Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Does anyone notice, does anyone care?

Don't You See What You Do To Me

by Justalostflutterby 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-17 - Updated: 2013-02-17 - 2170 words

Chapter 14: Don't You See What You Do To Me? [Somewhere in Neverland - All time Low] - Did I mention that All Time Low was the best night of my life yet...No? ^_^ -xo


My eyes fluttered open and I groaned loudly, instantly holding my head in my hands. My head was pounding so unbelievably hard. Frank was laying practically dead next to me, well when I say dead I actually mean just in an incredibly deep slumber. Ass...Ugh! It hurt so bad! I slid from beneath him and stood slowly, using anything that I could to stand, resting my head against the wall as I got my breath back. Last night was...Hard.

I can barely remember anything that happened but...I remembered a few certain things. Mikey coming over and the voices and just...I was a dick. That was final. I glanced at Frank and bit down hard on my lip before going to a drawer at my desk and coming out with a pack of paracetamol, I took a few with a glass of water and entered the bathroom.

Last time I was in here it all went badly so...I had to kind of revive the place a little. I ran the hot water in the bath and shut the door, considering to lock it but decided against it. I ran a hand through my hair in the mirror and decided, yes, it did need washing. Most of the time it did so...This would be a good thing, right?

I sat on the side of the bath contemplating so many different things. One of those many things was Frank and that was definitely the main thing that was completely constant in my head. I wanted to make it up to him...I needed to explain things. I put on the cold tap now to make sure that when I did get in the water it didn't burn me to ashes.

A few minutes later I switched the tap off and slowly sneaked back into the room to find that Frank was still, (not surprisingly) asleep. I walked towards him slowly and didn't really think about what I was doing before I did it.

But I pulled the covers off of him and lifted him up into my arms; luckily, thank God – he wasn't that heavy and I could handle it. Frank was so much like a little kid most of the time. Others he was just Frank...And...And perfect. But he was mine still...Right?

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door carefully, trying not to drop him. I was so incredibly thankful right now that Frank was such a deep sleeper. I would have woken up in an instant if someone merely touched me. Let alone carry me.

Carefully, I climbed into the bath and kept Frank securely in my arms. Yes, we were both still fully clothed but it felt...Perfect that way. I ran a hand over his cheek and instantly wanted him to open his eyes, but no, he continued to breathe heavily.

However a few seconds later when a drop of warm water ran over his eyes they opened and I stared down in awe at him.

“G-Gerard?” He exclaimed and instantly started to panic in my arms, I let him go gently and he sat opposite me in the bath with his legs crossed, sadly for me, that was proved to be difficult. Curse my height right now. “What're you doing?”

“Water helps to unblock a mind, right?” I shrugged a little and kicked my feet outwards next to him, he adjusted his position a little and I got my hair wet a little.

“Gee...We need to talk about last night...Please...Y-You need hel-” I hushed him and he pouted adorably at me.

“Not now...I just want to enjoy now as it is.” I spoke quietly and he took both my hands in his, he shuffled forwards in the water, placing his knees either side of me and he adjusted his position even more so that his hips were touching mine. I tried to control what was going on down there but...

Yet again nothing worked and I was instantly turned on by him yet again. Luckily, it didn't look like he had noticed and he continued to gaze at me with soft, warm brown eyes.

“You're perfect, Gerard...Even with your imperfections and all your worries. They don't bother me, everything about you is just perfect. Everything.” Frank explained to me quietly, I only realised a few seconds later that he had somehow managed to run his hand down to my waist without me noticing.

He was playing with my belt buckle and he tried to undo it numerous times, slowly becoming more and more frustrated as the moments went by. I sighed and he eventually got it undone, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

I giggled a little under my breath and he then tried to pull them down. That sounds easy but when the material is full of water – it proved to be quite a challenge. “Shut it you...” Frank teased as he continued to try and tug them off. I helped him in the end and then lifted his shirt over his head.

“Why you decided to carry me in here clothed I will never know...” Frank chuckled to himself as he worked on my shirt.

“Makes it...More interesting.” I smirked wide and he kissed me quickly, I continued to hold the smirk and he rolled his eyes dramatically. Frank first of all helped me wash my hair, then I did his. Of course, this was completely natural, right? Completely.

Now we were both just sitting there in our boxers, well when I say 'sitting' I really mean that Frank was sat back to how he was when he was pressed very...Close to me. Close enough that we both knew that we were most definitely physically attracted to one another. Seriously though, why was it so easy for girls? They could cover it up easily.

Frank laughed a little and I kissed down his neck down to the tattoo, a small frown appearing on my face. Although I attempted to keep it hidden, Frank sighed and kissed my hair, pulling away. I pulled him back to me and pressed my lips hard onto his in a passionate, deep kiss.

Frank moaned unexpectedly into my mouth and he climbed out of the bath before pinning my wrists against the bathroom wall, both of us dripping wet [Hell to the yeah...]

“F-Frank...” I muttered into his mouth, he shushed me, doing a perfect impersonation of me from earlier. He ran his hands through my hair, pressing himself to me as close as he could. I groaned with pleasure and longing for him.

I honestly wasn't sure how long I would be able to keep up the fact that I was fine with everything or not; the fact that I wanted him. I wanted him to show me that he...Felt the same. Other than this way.

“Frank, Frank, Frank...” I repeated his name as he continued to practically attack me with lust. He kissed down to my neck and I tilted my head to the side to give him more access. “F-Frank...” I moaned into his ear as he started to suck gently on it, no no no! I started to struggle against him and he pulled back slowly, running his lips along my jawline. Thank God that he didn't do what I did to him; to me.

“I would never...” He whispered and I ran a fingertip over his tattoo, sighing. “Ass,” he teased as he pulled away, shoving me playfully. And just like that – the moment was ruined. I groaned, almost in pain – every muscle in my body was screaming at me to kiss him again.

Frank grabbed a towel and started to dry himself off and that was when I tackled him to the ground. I kissed him softly on the lips and leaned down to his ear to whisper a secret that only he would know. “F-Frank...Please...I want you...” My voice was full of no control and every so often it would quiver with nerves.

Frank kind of just lay there frozen, obviously not really knowing how to react to it. I sat up slowly and ran a hand through my hair, “it's fine, Frank. Really...” But I couldn't help the waves of rejection wash through me and the deep look of disappointment that my face possessed.

“G-Gerard...” Frank muttered, he sat up too and ran the back of his hand across my cheek. “I want to give you things and show you how I feel but...I'm scared, Gee.” Frank whimpered and I instantly felt guilty because it was my fault.

“I'm s-scared of doing something w-wrong...” Frank looked like he was about to cry and that set something off in me. My throat began to grow thick and I almost burst into tears right then and there but I stopped myself.

“Frankie...Everything that you do is perfect. You wouldn't be able to do anything wrong...Ever...You shouldn't ever have to feel scared...” I attempted to reassure him as I took both his hands in mine, running my thumbs over them soothingly.

“You deserve someone better, someone more experienced at this...I suck.” Oh yes you would...I thought to myself but I could never say that to him! Ugh!

“What part of 'perfect' do you not understand? I want you and no one else.” I replied calmly,

“Because I hate myself,” Frank replied simply, biting down on his bottom lip, playing with his lip ring. I shook my head repeatedly and ran a hand through his hair.

“Don't you ever say that again, alright? You're perfect, Frank! There's nothing about you that I hate! That I could ever hate!” I exclaimed, overwhelmed with so much love for him that I just wanted to show him how much he meant to me and how badly he was in the wrong.

Frank wrapped his arms around me and nestled his head into the crook of my neck.

“S-So, you don't mind that I won't be er...” He ran a hand down my stomach to my crotch and I shook my head slowly.

“Frank...Of course I mind. It's the one thing I've wanted most...But, your happiness means the world to me. So I can wait.” I replied quietly, trying to calm him down. I pulled away and kissed him softly on the lips.

“I really do suck though, Gee...” He mumbled, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“No you don't...I mean, I have hands, right?” I replied as sarcastically as I could. Frank blushed a deep red then and laughed hysterically.

“Yeah you do,” Frank said before he nudged one of my hands with his nose. “B-but...Soon, y'know...They'll hopefully be mine...At least that's something to hold on to right, Gee?” I nodded slowly, thinking to myself that that day better come around quickly.

took his hand and helped him stand before going back into the bathroom and drying myself off. I went back into the bedroom to grab clean clothes and Frank was still sat in the middle of the floor, probably feeling guilty and sorry for himself.

“Frank...Come on, come get changed with me.” I encouraged him, nudging his shoulder playfully. “Come on,” he laughed a little and stood, picking up his own clothes before walking into the bathroom willingly.

As soon as he shut the door I stripped off my boxers, kicked them to the side before picking up a clean pair. You couldn't ignore Frank's eyes growing wide by the second as he stared at me. I blushed a deep red and pulled on the clean pair. Frank snapped out of his daydream and he smiled innocently at me.

“Completely innocent, Frank; of course.” I rolled my eyes and pulled on my jeans. Frank played with his hands and I took a few steps towards him, cupping his face in my hands.

"I won't look if that helps...” I whispered to him, he nodded slowly and I pecked his lips before turning around and pulling on a black long sleeved plain shirt with a few buttons at the top which I left undone, showing my collarbones. I tapped my foot as I waited for him to be done.

Arms were wrapped around my waist from behind me and I turned around and kissed Frank's forehead. He was now fully clothed; wearing charcoal skinny jeans with a dark grey shirt similar to mine but his was three quarter length, which showed off his admirable tattoos.

I was way too scared to even get any – needles freaked me out way too much than I liked to admit. I mean, which guys are scared of needles? Oh yes – me. Gerard Way.

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