Categories > Original > Humor > Army Of Two

Chapter 8. (Kent)

by ImAFlyingDonkey 0 reviews

...The most recent chapter...

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-25 - Updated: 2013-01-25 - 760 words

Chapter 8.

Of course it was Forest’s work. What other girl had the brains to come up with a statement like that. I smiled to myself. Shaking my head as I moved further up the line into the classroom.

“What you smiling about Eastwood??! Thinking about your girlfriend naked??” said Finn Tones. He was a right dick. And obviously had a secret crush on Myra. The only trouble was he didn’t intend on keeping it a secret. It was public knowledge now. He enjoyed making innuendo’s when ever I was in ear shot. And Myra didn’t help, pretending she was flattered by this new attention.

“For your information, no. I wasn’t.” I said flatly.
“I would have been though, if I was you. If I ever got the chance to see her in her birthday suit, that’s all I would have in my head all day.” he teased. “But then your not with her twenty-four seven. You don’t know what pictures of herself she sends to me.”

I snorted.
“Well as long as you keep her satisfied she can do what she likes.” I said coolly.
“What?! Your not even bothered are you??” I shock my head. “I was only joking anyway, man.” he said looking a tad bewildered.
“I’m not a man, I’m fifteen, and so are you.” I said. “And your also annoying me now, so buzz off.”

To say the least he did. And I took my seat at the back of the class. English wasn’t my favourite subject but I liked studying literature. No. I’m not gay. I just enjoy words that I didn’t know before. Again. Another thing I wouldn’t admit to any of my mates.

“Ok class, get your copies of Jane Eyre.” and read chapters fourteen to sixteen please. We shall discuss our views in a class debate after.” my English teacher, Mr Morris, was a tall thin man, but he had a booming voice. Which filled the room. And indeed the hallway, as he always had a thing about keeping the door open. I dunno why a fetish maybe.

I read my way through the book. I may bore you here. But Jane Eyre is truly a brilliant book, and very modern of its time. With feminism and sexism a main theme throughout. I am completely in love with it. And it gets better and better as you read on. But as you can possibly tell the rest of my class didn’t agree.

I looked around to see a lot of blank faces, some people even nibbling on their nails, or even the book, to get out of reading those measly two chapters. Finn was the most irritating though. He sat and was transfixed with pulling the chewing gum of from under the table. What did amuse me was when he pulled a bit too hard and sent his fist flying into his face. Making his nose very red.

“Ok. I think that’s just about enough time to have read it.” said Mr Morris. “Who would like to share there thoughts on the novel so far, and indeed the chapters that you have just indulged.” His quirky way of interpretating poshness was really quite funny.

He looked around the room looking for takers. So did I. people still looking blank. And Finn still completing his task of being the most annoying.
“I will, Mr Morris.” I said proudly.
“Ok then, Mr Eastwood. The stage and indeed this room is all yours.” he must also have a fetish for the word ‘indeed.’

“Well Sir, In Chapter 15, Rochester tells Jane about his passion for Céline Varens, a French opera-dancer whom he naively believed loved him. One night, however, Céline arrived home with another man and they mocked Rochester's "deformities"; Rochester overheard the conversation and immediately ended the relationship. Céline told Rochester that Adèle was his daughter, but he isn't sure because she doesn't look anything like him. Several years later, Céline abandoned her daughter and ran away to Italy with a musician. Although he refuses to recognize Adèle as his daughter, Rochester took pity on the abandoned and destitute child and brought her to England.”

“Yes very well noted by Mr Eastwood. Indeed, very well noted. I am very impressed by your work ethic.” Said Mr Morris, smiling as he wrote the title on the board. He was facing the other way but I clearly made out the words.
“Sweet kid, sweet kid indeed.”
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