Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 1

by pepe_soldier 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-09 - 351 words - Complete

Chapter 1

Frank's pov:
Memories. They are haunting me. I can't take all of that. Not anymore. I had the happy life. Me and Gerard had some sort of plans for the future, actually I had. He...I don't know anymore. And everything what happened in meantime... Maybe it's the best if I start telling story from the beginning.
Monday morning. I was alone in house. Gerard was out of town. I was looking for an inspiration to write a song. Nothing. Then I heard door unlocking. It was Gerard. He came back. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.
-I missed you so much!
-I missed you, too, but you're gonna choke me if you hug me to tight - he said
-Sorry - I said and released the hug.
-I didn't said that you can't hug me - he said and hugged me, and I hugged him back.
-How was your trip?
-Very boring. I met someone when I was coming back.
-His name is Ron, and he's really nice.
-Can I meet him?
-Why not? He said that he'll call sometimes.
-Okay - I said and then he kissed me, I kissed him back.
-I love you, Frankie.
-I love you, too, Gee.
I really meant it. I loved him and I guess that I still love him, but I really don't know...
-I will never, ever leave you. - he said. I looked at him, silent. I didn't said anything. I couldn't said the same, because I wasn't sure. Even our relationship lasted for a very long time already.
-Is something wrong?
-No. Why do you think something is wrong?
-You're very silent.
-Everything's okay, I swear.
-If you say so. - of course he didn't believed me, I was a bad liar. Something was wrong.
-Oh, God! - I sobbed. I cried into my hands. My eyes hurt from so much crying, but I didn't cared. Who could hear me? Nobody. I was in deep wood. I wasn't sure if I was lost or not, but, as I already said, I didn't cared.
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