Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Guy all the bad guys want.

I just got a moped!

by cj_warner94 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2013-04-10 - 246 words

I smiled as the bell rang for end of school, I pushed one headphone in my ear and started to walk towards the fire exit when I heard a sobbing noise from the toilets. I would normally have ignored this but then I thought, what if it was Gerard?

I stepped into the filthy bathroom and looked at the stunning boy on the floor he looked up at me, his big chocolate eyes where full of tears, his dark brown hair looked as though it had been run through repeatedly and his bottom lip was stuck out but not on purpose, and I sat next to him. He rubbed his nose along his hoodie sleeve.

"W..ww what do you want? Are you here to laugh at me? Like everyone else does!"

I looked at him confused, trying to comfort him by smiling.

"No, I wanted to know what's wrong, I want to help you,"

He turned away from me, his bottom lip quivering.

"No one can help me,"

"Let me try?"

He sighed and turned to me.

"Okay, recently I told my best friend, Ryan I was gay and he.. He..."

He started crying again and I put my arm around him and hugged him, his sobs muffled by my chest.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm not going to laugh or judge you,"

He looked up at me then.


"I promise, now what's your name,"

"I'm bre.. Brendon,"

"Frank, pleased to meet you Brendon,"
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