Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 7

by pepe_soldier 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-22 - 479 words - Complete

Chapter 7

Gerard's pov:
few hours before

I was walking the faster I could on the way to the hospital. I could feel Frank's weak heartbeat. I pushed the hospital door with my shoulder and walked in. I was rushing through hospital corridors, looking for a nurse. I finally found her
-Miss? Miss? Can you help me, please? - she turned to me
-Oh, God! Your friend seem bad! I'll call doctor right now!
-Thank you - she immadiately rushed to the doctor's ordination. She came back few moments later.
-Doctor will accept you in few minutes, mister...
-Way. Gerard Way.
-Okay, mister Way.
I layed Frank on the bench. I checked his pulse. It was there, weak, but it was there. He was bleeding hard, even I pressed few towels on his wound, it wasn't enough.
-I'm so sorry, Frankie. All of this was my fault - I was whispering while I was stroking his hair -All was my fault. But it will be okay, I promise. If it goes wrong, I will never forgive myself.
-Mister Way? Doctor will accept you right now! - I picked Frank up and walked into the ordiantion. Doctor took Frank and took him into the other room. I wanted to go inside with him, but nurse didn't let me. There was nothing I could do anymore. I left home, at Ron's place.

Ron was cleaning blood from the floor and the carpet.
-How is he?
-He's with doctors, on the operation
-Oh... Will he be okay?
-I don't know
-I hope that everything will be okay
-Me too - I whispered. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my neck.
-It will be okay, baby, you'll see.
-Ron, I don't feel like cuddling or anthing right now... sorry
-It's okay, sorry - he moved his hands from me and continued cleaning.
-Maybe it's better if I go home.
-Whatever you think it's the best for you, baby - he mumbled and I nodded. I opened door and stepped out.
-I love you - I said softly and he smiled
-I love you, too
-Good night, baby
-Same to you - he said and blew me a kiss.
-Whoop! I'll save it for later - I winked after I 'caught' the kiss.

I was walking home slowly. I could see my shadow in front of me. All I was thinking about was Frank. I loved Ron, that was for sure, but that love was kinda weaker last days. I was confused. What happened? Suddenly, I fell on my knees, I started smothering! My throat was dry. This was new for me. Obviously some vampire thingy. My sight blured and the next thing I remember was that I woke up in the middle of the wood, covered with blood and surrounded by dead animals. I was terrified. What I have done?
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