Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Shells & Secrets

Second chapter.

by NotKissingYouGoodBye 1 review

a surfboard to the face and some coffee

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-03-15 - Updated: 2013-03-18 - 3471 words

Gerard had no idea where he was going or even how long he was going to be gone, all he knew was that he had to get away. He was glad no one followed him, he was way too wand up to entertain any kind of company right now, and he’d probably end up literally biting their heads off. Gerard didn’t really want to yell at his family, or bite their heads off for that matter. He loved them and needed them. He shook his head out of frustration with himself. Maybe he was the only one making this all a big deal. He felt like he was causing all the drama, Mikey seemed to be coping. ‘Just get the fuck over it’ he thought to himself as he entered a busy beach car park.

The teen walked with his head hung, shoulders up and hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans. His raven hair was shielding his face from strangers as he bumped shoulders with them as they walked pass. He was really regretting wearing black because the heat from the sun was making his life just that tad bit more uncomfortable than it needed to be. Gerard was off in his own world just thinking about the last few years of his life, when did everything become so complicated? Why was this all happening? He knew part of the answers but didn’t really want to think about it too deeply at the risk of bursting into tears in public. The truth hurt too much. Gerard only looked up when he heard an alarmed voice yell out.

“Chris! Board! Person!”

Next thing Gerard knew he was on the ground between two parked cars after having a surf board crash into his face. He worked out that ‘Chris’ must be the blonde surfer appearing guy looking down at him with an expression of pure guilt. ‘Board’ was the white fiberglass surf board and ‘person’ was unfortunately him. Gerard looked up at the pale blue sky above and blinked his eyes in the harsh light out of stunned confusion and that’s when the pain shot though his face. He thought his nose was broken for sure, it was definitely bleeding.

He was just about to start throwing a full blown tantrum with yelling, wildly flinging arms and kicking legs while screaming at a God he doesn’t believe in anymore for making his life such a painful struggle until a kind face popped into his line of vision, head phones hanging out of the top of his shirt and dangling just above the American teen’s neck. Now Gerard is not usually into guys but he can tell when one is good looking, and this boy was fuckable he was that good looking…..or maybe that was the concussion fucking with his sight. Maybe he was dead, his brains felt like scrambled eggs inside his skull.

The stranger looked down at him with wide beautiful big golden hazel eyes which made Gerard just want to stare into them all day. The head phone emitted a wonderful sound of the misfits and Gee really did think that maybe he had died and was now in some form of afterlife with Mr. bright eyes above him and the sound of awesome music filling his ears. But he could smell the ocean and he wouldn’t be by the sea in his afterlife. With this realization everything came crashing down on top of him. His whole head hurt, he’s pretty sure he might be lying on broken glass and all he wanted was to go home to NJ but that wasn’t an option.

“What the fuck did I do?” Gerard’s voice sounded broken as it softly left his lips. Bright eyes expression looked sympathetic as he tried to sit Gerard up right, he must have thought Gerard was referring to the surf board bashing but in truth he wasn’t asking the bright eyed teen but the unknown forces that seem to be crushing his spirits and hopes, not that he had much left. Gerard was pulled out of his current self-hate for life by the teen’s cheerful tone as he suddenly exclaimed.

“Well fuck me if that’s not a New Jersey accent I hear!” The teen grins happily, his character was too contrasting to Gerard’s current mood. It took a little while for Gerard to pick up that bright eyes also has an accent, an NJ accent to be exact.

“Well I guess you’re not getting a fuck today, I’m from NJ.” Gerard groaned and winced as he tried to wipe away the blood without hurting his already throbbing nose. He swears he hears bright eyes whisper a teasing ‘shame’ before the blond armed with a surf board starts apologizing to Gerard like he was some kind of king.

“Shit dude I’m sorry! I didn’t see you! I’m sorry!” He started flustering about unsure of what to actually do other than apologies. Gerard stared at the blonde with confusion while bright eyes chuckled, and what an adorable chuckle it was, if he had ovaries they may have just exploded at the sound.

“Chris chill out! You’re totally freaking out. He’s alive isn’t he?” he smiled then turned to Gerard and placed two gentle fingers on his neck, checking for a pulse.

“Shut up Frank!” Chris snapped at the shorter then nervously looked to Gerard.

“I really am sorry dude.” He sighed as he crouched down in front of the injured. Bright eyes…Frank, was still searching for a pulse.

“I’m Chris.” The blonde offered out his hand for Gerard to shake, which he did after blinking at it first. Gerard doesn’t really like talking to strangers. He prefers to just sit in the corner and draw while watching people go by instead. He’s too socially awkward to make friends on his own.

“Gerard.” He offered as Frank jumped over him to search for a pulse on the other side of his neck. Chris smirked at the boy who was completely oblivious of everything else surrounding him as he felt around Gerard’s neck for a beat of blood under the skin.

“And the one feeling up your neck is Frank.” Chris informed with a smirk.

“Chris I think you may have killed him! I can’t find a fucking pulse!” Frank exclaimed with a look of panic though it was obvious he was just mucking around. Frank cupped Gerard’s face with soft gentle hands to turn his head to face him.

“Are you dead?” he asked quit seriously and made Gerard wonder if he does drama or something. He was very good at acting.

“No, but I have been called a vampire before.” Gerard states, unsure why he mentioned it but started to feel half a smile twitch on his lips. Frank beamed back at him. Gerard swears that they could have been having a moment if it was interrupted by Chris.

“But you don’t sparkle.” Frank rolled his golden eyes and turned to look at his friend while releasing Gerard’s face from his grip. His cheeks tingled where Franks warm hands use to be.

“Dude! Real vampires don’t sparkle like in that stupid twilight shit!” Frank exclaimed dramatically like he couldn’t believe his friend just said such a thing.

“He’s talking the real classic Count Dracula stuff! Pale skin, no pulse and black hair, avoids the sun, sleeps in a coffin. Is sexy and seductive with a deep toned voice and accent. He’s manipulative with the real threat of draining every drop of blood from your body as he bites and sucks your neck.” Frank almost sighs like a school girl over their crush.

“Dude are you fanboying over a living dead blood sucker from Transylvania?” Chris asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Shut up! It’s an awesome book!” Frank defensively bites back. He wasn’t going to admit the idea of having someone bite his neck was thrilling and maybe a slight turn on.

“It’s a book?” Frank nearly faints at his friends words.

“How could you not know that!?!” Chris bits his tongue as he rolls his eyes.

“I haven’t even watched the movie.” He states quietly under his breath as he looked away. Frank really wants to slap his friend around and not talk to him again until he has gone out and watched at least one of the movies about the pale cape wearing vampire, but then he couldn’t go on about how great Dracula is if he’s not talking to him.

“How are we even friends?” he exclaimed then went on about the plot and facts about the original novel while Chris sat there pretending to be interested so then the shorter would just shut up. Meanwhile Gerard was feeling the effect of his concussion as his head spun and he kinda zoned out of the strangers conversation and got distracted by the misfits still playing from Franks ear buds. In a haze he delicacy moves his head closer to the youngers chest, Frank was too deep into his conversation that he didn’t even notice.

As the polluting sound of guitars and drums swim in his ears his vision fades to white then normal but to black, he sways and closes his eyes to steady himself. He could feel his bleeding nose drip with blood and for a fraction of a second he thinks he might be dying…probably not, he’s most likely going to pass out. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing really comes out other than an ‘hmm’ sound.

Frank stops midsentence to see the pale boy softly swaying on the brink of collapsing. Just as Gerard falls back Frank holds him up, luckily for both they were already on the ground. Gerard mumbles something about awesome taste in music then goes quiet. He’s still awake but too tired to actually form a sentence. Frank looks to Chris for help but is only met with a panicked expression.

“Oh my God! I’ve killed him! Frank I’ve killed him! I’m too young to go to jail!” Chris freaked with his hands on both sides of his head.

“Yeah you are too young,” Frank agrees rolling his eyes “dude your 18. Even if you were younger you’d go to juvenile detention instead and then be transferred to jail once you’re old enough, either way you’d be locked up.” He teases and smirked evilly at Chris’s expression then turned his focus back to Gerard to see his Hazel orbs looking right back at him.

“Hey Gerard buddy, you ok? Do you know where you are?” Frank softly spoke while brushing a few strands of black hair from his pale skin cheeks. His nose has stopped bleeding but left a bit of a mess.

“Fucking Australia.” Gerard groaned and wished he didn’t know the answer. Frank smiled softly and told him to stay lying down for a moment. He turned to Chris and directed him to get a bottle of water and the first aid kit out of his Ute. Frank decided to get Gerard talking to keep him awake.

“So…you like the misfits?” he casually asked remembering his earlier comment and Gerard nodded his head but then regretted his action as it throbbed in pain. Frank asked simple questions while Chris rushed around like the sky was falling.

After cleaning Gerard up Frank gave him the bottle of water to drink. About five minutes passed and Gerard felt a lot better, just a slightly bruised nose and a couple of grazes on the palm of his hands. The three boys moved out of the car park and decided to grab some coffee. Gerard had just as much an obsession with the caffeinated drink as his brother so he was quite pleased to know that he would soon be sipping on the liquid gold, he even started humming quietly to himself as they walked along the side walk. Not quietly enough though as Frank also started to hum the same tune in time. Chris just looked at them weirdly and it came apparent that he wasn’t familiar with the tune of The Misfits ‘Dig up her bones’.

Chris was a lot taller than the others, he also seemed fairly toned. Just looking at him you would think he was a jock…but they don’t have them here…so Gerard didn’t know what to refer him to. Frank on the other hand seemed like the complete opposite, he was short and punk-like in appearance. They both seemed nice and friendly… well they are hanging out with a complete stranger who they don’t know. Gerard was hoping they went to his new school, it would be nice to have someone he knew there other than his brother.

They strolled into the coffee shop and headed straight to the counter to order. Chris ordered first than went to find a seat. Frank placed his order then Gerard followed. He felt in his pockets for his wallet when he remembered it was still in the car.

“fuck.” He breathed out under his breath as he also remembered he didn’t have his phone either. Frank quickly picked up on Gerard’s awkward stance and paid the girl behind the counter.

“I can’t let you pay for me!” Gerard exclaimed when he looked up to see Frank handing over cash. He wasn’t fond of owing people, let alone a stranger.

“Too late.” Frank smiled as he pocketed his change and walked off towards Chris who was in a booth towards the back of the café where he was happily texting. Gerard followed close behind the shorter boy and wondered how old he actually was, couldn’t be any older than Mikey for sure he thought. Mikey was fourteen while Gerard was seventeen.

“Anyway,” Frank began as he waved a hand in the air “Chris here did nearly kill you with his surf board, the least we can do is pay for a cup of coffee man.” Frank patted said Chris on the head like he was a puppy and sat down next to him while Gerard sat on the opposite side across from them. Chris gave Frank a sideways evil glare for messing with his hair then continued texting. You can easily tell Chris was a gentle giant, kinda like his friend Bob. Frank glanced at the blondes mobile and smirked widely.

“Chatting up ya girlfriend there Chris?” Frank asked smugly and avoids an elbow to the ribs.

“She’s not my girlfriend!” Chris snapped back just a little too quickly to believe. He was about to say something more when the mobile rang out in his hand. Chris practically jumped over the top of Frank answering the phone. He headed to the front door and walked out. Gerard watched him leaved with a confused expression plastered across his face.

“He always talks really loud on the phone so he’s gone outside but he’ll be back for his coffee once he’s done.” Frank announced answering the question Gerard never asked.

The coffee’s arrived soon after and Frank instantly added 4 sugars. He looked up to see the paler of the two watching him with a raised eyebrow.

“What?” he asked innocently as he reached for another packet.

“Would you like some coffee with your sugar?” Gerard smirked. He’s never seen someone put so much into one small cup of coffee.

“I like my coffee sweet.” Frank answered as he stirred his cup to dissolve the mountain of sugar. Gerard chuckled at the teen and softly shook his head. The two made small talk about music and bands. Gerard found out that Frank played guitar and for some reason he mentioned he does a little bit of singing, Frank was interested and insisted he show him some time. Gerard wasn’t too fond of the idea though, he doesn’t really preform in front of people, he may sing along with Mikey’s bass from time to time but that was his brother. They discovered that they pretty much had the same taste and were in a deep conversation about the misfits when Chris finally returned from his phone call.

“Sorry guys, Emma’s mom returned home early so I had to pull some string to get her an alibi for tonight.” The blond smiled as he sat down and took a sip of his coffee but pulled a face and stuck out his tongue.

“Yuck…it’s cold.” He whined and pouted.

“Go and ask for them to heat it up for ya.” Frank offered nodding towards the counter. Chris sighed with effort and got back up with cold coffee in hand. Frank Smirked then turned to Gerard.

“Give us your arm.” He said holding his own hand out. Gerard held his arm protectively and pushed up against the back of his seat with a slight panicked look.

“What? Why?” he stuttered. Frank blinked at the boy’s reaction. He only asked for his arm not to mutilate him.

“Dude chill. I was gonna wright my and Chris number.” He explained holding up a pen he pulled out of his pocket. Gerard stared at the pen then at the bright golden hazel eyes of Frank. He pulled up his sleeve and shifted his bands and watch on his wrist. Frank watched closely then leant across the table to write on the pale skin. Franks fingertips delicately brushed Gerard’s hand as he moved the pen down his arm leaving perfectly written numbers and names.

He smiled brightly at Gerard as he sat back down in his seat, pocketing the pen. Gerard pulled down his sleeve and placed his hands in his lap.

“Dude we gotta go soon, I just got a text from Shimon and his car broke down again so he needs us to transport the supplies to the beach.” Chris explained as he sat down next to Frank with a steaming cup of re-heated coffee.

“Ok, yeah cool.” Frank replied then faced Gerard.

“Wanna come to a party tonight? It’s just down at the beach as Chris said.” His eyes screamed with hope that he would come. Gerard just simply shrugged his shoulders and muttered a ‘yeah sure’. He wasn’t usually a big fan of parties but it was an excuse to stay out and away from his father and Kim.

“Can my brother come along too?” he asked nervously unsure if he was pushing the limits.

“Yeah of course man! I didn’t know you had a brother.” Frank beamed.

“Well you have only known me for what two hours?” Gerard mentioned and looked down at his hands.

“True. How old is he…just wondering.” Frank asked while Chris sipped his warmed up coffee.

“Oh, he’s fourteen. That’s not a problem or anything right?” Gerard looked up to watch the answer.

“Hell no, I’m fourteen too. It’s kinda a mixed age thing anyway, Just a bunch of us from school. How old are you?”

“I’m seventeen.” Gerard replied.

“I’m eighteen!” Chris chipped into the conversation. Gerard wondered why a fourteen year old was hanging out with a eighteen year old but decided to keep quiet about it.

“Frank we should head off if were gonna get everything ready.” Chris stated as he finished of his cup and stood up. Frank followed and slid out of the booth. Gerard felt a little lost and didn’t know what to do. Should he stand up or stay seated?

“Text me and I’ll send you details okay? We could pick you up if you want since your new to town if you like?” Frank solutes the vampire looking teen and walks away, Chirs waves and follows the shorter. ‘stay seated’ Gerard thought as he watched the pair leave.

“Yeah okay, see ya’s” Gerard calls out then takes a deep breath as they exit the door. He didn’t usually do so well with stranger but he felt he coped quit well today. He organized a plan in his head of what to do next.

Go home,

Text Frank,

Tell Mikey,

Unpack some clothes to wear and have a shower,

Eat something and then leave again.

Hopefully he could do all that without fighting with his Father. Sounds like a good plan right? There was only one tiny little issue… he has no clue where he was and has no phone. How the fuck does he get back home?
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