Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Shells & Secrets

Third chapter.

by NotKissingYouGoodBye 3 reviews

police car ride home with a break down at the drop off

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-03-18 - Updated: 2013-03-19 - 2101 words

Gerard was at his wits ends, he was lost. He’d been walking around in the heat checking every street in search of the off white house with no luck. He turned to his last resort with a groan and glared at the glass doors of the police station as he debated whether he really needs to ask for their help. How much can they help him anyway? He has no clue of the address and he’s also not hundred present sure what Kim’s last name is, he never really cared much. He’s gonna look like an idiot asking for help!

“Fucking stupid, fucked up town.” Gerard growls under his breath, blaming the town for his pathetic sense of direction, as he sneers at his own reflection. He just wanted to go back to NJ.

“They’re not automatic doors kid, you’re gonna have to physically push them open.” came a rough toned voice from behind making Gerard jump slightly. He turned around to find an average looking bloke in his late thirties early forties staring right back waiting for the teen to move or open the doors. Gerard blinked at the man dressed in a light blue police uniform for a moment or two.

“Sorry” He muttered as he moved aside and ducked his head down in embarrassment. The officer looked at Gerard with slight concern at his behavior.

“You alright kid?” he asked in one of those professional tones with an Australian accent. Gerard kept his eyes down as he debated if he should ask for help or walk away, he is not one to reach out and ask for help when he needs it. He sighed to himself and looked up at the man who must have thought Gerard was an anti-social freak, where in truth he probably was an anti-social freak. Gerard didn’t want to do this but he had not many choices other than wonder around again and hope he magically finds his new house but he didn’t really have time for that option, he’s gotta get ready for tonight.

“Umm…” he started to speak and scratched the back of his neck “I’m kinda lost.” Gerard looked back down to the ground in awkwardness. He was waiting for the copper to start laughing at him for been so stupid but he didn’t.

“Hey… You wouldn’t happen to be Gerard Way would you?” Gerard snapped his head back up and stared at the police officer with wide eyes. How the fuck did he know?

“Umm… yeah. How do you know that?” Gerard asked a little intimidated at the fact a complete stranger knows his name, police officer or not that’s still fucking creepy. The man stuck out his hand and offered a friendly smile.

“I’m John Burns. I’m good friends with Kimmy.” Gerard stared at the hand in front of him and slowly reached out to shake it. So he knew Kim, doesn’t really explain how he knew his actual name. John must have picked up on Gerard confusion as he stared explaining himself.

“Kim hasn’t shut up about Don and his two boys coming to live with her since it was planned.” He smiled as Gerard nod his head.

“I know just about everything she knows about you and your brother…Michael is it?” again Gerard nodded his head to John. He wasn’t really impressed about a stranger knowing things about himself.

“So when I heard your accent I suspected you were one of Don’s boys, you confirmed it by mentioning you we’re lost, your new to town so of cause you’re gonna get lost.” He stated with a grin and slightly laughed as he walked forward through the doors motioning for Gerard to follow. Gerard frowned softly at Johns back for assuming he was so stupid he would get lost. Tho Gee was slightly ticked off he was kinda impressed with Johns detective work, he guessed he was good at his job.

“That doesn’t explain how you knew I was Gerard and not Mikey.” He muttered as he watched the man sign some papers at the front desk then turned to face him.

“Ahh well you seem…well, a bit awkward and grumpy. Kim told me that you aren’t too fond of people and weren’t too happy to be moving here, also-”

“Aren’t.” Gerard cut in before John could continue with whatever he was going to say.

“Pardon?” the officer asked a little put off by Gerard’s interruption.

“You said that ‘youweren’t too happy to be moving here’ as in past-tense. I’m still not happy about the situation.” Gerard stated a little more pissed off. John only shrugged off Gerard’s comment and continued.

“Well… Kim also told me that you have black shoulder length hair and a pale complexion.” The cop moved around the counter to pick up a set of keys from behind the desk them walked back around towards Gerard who stared at his shoes.

“The final clue was your age.” He announced as he stood in front of the American boy. Gerard kept his head down and avoids any eye contact as he felt bubbles of anger begin to rise in his gut.

“Your seventeen and Mikes is only fourteen right?” Officer Burns asked already knowing he was right. Gerard only grunted and nodded his head once more at the man. He allowed his black fringe to shield his pale face as he clenched his fist into tight balls. The cop was too friendly for his liking and it was extremely off putting to have him know about his personal life, especially about his younger brother. Plus Kim was talking about his family like she owned them.

“Do you want a lift home?” John asked holding up the keys to etherize his question. Gerard wanted to scream ‘this isn’t home’ like he did to his father earlier today in the car but he did need a lift back to the house so he kept his mouth shut and nodded his head. John smiled happily and headed towards the doors with Gerard in tow.

The car ride was fairly quiet apart from John going on about how Kim had been driving everyone crazy with her excitement about the wedding and having a new family living with her. Gerard found out that Kim had told John nearly every detail about the Way family. As the police car pulled up into the drive way behind the rental car Officer Burns smiled brightly and turned to Gerard.

“Here you go.” He chirped as he turned the engine off. The teen jumped out of the car and walked around toward the path leading to the front door.

“Hey Gerard.” John called out the rolled down window of the police car. The teen reluctantly stopped and walked back with his head down and hand in his pockets. All he wanted to do was talk to Mikey, text Frank and get ready for tonight.

“Listen kid, I know you’re less than pleased about moving to Australia but it’s not all that bad, we got sun surf and sand. Plus Kim really wants you boys to be happy here like a real family.” He said kindly.

“If she wanted us to be happy why didn’t she just move to NJ?” Gerard spat, he was really over talking to this cop and he was starting to struggle to keep his cool. John just sighed sadly and Gerard hoped he would give up talking to him.

“I know I wouldn’t be too happy moving to the other side of the world either at your age but it would be nicer for everyone if you weren’t so uptight about it.” John spoke sympathetically but that didn’t help Gerard’s inner rage. This cop was pushing the limit too close to the edge and better shut up soon or blood might be spilt, and it won’t be Gerard’s.

“I’ve spoken to your dad before when he visited nine months ago and he really thinks this is for the best.” Officer Burns proceeded to talk without noticing the obvious discomfort of the teen. Gerard clenched his jaw tight and burned holes into the ground as John went on. Who the fuck does he think he is?! Preaching to Gerard to be less ‘up tight’ about everything. Gerard even started to quietly growl.

“You know after everything that has happen with-” John was suddenly interrupted by the slamming of Gerard’s first into the side car door. Gerard couldn’t stand to listen any longer.


Gerard snapped it, he lost all calm. His screams echoed across the sky and even set of a dog down the road. His hand hurt from punching the car but it was either the vehicle or Johns face, he thinks he made the right choice in that department. Gerard’s heart beat was hard in his chest while tears threaten to escape his eyes that could only see white in his rage. He had enough of people saying this was for the best and thinking Gerard was just acting out but he couldn’t stop it. He never wanted to leave. It felt like he was leaving part of himself behind, why didn’t his father understand?

John looked shocked by the teens out cry and just stared at Gerard as he breathed in and out heavily, fighting back tears that wanted to run down his flushed cheeks. He hated everything. If it wasn’t for Mikey Gerard knows he would have said so long and goodnight years ago. Mikey was the first one to come running out of the house now followed shortly after by his father and Kim.

“Gee!” Mikey sounded slightly panicked as he ran to his older brother engulfing him in a tight embrace. Gerard was too much in a state to hug back, he only stood there with his head down hands by his side and jaw clenched so tight it hurt. Mr. Way quickly ran to his eldest in worry.

“Gerard? Gerard please look at me.” He pleaded as Mikey let go and Don tried to lift his son head to make eye contact. Kim watched in dismay as Mikey chewed his nails.

“Gerard Way you look at me right now!” Don demanded in alarm when Gerard stopped breathing due to the extreme amount of emotions that were built up on the inside and made his lungs feel too tight to hold any air. Don forced Gerard’s head up and his hair back as he looked his son in his Hazel eyes that looked distant and glistened in the light.

“GERARD BREATHE!” Don held his son with both hands on the sides of his head. Stray tears ran down the side of Gerard’s face as he slowly came back to reality. He looked his father in the eyes and whispered shakily.

“How could…?” he began but stopped himself as he drew in a deep breath that he’s lungs burned for. He couldn’t talk to his father because he doesn’t understand. After all it was his idea to leave. Gerard shook his father off him and hurriedly rubbed his face as Don looked at his eldest with confusion and sadness.

“Gerard talk to me, please.” Gerard’s father pleaded. He knew Gerard was upset about something else other than moving but he just wouldn’t open up. Mikey watched on as his brother ignored everyone and stormed towards the house only turning around to shoot an evil glare at Kim and pointed his finger at her.

“I’d appreciated if you didn’t talk about me behind my back! Do you know how fucking creepy it is to have strangers know everything about you?!” He spat then continued down the path and slammed the door once he got inside. Don marched after him while Kim turned to John for an explanation. Mikey followed his brother and father inside as the screaming match began.
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