Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Home

The First Step

by carmen 3 reviews

Ayasha contacts Mikey

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-04-08 - 4815 words

“Have a nice day.”

Ayasha forced herself to smile at the driver. “You too.” She responded as she stepped off the shuttle. She crossed the lot, quickly unlocked her rented car then slid in behind the wheel. Once she pulled the car door closed she allowed herself a moment to sit back and take several deep breaths. Her stomach was churning, her nerves shot. Since leaving her home this morning, since saying goodbye to Gerard, she’d tried to face each obstacle bravely. It hadn’t been easy. At times she’d almost believed the Fates were trying to keep her from arriving in LA. First she’d almost been late arriving at the airport because of a major traffic jam but had made it just in time. Then she’d been randomly chosen for a pat down and her bag was searched before boring the plane. Her first response had been anger, anger that she’d been singled out because of her looks. While she tried not to let this thought fester in her brain it had. It wasn’t until she was sitting on the plane when the woman next to her, a seasoned traveler, shared several similar experiences she’d endured that Ayasha let the anger go. The woman had seen Ayasha being chosen from the line going through security for the search and didn’t want her to feel she’d been singled out unfairly. Ayasha had appreciated the woman’s concern but she had been touched when her seatmate held hand during the take off and landing having seen the fear in Ayasha’s eyes.

Next Ayasha had endured the rush through the airport to her connecting flight where she’d been singled out and her things searched again. This time she’d remained calm not allowing herself to feel any anger. In her mind she just kept repeating over and over, I must do this for Gee. That thought got her through the second flight, and the moments of terror when the plane was hit by turbulence.

Once she’d finally landed in LA she looked and felt like a zombie. But it was at the rent a car counter she’d almost lost control when the older man behind the counter asked for her confirmation number. Ayasha had begun to panic when she couldn’t find it. Digging through her purse her hands had started to shake.

The man’s eyes narrowed. The woman in front of him was obviously nervous which set off a red flag in his mind. However, when Ayasha had looked up and he’d seen she looked as if she’d break into tears, his suspicions turned to concern.

“I’m so sorry.” Ayasha said softly once more digging around in her purse. “I know it’s here.” She tried to ignore the line of people waiting behind her knowing she was delaying them.

The man spoke gently, “Did you have a rough flight?”

Ayasha looked down then whispered. “Today was the first time I’ve flown.”

“Oh.” He smiled, “Well that explains it. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I’ve never flown. People think that’s crazy, me working at an airport but it’s the truth.” Taking pity on her he continued, “Tell me when you made the reservation and I’m sure I can find it in the system.”

Ayasha’s gave a sigh of relief. “Actually my friend made it for me.” She gave him Tom’s name and told him the reservation had been made yesterday.

After typing on the keyboard for only a few moments the man smiled, “Got it right here.”

“Thank you.” Ayasha said softly. Then she did something she’d never have done before, she opened up and explained to the man she was here in LA to visit someone who was very ill.

He listened giving her a sympathetic nod, “That explains why you’re having such a rough day. Now we’ll get your paperwork signed and get you to your car. Have you ever been to LA before?”

Ayasha shook her head.

He typed on the computer again and this time when he looked up he lowered his voice. “I upgraded the car at no extra cost. This one has OnStar voice command. You just push the button and tell it where you want to go. The car will give you driving instructions.”

“Oh.” Ayasha’s eyes grew wide. While she knew this technology existed she’d never expected she’d be given the opportunity to use it.

He smiled, “Can’t have you getting lost.”

By the time all the paperwork was done Ayasha was blinking back tears caused by the man’s kindness. “Thank you so much.” She gave him a wobbly smile.

“No problem.” He handed the keys to the car. “Now just go through that door and there’s a shuttle waiting, it will take you to the car.”

The man’s kindness had for a brief time helped her nerves but now as she sat in the rented car they were back with a vengeance. Her whole body was shaking. “Stop.” She whispered to herself. “You have to do this, you can’t fail.”

Mikey had just retuned to the waiting room when his phone rang. Glancing down at the screen he frowned.

“Who is it?” Alicia asked.

“Unknown.” He said lowering himself into the chair next to her.

“Are you going to answer?”

Knowing that only close friends had this number he was curious. “Yeah.” He nodded then connected. “Hello?”

Ayasha took a deep breath. “Mr. Way?”

Alicia saw Mikey’s confused look.

“Yeah.” He answered, “Who’s this?”

“My name is Ayasha Kivi.” She paused closing her eyes. “I was given this number by your brother.”

When Mikey’s body tensed Alicia placed her hand on his arm.

“Gee gave you this number?”

“Yes, several months ago.” Ayasha forced herself to go on hating that she must lie but knowing it was necessary. “It’s imperative I speak to you in person.”

“Look.” His voice held a trace of anger. “If you know my brother then you must know what’s happened.”

“I do and I’m very sorry.” Again she had to lie. “But I only just learned about what happened. I would have called sooner had I known.”

“I don’t understand.” Mikey said, “Who are you?”

“I am someone your brother sought out looking for answers.” She explained. “At the time he was very troubled and believed my knowledge could help.”

“Your knowledge?”

“Please Mr. Way I know this is a difficult time for you and your family. Believe me if I hadn’t promised Gerard I would make this call, if I didn’t believe what I have to tell you is very important, I wouldn’t be calling.”

“So why are you calling?”

Ayasha’s stomach was churning; she had to make him agree to meet with her. “What I have to tell you about your brother is important. He understood this and so do I.”

“And you can’t just tell me over the phone?” Again the anger in his voice was unmistakable.

“There is so much I need to explain.”

Mikey looked over at Alicia who was watching him closely. Finally he answered. “I can meet with you for a few minutes, that’s all.”

Ayasha felt her body slightly relax. “Thank you.”

Mikey gave her the name of a restaurant several blocks from the hospital then told her he’d meet her there in an hour. He disconnected before he could give himself a chance to change his mind.

“What was that all about?” Alicia asked.

Mikey looked down at the phone. “Got no fuckin’ idea. Some woman who said Gee gave her my number.”


“She said he went to her seeking answers.”

Alicia sat back, “Answers?”

Mikey sighed, “Fuck, it was stupid of me to agree to meet with her.” He was now regretting his decision but at the time for a reason he couldn’t explain he’d felt it was right.

“Maybe not.” Alicia said slowly. “It sounds like maybe she’s some sort of psychic or something. For awhile there Gee was really into stuff like that.”

“Yeah but so? What difference does that make now?”

Seeing how upset her husband was Alicia tried to calm him with her words. “I don’t know but if Gee gave her the number…”

“She said he wanted her to call.”

“He wanted her to call if something happened to him.” Alicia said softly. “That must be it.”

“But why?” Mikey asked shaking his head.

“I don’t know but I feel like it’s important we talk to her.”

“Oh no.” Mikey answered, “I’m going alone. I have no idea who this woman is or what she wants. She could just be another kook for all I know.”

Alicia placed a kiss on his cheek. “That’s what we’re gonna find out.”

“Alicia.” He sighed knowing his wife had made up her mind and there would be no changing it.

“We were gonna go out to lunch anyway.” She reminded him. “We’ll leave as soon as your Dad gets here.”

Mikey leaned back and closed his eyes. He knew he was at the breaking point. They were running more tests on Gerard because his condition was worsening. Now some woman had called telling him his brother had made her promise to tell him something, what next?

“It will be okay.” Alicia said placing another kiss on his cheek.

He wanted to believe her so badly.


Ayasha looked down at the paper in her lap. She already knew the location of the hospital and once she saw the address of the restaurant where they were to meet she knew it was only a few blocks down the street. She guessed correctly Mikey was at the hospital when she’d called.

“This is it.” She whispered to herself. Assuming the traffic would be fierce she prepared herself to start for the restaurant. But first she removed her contacts from her bag then placed them in her eyes. Gazing at her reflection in the vanity mirror she knew she looked the part of the Medicine Woman. “You can do this.” She said staring at her brown eyes, “You can for him.”

Ayasha had been right the traffic was like nothing she’d ever endured before. Now as she pulled into the parking lot she glanced down and saw she’d arrived on time. She parked the car then once more looked at her reflection in the mirror. This time her words were in Cherokee, “Please help me grandmother.”

Mikey and Alicia were sitting together in a booth facing the restaurant’s entrance. Several times they’d seen women enter alone but none of them had acknowledged their presence.

“She’s late.” Mikey said glancing down at his watch.

“Your watch is ten minutes fast.” Alicia reminded him. Just then she saw a small dark headed woman walk in. It was obvious her eyes were scanning the room. “Wonder if that’s her?” Alicia whispered.

Just then Ayasha spotted the couple. Her legs were shaking as she walked towards them.

Mikey was looking at the woman closely. What he saw surprised him.

“Mr Way.” Ayasha said reaching the table. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.”

Mikey gave her a brief nod then motioned for Ayasha to take a seat. As soon as she did a waitress appeared. Mikey and Alicia had already ordered so she turned to Ayasha.

“Just a cup of coffee, please.” Ayasha said.

As soon as the waitress wandered away Mikey spoke. “So what’s this all about?”

Ayasha had rehearsed what she’d say over and over. “As I told you on the phone my name is Ayasha. I’m a Medicine Woman.”

Alicia tilted her head staring at Ayasha. “What tribe?”

For the first time Ayasha allowed herself to look at the woman seated beside Gerard’s brother. “Cherokee.”

“From Oklahoma?”

Mikey tried not to be annoyed at his wife but what difference could that make?

Ayasha smiled at her. “No, originally from North Carolina.”

Mikey who was confused by all of this, just wanted to know why he was sitting here. “So” He asked roughly, “Why did you call?”

The waitress set a cup of coffee in front of Ayasha who thanked her then turned her attention to Mikey, “As I told you before I am here because of my promise to your brother and my desire to help him in any way I can.”

Mikey was regretting this meeting. How could this small woman seated across from him do anything to help his brother who was lying in a coma?

Alicia could sense Mikey was withdrawing so she spoke. “You need to explain this to us.”

Ayasha nodded, “Yes, I understand. You see almost six months ago I met with Gerard. He had learned from an acquaintance that I am a Medicine Woman and he was interested in learning about Native American beliefs.”

“He was really into all of that at the time.” Alicia nodded.

Mikey wished his wife would stop validating this strangers story because as of yet he didn’t know if what she was saying was true.

Ayasha spoke to Alicia sensing it would be easier to get her to believe the story than Mikey. “Yes, he was. That first meeting he asked me mostly general questions about our beliefs and legends. I answered his questions and he seemed very interested in learning more.”

“How long was it before you saw him again?” Alicia asked ignoring the fact she knew her husband was glaring at her.

Reminding herself these lies were warranted Ayasha answered, “Several months later.” She paused, “But I knew immediately Gerard had changed.”

Mikey sat forward quickly, “Changed? How?”

Ayasha sighed, “Please believe me, I do not wish to cast an unfavorable light on your brother but it was obvious during our second meeting that he’d started down a destructive path.”

Immediately Mikey bristled, “Destructive path?”

Again the lies weighted heavily on Ayasha’s mind. “He had been drinking when I met with him the second time. At first I refused to speak to him but looking into his eyes I could see past his alcohol numbed brain. I saw that he was still searching and that he was afraid.”

Alicia knew Mikey was upset but in her heart she felt the woman sitting across from her had genuine concern for Gerard. Not admitting the fact her brother-in-law had at the time been drinking heavily she asked, “Afraid of what?”

“Afraid of what was to come.” Ayasha answered softly.

Again the waitress interrupted the conversation by delivering their lunch order. Mikey waited until she was gone to ask, “So what was he afraid of?”

Ayasha understood Mikey’s unspoken anger, he was defending his brother. “To answer that question I believe it best for me to tell you what Gerard and I discussed.”

Mikey nodded.

This was the moment Ayasha knew she must make them believe she’d truly been in contact with Gerard. “He told me about a memory that kept surfacing in his mind.”

Mikey lifted a french fry off his plate. “What memory?” His eyes narrowed wondering if this woman could actually say something that would make him believe she’d spent time with his brother.

Ayasha took a sip of coffee then spoke. “The memory was one from childhood. It was the memory of going camping in the Pine Barrens.”

Alicia glanced over at Mikey wondering how he would react.

“What about it?” Mikey asked slowly.

“That memory was happy.” Ayasha said with a small smile she used to hide her nervousness. “He told me about camping and how his grandmother made donuts out of canned biscuits.”

Her words caused Mikey’s eyes to widen in shock. “Yeah, she did.” He whispered.

Alicia too was shocked, “I didn’t know you went camping with your grandma.”

Mikey nodded in answer to his wife but his eyes were still on Ayasha. “Why did he tell you that?”

Ayasha took another sip of coffee but put the cup down quickly when she realized her hands were shaking. “He was confused. He didn’t understand why those memories kept appearing in his mind.”

“And he thought you might understand it?” Mikey asked.

“There is more.” Ayasha placed her hands in her lap hoping to hide the fact they were shaking. “There was also another memory from that time that kept appearing to him at night in his dreams.”

“Like a nightmare?” Mikey asked knowing his brother often suffered though night terrors.

“No. Not like a nightmare.” Ayasha said softly. “The memory came to him in the form of a dream but it came to him night after night. He soon came to believe it had a deeper meaning.”

Pushing his plate away Mikey asked, “So what was the memory?’

Ayasha tired to keep her tone level and to show no emotion. “The memory was that of Gerard trying to frighten you.”

“What?” Mikey sputtered.

Beside him Alicia placed her hand over his.

Ayasha explained, “Gerard told me that at night as you lay in the camper he’d whisper stories of a devil raven.” She saw Mikey’s eyes widen.

“Oh, shit.” He whispered. “Fuck, I haven’t thought of that in years.”

“Gee really did that?” Alicia asked him.

Mikey looked over at his wife. “Yeah, the pine branches would brush against the trailer and he’d tell me the sound was the wings of the devil raven. Scared the shit out of me.”

Ayasha nodded.

Mikey tore his eyes away from Alicia to look at Ayasha. “So he wanted you to explain to him why he was dreaming about that memory?”

She nodded slowly. “Yes, because he felt the memory had a deeper meaning, one he didn’t understand.”

Alicia was intrigued. “And could you explain it?”

Taking a deep breath Ayasha continued her lies. “It wasn’t until I spoke to Gerard the last time I believe I did explain it.”

Mikey now had no doubt the woman had indeed met with Gerard. The memories she was speaking of were ones only he and Gerard knew. “What happened the last time you met with him?”

This was the moment Ayasha had been waiting for. “Gerard told me of a gift he’d received years before. A gift I’m sure was created by a Medicine Man or Woman. A gift that held great power.”

Completely forgetting his lunch Mikey sat forward. “What gift?”

Instead of answering that question Ayasha said, “Gerard told me the gift was given to him by a fan years before. He told me he couldn’t explain why but for some reason he always held on to it, feeling in his heart it was important.”

Alicia pushed her plate away, her hunger forgotten. “What was it?”

“Gerard described it to me. He said it was a necklace made out of some sort of bone suspended on leather straps that also held crystals.’

Mikey searched his brain but couldn’t remember such an item. “A necklace?”

Ayasha nodded, “As he described it to me I realized it was a talisman.”

“A talisman?” Mikey repeated.

“Yes.” Ayasha said softly,. “However what he called bone I believe was antler. The crystals I believe were quartz, healing stones.” She paused, “but it was the pendant, and what was etched upon it that made me believe it was a powerful talisman. He described it as a pine branch.” She paused, “It isn’t pine it is cedar one of our most revered trees.”

Alicia sat up her interest peeked. “Cedar is revered?”

Slowly Ayasha nodded, “Yes, and it is important I tell you our legend of the cedar for you to understand.” When they both nodded she repeated the story she’d told to Gerard. When she reached the end she was staring into Mikey’s eyes.

“The ancestors protect from the branches of the cedar.” He said softly then added, “The long day of night.” That phrase was running through his mind.

Ayasha was pleased, Gerard had known Mikey would pick up on that. “Yes.” She continued to stare deeply into his eyes.

“The coma.” Mikey felt his body tremble. “The long day of night.”

“When I learned about Gerard’s condition I knew his fears had come to pass.”

Mikey forced himself to look away. “So you’re saying somehow Gerard knew this was going to happen?”

“The path he’d chosen led him to this place.” Ayasha’s voice was full of emotion. “He knew he’d chosen a dangerous, destructive path. The memory of the raven story attested to this fact. You see in our beliefs we have a legend of a raven. It is not called Devil Raven it is named the Raven Mocker. This creature comes to steal the life, the soul of one who is sick. He can take many forms but often chooses that of a raven.”

“So you think Gee’s memory of the raven was because he was sick?”

“His soul was sick” Ayasha whispered. “It was becoming lost to him and he knew this. The last time we spoke he had given up trying to change his course. I explained to him the talisman had the power to help him but his anger was strong. I could see in his eyes he wanted to believe the darkness that was growing in his soul could be stopped but...”

Mikey broke in. “I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t believe what you’re saying is true but I still don’t understand why you called? Why Gee wanted you to call.”

It was difficult to keep her tears at bay. “Before he left he told me he did believe what I was saying but he couldn’t make himself believe he could be helped. He still felt the darkness growing nearer. He gave me your number asking me to call you if something happened to him. When I asked him why he smiled and said you’d understand.”

“But I don’t.” Mikey said his voice full of frustration. “Why tell me?”

Ayasha took a deep breath. “Because I believe like your brother that in your heart you do understand it is just difficult to make your mind accept.”

Alicia placed her hand over Mikey’s trying to offer him strength. Then she looked over at Ayasha. “This necklace, the talisman, can it still help him?”

This was what Ayasha had been praying for. “Yes, I believe it can.”

Still Mikey was conflicted, “I don’t get it. How can a talisman given to him years ago…” His voice trailed off in confusion. “Did he know the person who gave it to him?”

She knew she must hide the pain in her voice. “No, he had no memory of the fan at all but the talisman always remained in his mind.”

“But why did the fan give it to him?’ Alicia asked, “I mean do you think somehow the person knew Gee would need it?”

“Often a talisman is created by a Medicine Man or Woman before its true owner is revealed. Its true owner must be found. It is my guess the fan who gave it to Gerard saw something in his eyes that told her he was the talismans rightful owner.”

“So it was a girl who gave it to him?” Alicia asked.

Ayasha nervously nodded, “Gerard did remember it was a girl but remembered nothing else about her.”

Mikey leaned back in the booth trying to give his mind time to take all of this in. A few moments later he spoke, “So you are saying that this talisman can somehow help Gerard come out of the coma?” He wanted so desperately to believe.

“I believe it can help him find his way out of the darkness.” Ayasha answered. “Not only the darkness that fills his mind but the darkness that covers his soul.”

“This is crazy.” Mikey muttered fearful to let himself hope.

Alicia saw the hurt look in Ayasha’s eyes. “He doesn’t mean it like that.”

“I understand this is very hard to accept.” Ayasha said, her heart breaking now believing Mikey would not give her a chance to take the talisman to Gerard.

Mikey was looking down at the table, lost in thought.

It was Alicia who spoke. “What would need to happen? Does this talisman need to be taken to Gee?”

Hope sprang to life in Ayasha’s heart. “Yes, it needs to be physically with him. Then a prayer must be recited.”

Mikey was shaking his head.

“Uh, we’ll be back in a minute.” Alicia said gently pushing Mikey towards the end of the booth. She wanted to speak in private with her husband.

“I understand.” Ayasha nodded. She watched as the couple walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. As soon as they were out of line of sight she began to pray Alicia would be able to convince Mikey.

Pulling him into a deserted alcove Alicia looked into her husband’s eyes. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

Mikey sighed, “I don’t know what the fuck to think.”

“But you do believe she met with Gee, right?”

“Yeah.” He said slowly. “I’m sure that really happened. Fuck, when she mentioned the devil raven story I almost lost it. Gee used to scare the shit out of me at night with that fuckin’ story.”

Alicia took a step back so she could see into the restaurant. What she saw helped her make her decision, Ayasha’s head was bowed in what Alicia believed was prayer. “Mikey I really think we should let her do this.”

He sighed, “You really think a fuckin’ necklace can bring Gee out of his coma?”

“I have read a lot about Native American beliefs. Medicine Women are powerful, their healing abilities are real. It’s not a necklace, it’s a talisman. I honestly believe it was created for Gerard, I honestly believe it can help him.” She squeezed his hand, “And it was what Gerard wanted.”

Mikey wanted to believe but fear prevented it. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt but if she agrees I want to do this now before ma comes to the hospital this evening. I don’t want her to know about this, I don’t want to get her hopes up.”

“Lets ask her some more questions.” Alicia said taking his arm again to lead him back to the table.

Ayasha opened her eyes and looked up as they were sitting back down.

Alicia took control of the situation. “The first problem I can think of is we don’t know where the talisman is.”

It was hard for Ayasha not to let her relief show, they were going to let her do this. “Gerard told me he kept it in a wooden box on his dresser.”

Hearing the word dresser caused Mikey to flinch. In his mind he could see the damage Gee had done before the overdose.

Alicia quickly spoke seeing her husband’s body tense. “I don’t want you to think we don’t believe you. I have great respect for Native American customs and beliefs but you have to understand this is hard for us. For over a week we’ve watched Gee laying in the coma.” She paused, “But we do believe he went to you for help and so we are willing to do this.”

Ayasha who had been holding her breath nodded. If only they knew she too had been watching Gerard this past week, not only watching him but falling in love with him.

“We’d like to do it now, if that’s possible.”

Again Ayasha nodded not trusting her voice.

“You can follow us to Gee’s condo.” Alicia continued, “You have a better idea what the talisman looks like. Then we’ll take you to Gerard.”

Ayasha uttered a silent prayer of thanks in her mind then spoke. “Yes, I believe it is important this be done as soon as possible.”

Mikey signaled to the waitress for their check. Once it was paid the three started out of the restaurant.

Alone in her car Ayasha gave a sigh of relief. She started the engine then slowly followed their car out of the lot towards Gerard’s condo. In her heart and mind she believed she was taking the first true step to helping Gee return home. Soon he would leave the darkness that held him, soon he would chose to return home.
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