Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > House At The End Of The Street

Chapter Three

by Hozzie 1 review

"Why do you keep doing this?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-24 - 1074 words - Complete

"This is an end world hunger meeting?" Missy asked, entering the house filled with loud, thumping music and drunk teenagers.

"Okay, there's technically no end world hunger club." Ray sighed, rolling his eyes "We get my Dad to donate ten thousand dollars to an end world hunger charity, say we raised it and then we can put it on our applications for university while doing nothing but partying."

"Smart idea." Missy said even though she wasn't too keen on large crowds or parties.

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit." Ray said, waving at her and walking away.

Missy sighed and stood in the corner of the room for the majority of the night, watching everyone get drunk and dancing with each other. Eventually she found that she needed to use the bathroom so she made her way upstairs. The three normal bathrooms that she found were filled with snogging couples that made her wince. She wondered about just walking home but realised it'd take her over an hour so she finally came up with the idea that one of the bedrooms in this massive house had to have an en-suite bathroom.

She crashed into Ray's parents bedroom and found a girl with long black hair and pale white skin "Oh umm..." Missy said awkwardly. The girl on the bed looked incredibly sick "Are you okay? Do you want me to get someone? Like Ray, maybe?"

The girl sat up, running her fingers through her long hair "Oh no, I just... Just need... To rest..." And with that, the girl's head flopped down onto the mattress and she appeared to be asleep.

Missy was about to walk past to the bathroom but she felt bad. She found a blanket and put it over the girl to keep her warm. Suddenly the girl shot up, a strange noise escaping her lips and then ran back into the bathroom "I guess I'll just wait to pee then." Missy sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"Hey Missy." Ray said, sitting down next to her "Do you know that you're so pretty...?"

"Well uh than-"

Ray cut her off by kissing her forcefully and trying to shove her down on the bed. Missy pushed him away from her "What are you doing?" Missy cried, trying to punch him when he attempted to kiss her again "Ray, get off me, you fucking asshole!" She succeeded in pushing him off of her and then ran out of the room.

"Whatever, you little slut!" Ray yelled after her, shaking his head in disbelief.

Missy left the house, wiping away a few tears that dribbled down her cheeks, trying to tell herself that it was no big deal. Nothing had actually happened and that she'd handled the situation really well. She tried phoning her Mom because it'd take her over an hour to walk home but Ana wasn't answering her phone. Missy groaned then nearly jumped out of her skin when a car pulled up nex to her.

Someone let down the window and smiled at her "Hey, you're Missy, right? I'm Frank. You live opposite me. Let me give you a lift home."

"Oh umm no that's fine." Missy said quickly, every stranger danger lecture popping into her head "My Mom... She's coming."

Frank raised his eye-brows and Missy realised that he knew she was lying "It's about to rain. Come on, let me give you a ride."

"It's fine, trust me."

"We live like ten miles from here-"

"I know but I'll be fine."

Frank nodded "Okay. Fine." He rolled the window back up and started driving away.

Missy stood still for a moment, trying to call her Mom again but it didn't work and now it was pouring down. She'd only been standing there for two minutes and already she was drenched. Missy sighed "Wait!" She started running after Frank who pulled over the car and let her get into the passengers seat.

They travelled in silence for a few minutes until Missy blurted out "Your parents were murdered." Frank glanced at her and Missy blushed bright red "I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's fine." Frank sighed "I kinda wish I'd been there but I was living with my Auntie after umm... Something happened. It's kinda hard not knowing what happened to my sister and I just... I don't really talk about this kind of thing."

"That's okay." Missy replied, looking around for a distraction "You still listen to tapes?"

"Well yeah, I do..."

Missy picked them up and started going through them "Wow these are so old. I need to make you a CD of my favourite stuff."

"You're a pretty good musician. I heard you playing your guitar and singing this morning."

"You can hear that all the way from your house?"

Frank smiled "Are you in a band?"

"I was back home. You should check us out sometime. We were pretty good I think."

"I'll do that." Frank said, pulling up outside Missy's house "I'll see you around Missy."

Missy smiled at him and nodded "I'd like that." Then she got out the car and went inside her house.

Frank drove home and parked his car in the garage before making his way into the shabby looking home then heated some noodles up. Once the noodles were cooked, he put them on a tray with a spoon and a glass of milk. He walked into another room and pulled up the carpet. Underneath the carpet there was a trap door that he opened because there was no lock. He walked down the stairs, carrying the tray carefully. He was now in the basement of the house where there was another trap door, yet again with no key. He pulled it open and went downstairs into a dimly lit, narrow and ugly corridor. At the end of the corridor there was a locked door that he walked towards. On top of the door frame there was a key that he took down to open the door.

He stepped inside and looked around when suddenly a girl with curly jet black hair leaped at him and attacked him. Frank dropped the tray and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a needle and injected something into her arm that knocked her out cold. He lifted up the little girl and placed her on the bed gently, stroking her hair "Oh Mia," He whispered "Why do you keep doing this?"
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