Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > House At The End Of The Street

Chapter Seven

by Hozzie 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-03-28 - 930 words - Complete

[A/N] - Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone so long but what with the play, the london trip and just life basically, I've been too tired to write and I guess I lacked inspiration. I think I'm okay now though? :3

Frank sat in the cafe, shaking at what he'd just done. The girl behind the counter was a girl with pale blue hair (though you could see she had black roots) and her name tag said 'Skye'. She was wearing a blue tee-shirt saying 'State University' "Hey, are you okay?" Skye asked Frank, looking concerned "You've been sat there silently staring into space for hours.

Frank looked up but didn't say anything. Skye sighed then walked away, cut off a slice of cake and brought it back to him "Here, it's on the house."

"Thanks." Frank mumbled, looking up at her "But I'm not too hungry."

Skye smiled at him "Come on. I'll even throw in a cup of milk for you." Frank smiled at her weakly and Skye walked off to fetch the cup of milk. He looked her up and down thoughtfuly.

"I don't know what I did wrong." Missy sobbed. She was round at Heather's house with Gerard and Mikey. Gerard and Mikey were in the barn preparing for Battle of the Bands. Missy had told Heather she needed to talk to her before they got started "Everything was going so well... I mean, I thought it was gonna go somewhere. But then he just freaked out and pushed me out the house. Maybe I shouldn't have gone on about his family so much."

"Hey, you say what's on your mind and that's what I like about you." Heather said, patting Missy's arm "Look, it's his loss if he kicked you out. You're great Missy. If he wants to act like that then he doesn't deserve. He's no better than Ray."

Missy smiled through her tears and began wiping her eyes "I guess you're right. Come on. We need to get ready for this battle of the bands thing."

"Yeah we do and you're gonna be great." Heather took Missy's hand and they made their way over to the barn where Gerard and Mikey were hard at work.

After about two hours worth of practice, Missy felt her phone vibrate in her pocket so she pulled it out to answer it. It was Frank "Hi Missy." He said sheepishly "I just wanted to apologise for the other night."

Missy walked away from the others to get some privacy. Heather walked past her to get some refreshments and pulled a face at her "Yeah well you just freaked out. I mean, what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing! Nothing, I promise. Look, it was all me and I can't really explain it." Frank sighed "But I do wanna see more of you. You're the only person that listens to me and well, treats me like a real person. Please don't let this be the end of our friendship Missy, just because I did something stupid. I'd hate to lose you."

Missy sighed, running her fingers through her hair "Okay. I'm playing at the Battle of the Bands tomorrow. Why don't you come and check it out? We're not that bad I promise you."

"That'd be great." Frank said, sounding relivied "I'd love to see you play."

"Alright then." Missy smiled "I'll see you there." Missy hung up the phone. Heather walked over to her, holding a tray of lemonade, and rolled her eyes "Don't give me that look. I still wanna be his friend."

"Yeah." Heather giggled "His 'friend'."

Missy laughed and followed her over to the others.

The next night was Battle of the Bands. Missy was stood backstage with Heather while the boys went to talk to the manager of the club about their equipment and boring stuff like that. They were laughing and mucking around with the stage make-up when there was a knock at the door "Come on in!" Missy cried in a fake british accent before dissolving into more giggles with Heather.

The door opened and Frank came in the room holding some flowers "Frank, you made it!" Missy had already forgotten what had happened the other night and just threw her arms round his neck, forgetting all about the flowers "I'm so glad you're here."

"Thanks." Frank smiled then handed her the flowers.

"Dude!" Gerard run in and tapped Frank "They're trashing your car!"

"What?" All four of them ran round the front of the venue.

Ray was there with three of his friends, smashing the windows of Frank's car "Stop it! What are you doing?" Missy shrieked hysterically.

Frank ran towards the car. Ray leaped off the roof of the car and punched Frank in the face, knocking him down to the floor. The rest of his friends got started. Missy tried to help him but Gerard was holding her back. Ray kicked Frank in the stomach "You like that you little freak?" Ray yelled.

"Leave him alone!" Missy screamed.

Frank pulled himself up off the floor and grabbed hold of Ray's leg. He snapped it. Ray started screaming. Frank took several deep breathes and then ran off down the road "We know the one place he'll be!" Ray's friend yelled "Come on!" They all ran off to their cars.

"No, what are you doing?" Missy shrieked, now that Gerard had finally let go of her. She had to stop them wrecking Frank's house. She spotted his keys sitting on the floor. She grabbed them and leaped into his trashed car.
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