Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Guns n Roses highschool love story

chapter three

by I_love_AXL 3 reviews

The third chapter

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2013-03-01 - 538 words

Axl’s cell phone beeped indicating he had a text message. He ignored it though. Whoever it was could wait. He was too distracted by his new friend Slash to think about talking to anyone else. He and Slash walked down the steps of the school running around the corner and down the street out of sight of any teachers that could yell at them to go back inside and to class.
Axl cleared his throat as they walked down the side walk. “So Slash where are you from?” Axl asked. “Ummm actually I just live in the next town over but I got kicked out of school there so they sent me here.” He explained. Axl wondered why but didn’t really want to ask. Slash noticed Axl’s curious expression. “You see I told my girlfriend something and she told basically the whole school. Some people were giving me shit about it so I kinds beat the hell out of one of them.” Slash shrugged Axl not able to see Slash’s expression because his hair covered most of his face, was not quite sure if he believed Slash. What could have been so bad?
“Uh. If you don’t mind me asking what did she tell them?” Axl asked hesitantly. “That I like boys.” Slash simply said wanting to be honest because at least if he was, Axl would reject him now and not after they built a friendship. Slash didn’t want to start a friendship with secrets. Axl looked at Slash with an expression Slash couldn’t quite figure out.
Duff frowned at the site of Izzy looking at his cell phone every two seconds. He sighed. “Um…Izzy, the phone tells you when you have a message….” Duff said as kindly as he could. Duff hated seeing Izzy so upset. He cared about him a lot, probably too much seeing as Izzy clearly liked Axl that way not Duff.
“I know that.” Izzy hissed at Duff gritting his teeth. Duff was surprised at the amount of anger in Izzy’s voice. It made Duff angry back, he hadn’t done Izzy wrong, Axl had. (Although probably not intentionally.)
“What the fuck are you getting mad at me about?” Duff said quietly enough so the teacher wouldn’t hear but loud enough for Izzy to know he was out of line. “You’re so stupid Izzy! Axl will never ever love you that way! Just give up!” Duff was going to keep going but then he saw the tears in the eyes of his friend. Izzy just shook his head staring to speak but what came out was only a chocked sob. “Iz….” Duff said quietly. Izzy shook his head one last time and ran out of the classroom leaving his backpack in his hurry to get away from Duff. Duff’s heart felt like it broke in two. He grabbed his and Izzy’s backpacks and left the room. He had to tell Izzy why he was so upset. And if Izzy hated him for it so be it but maybe, just maybe, Izzy would realize that Duff loved him in a way Axl didn’t and would return Duff’s feelings?
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