Categories > Original > Poetry > Series of My Messed Up Poems


by totheark 1 review

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-25 - 139 words

Black hands.
Surging up around your throat.
Silencing your screams for help.
No one would hear what you cannot phrase correctly.
Hold back your screams.
Blackness sucking away your soul.
Bleeding away drop by drop.
Horrors seen behind eyelids.
Don't cry.
Heart bursting out of your chest.
Silence filling your ears with helplessness.
To give up is to be weak.
Weakness will only feed the beast.
Floors giving way beneath your life line.
Golden wool being snipped away one strand at a time.
Unfeeling pain ebbing away all else.
Out of control of your own doings.
Death is relief.
Flying and sinking and frozen in place.
Dying just trying to restrain the thoughts.
Thoughts feed the beast, too.
The ever famished-beast.
Your beast, unsharable to anyone.
Nothing that's able to life the heavy weightlessness resting on your chest.
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