to your face??!” I asked honestly. You would have done the same.
“Well your nice!!” she said pulling away. “I did it for you, make me all tanned, it took me hours last night.”
“Aww well I appreciate that. But really. Could have spent a bit longer.” I’m not blunt. Its just the way I am. I speak what’s on my mind. It annoys a lot of people.

Myra is usually a typical American cheer leader beauty. She’s gorgeous. With her long brunette hair and brown eyes. But they have no spark to them. She wasn’t clever at all. It’s like talking to a brick wall. I enjoy school. I’m not genius. But I’m not stupid. I don’t mean to brag but I do good in science and maths. And I’m ace at art. But I cant talk about that with anyone. Because all they like is partying and getting drunk. I never thought our relationship was going to last. It’s only been a few months. But I’m already having strict doubts.

“Your so horrible sometimes!!” Myra spluttered. It took me a while to remember what I had said.
“Dudddddeee! You don’t say that to your girlfriend.” Said Jett who had been trying to hide a blatant laugh for ages now.
“Well. I’m honest. That’s all you can ask from people now.” I shrugged.
“What??” Myra seriously couldn’t have looked so confused in her life. I was waiting for a miracle. To happen.

“Hey!! Kent!! We were waiting at the corner shop for ya!!” Oh thank God. It was Ty and Ash.
“Why’d you look so stoned??” Ash asked. Hopefully refereeing to the lack of life in my face right now. I was about to answer when Ty started shouting like someone had just tried to shoot at him.

“Look where your going!!! You f*ing idiot!!” He mouthed off. It was very clear to see who too. It was too a girl. The year below us. I recognise her from primary school. Her name was Forest. I always thought that was an interesting name, but besides the point at the moment.

“Don’t walk into me again!! Don’t even touch me!!” Ty screeched. Forest didn’t even react. She just started at him. Cool as ice. “Well say something then!!” She continued to stare at him.
“Ty. Just back off.” I stepped up.
“Don’t be on her side!!” he started moving closer to me.
“I said back off, Ty.” Forest glared at me. It wasn’t a mean glare. It was kinda endearing.

Ty shrugged his shoulders and walked into school. With Myra, Kitty, Jett and Ash in hot pursuit. Leaving me alone. Forest looked at the floor. Her fringe sweeping over her eyes.

“Are you ok??” I asked. She nodded. “Where are your friends??” She looked at the floor again. “Ahh.” this time I looked at the floor.
“Thanks.” She whispered but clear enough for me to hear. And walked off.
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