Categories > Original > Poetry > Series of My Messed Up Poems


by totheark 1 review

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-25 - 206 words

Smiles should put you at rest.
Aching hearts have started to heal,
rubbing the wound will not propell you any further.
Wipe away your shock,
do not pretend you didn't see all coming.
Don't bring hell into it anymore than it already is.
You don't understand,
he doesn't understand your misunderstandings.
He doesn't understand anything about you.
No pretty face.
Hell no, you made that decision long ago.
But why?
Why why why why?
Why you?
Possibly so you could write a poem about this confusion.
This confusion that confuses him.
You confuse him.
Just as you confuse everyone else.
Why should he be different?
He steps forward out of the confusion and offers to build a bridge.
Bridges make you feel safer.
They're more dangerous than you think.
Do you want to be bridged into,
so all may finally access the locked away island?
This island that you've worked hard to lock away.
The thoughts harbored on which you've strove to keep secert.
Why should this bridge be build, by him.
Many have tried.
More have failed.
Failure hurts.
Should he be given the chance to build?
Will he succeed.
More likely, he will fail.
Like all the rest.
Is he like all the rest?
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