Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 2

by pepe_soldier 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-04-10 - 602 words - Complete

Chapter 2

Frank's pov:
With every minute spent in front of that tree, I got feeling that it's becoming more colder and darker. In one moment I felt one cold rain drop that fell on my cheek. It started to rain. I stand up and started running. Soon, I was in an old, abandoned house. Oh, that house. I still remember when Gee showed it to me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head aginst the wall...
-Frankie! Wake up! You're sleeping for 10 hours already!- I heard Gerard's sweet voice.
-Just five minutes- I said tiredly
-I won't accept that answer!- he said and he started to tickle me. I started laughing so hard.
-Gee! Please! I will die laughing!
-You must get up!- he said, laughing, too.
-Okay, okay! Just stop!- I said, still laughing. He stopped and I put my hands on my stomach.
-Now get up, or I will start again!- he said playfully and get out of bedroom. I got up and I went into the kitchen. Gee prepared me coffee. I smiled and took a sip of coffee.
-Come on! I have to show you something!- he said and then he sat in front of me.
-Let me to drink coffee- I said and took another sip. He kissed my cheek and went to the window.
-It's cloudy toaday- he placed his hand on the window- And a little cold- he said and I nodded.
-Let's go! I said when I drank coffee.
-Okay- he said and took mine and his jacket. He gave me mine and he wore his. I opened the door, and he locked it. He took my hand, and I felt that I blushed.
-W-Where are we going?- I asked
-I will show you place where you can go, any time you need or want- he said and covered my eyes with his hand.
-I can't see the way?
-No, because we have to walk through some place you don't like much- he said silently. I was kinda confused. Place which I don't like much? What was he talking about? We were walking for 15 minutes. Then he stopped me.
-We're here- he whispered and moved his hand from my eyes. I saw an old, abandoned house. To be honest, it was a little scary.
-I used to live here, before few years.- he said silently. I looked at him.
-Yup- he nodded - Wanna go inside?
-Come on! It's empty!
-I'd rather stay here...- I didn't even finished, he pushed me inside. It was full of spider webs. I'm afraid of spiders. But that was only empty webs. It seems like house is totally abanodned, even by spiders.
Oh, God, that day. I was so happy with him. Thanks to him, I'm not afraid of wood anymore. Thanks to him, I'm here now, and I'm actually not scared. Another memory, happy memory, before the sad ones...
-I love you, Frankie
-I love you, too, Gee
He kissed me, and I kissed him back. I really love him, more than anything else, more than my own life.
-I will never gonna leave you- he whispered
-Me neither- I whispered, I didn't knew that I said a big lie. I left him, and then I wanted him back. Who on the Earth would like to be with person that broke his heart?
Thunder. That's what stopped me. I have to remember everything. Every single detail. I closed my eyes again. Think, Frankie, think! For your own good! How all of this could happen? Think!
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