Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Home


by carmen 3 reviews

Facing the past...embracing the future.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-05-05 - 6039 words

It was at moments like this, as the early morning sky lightened and the sun began to peek over the horizon, that Ayasha took time to reflect. So much had changed since the day Gerard had miraculously reentered her life. Sometimes all the changes left her feeling lost yet he was always by her side making her feel more loved than she’d ever believed possible.

Ayasha sighed as she pulled the blanket a bit more tightly around her shoulders. Being back here in Colorado, in her small home made it impossible for her not to reflect on the past year. Her lips turned up into a slight smile as she remembered their wedding day. Gerard has insisted they marry before returning to California and she’d readily agreed. He’d looked so handsome on their wedding day that it had momentarily taken her breath away. Tears of happiness had filled her eyes as Tom walked her down the aisle of the small church she and Gerard had chosen. She could still recall Tom’s words whispered in her ear before the ceremony… “You deserve this happiness, Honey. You always have.”

In her heart she’d believed his words because she now accepted her past. All the mistakes she’d made had brought her to this place in time. She had been ready to let them go and begin anew, begin with the love of her life standing beside her but still…

In his sleep Gerard mumbled something causing Ayasha to turn away from the open doors of the attic to look at him. She waited a moment then seeing he was still fast asleep she turned back to look at the sky. What she had to tell him when he awoke was laying heavily on her mind and yet she knew the words had to be spoken. She prayed he’d understand.

For the past week they’d been staying here, escaping from the world but tomorrow they were to return to LA to their home nestled in the hills. Ayasha had been so happy when Gerard had insisted they keep this house after they married. He’d held her close as he’d explained there was no way he could consider not having their little home with the doors that lead to the stars. He’d told her there was nothing about the house he would want to change. This was the place they’d found each other, where their hearts had beat as one. The week had proved to be a wonderful vacation for them both. They’d had camp outs inside and out, they’d spent the days painting and making love. It had been perfect but tomorrow it would end.

It wasn’t leaving here that was upsetting Ayasha. She loved their home in LA, she loved the life they’d built together. And much to Ayasha joy Bandit had accepted her so quickly. The little girl had become such a huge part of Ayasha’s life that just thinking of her brought a smile to her lips. Never had Ayasha imagined herself in the roll of mother and yet she now thought of Bandit as her child. She loved the little girl and would do anything in her power to protect her. Becoming a step-mom had changed Ayasha, it had helped her to more easily show affection. It pained her to think she might miss Bandit’s next scheduled visit.

Gerard’s eyes opened slowly as his mind registered the fact he was alone. He’s expected Ayasha’s body to be next to his and he was surprised to see she was sitting in front of the doors. At first he was going to call out to her, kid about being cold and needing to be warmed up but those words died on his lips when he saw her brush a tear from her cheek. Silently he watched as she continued to stare out at the new day wondering what could possibly be wrong. In his mind he went over the last few days. They’d laughed and loved with fierce passion and last night bad been on exception. As he continued to watch her a suddenly thought inched its way into his brain. As they days had gone by she’d grown a bit more quiet. Was it because they were leaving here tomorrow? Did she want to stay? Wasn’t she happy with their life in LA?

All these questions were starting to cause a panic deep in his heart. With that panic also came another voice from deep within. These past six months had been hard on him, so very hard. Deciding to end the band that had meant so much had been one of the most difficult decision he’d ever made and one that had not been understood by many. True to his word he’d returned to his life from the coma intent on making things right. He’d spent countless hours in the studio producing would eventually turn out to be the last album. While his band mates all said they understood and stood by the decision to end the band he sometimes wondered if that was completely true. He still felt in his heart it had been the right call but with that decision had come great heartache. It was impossible not to feel that in a way he’d let the fans down again, something he never wanted to happen. With that thought in mind he’d been trying very hard to do something for them. He now kept in touch via social media much more than he ever had before. He’d set up a post office box for the fans so they could send him letters. When he had originally done that he’d honestly never given any thought to how many letters he’d receive. The number of letters was astonishing and yet he read each one often late into the night. It was a promise he’d made and he would keep it. But now he was beginning to realize it had almost become an obsession. Had all the countless hour he’d spent reading each letter taken its toll on Ayasha and their relationship? Was she sad because of how he’d been spending most of his days?

Ayasha was startled when she felt his arms encircle her from behind as she hadn’t heard him rise.

“Good morning.” He whispered into her ear.

She forced herself to smile as she leaned back against his chest. “Good morning to you.”

“Why are you up so early?”

Ayasha shrugged slightly, “Don’t know. Just woke up and decided to sit here to greet the new day. It looks like it’s gonna be beautiful.”

“And that’s what made you cry?”

She closed her eyes hating he’d seen.

“Ayasha, what’s wrong?” He asked softly.

“Nothing’s wrong.” She answered automatically deciding for now to push everything else from her mind.

“Honey, please don’t lie to me. I’ve been watching you.” When she didn’t answer he asked, “Is it because we’re supposed to go home tomorrow cause if it is when can stay a few more days. I know you miss this house.”

“Home is wherever you are.” Ayasha answered from her heart.

It was important to him to find the truth. “Look, I know I’ve been spending a lot of time on the fan stuff….”

She turned in his arms to face him. “Gee, please don’t think for one minute I don’t understand what you’re doing. I think it’s a beautiful thing.”

“But it had taken up a lot of my time…”

“And I understand completely.”

He still wanted to explain maybe more for himself than her, “I just feel like I need to do this for the fans. They stood by me through so much.”

“I told you I think it’s a beautiful thing you’re doing.” Ayasha said softly. “I don’t feel you’ve been neglecting me. Please don’t think that.” She tried to lighten the mood, “Hey, haven’t I been the one helping you sort and organize the letters? Don’t I go and pick them up at the post office sometimes?”

“You do.” He nodded, “And thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me.” Ayasha smiled, “We’re a team, right?” It looked as if she was about to say something else but paused instead.

“What?” Gerard hadn’t missed that fact.

This topic was something she hadn’t expected to discuss now but it suddenly seemed right. “While I know your fans love what you’re doing I know they’d also like to hear your voice in song again.”

Now it was Gerard who fell silent.

Ayasha smiled sadly, “Just say it.” She urged.

Absently he ran his hand over his face. “Damn woman, you know me too well.”

She reached out to caress his cheek. “Yep, I do.”

He sighed dramatically, “Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m afraid to write a song, afraid to sing. I know it’s stupid but that’s how I feel. What if I’m not good anymore?”

She leaned forward to kiss his lips then sat back. “You know deep in your heart the music is there waiting to be released. When the time is right, you’ll know.”

“You always have such deep faith in me.” He whispered as her words caused a comforting feeling came over him. “As soon as we get back to LA I’ll pick up my guitar, I’ll try.”

While Ayasha loved he was ready to try to face his fears the timing was unfortunate.

Gerard was watching her closely and what he saw worried him. “Okay, so now I’ve bared my soul what about you?”

She took a deep breath, “I’m very happy you’re gonna pick up your guitar and I’m sure the words will flow from your heart…” She looked down, “It will be wonderful to hear what you’ve done when I get back to LA.”

Gerard stared at her trying to process what she’d said. He gave up, “When you get back?”

There was no putting this off. “I can’t go back to LA tomorrow. There is something I need to do…something I have to do.”

“I don’t understand.”

She tried to explain without making it seem like a big deal, “Look, I know you’re anxious to get back to LA but I need to go to North Carolina. So I’ll just fly there and I’ll be back home in a few days.”

He stared at her dumbfounded. “North Carolina? What? Why? When did this all come up?”

Ayasha wasn’t sure what question he expected to be answered first. “Uh, North Carolina. I need to go home.”

Gerard was still in shock. Ayasha had never mentioned going home before. In fact she’s always said she’d never return to Cherokee. What was happening? Why did she feel she needed to go there? But more importantly why hadn’t she discussed this with him before now. “Okay” He said slowly, “Let me get this straight…you need to go back to North Carolina.”

Ayasha nodded.


Closing her eyes a moment she took a deep breath, “I can’t really explain it to you because I can’t explain it to myself. It’s a feeling I have. Remember when Opal came here?” When he nodded she went on, “She said she felt we would meet again and honestly I felt the same way. But lately the feeling has grown deeper, more persistent. Maybe it was spurred on being back here where I spoke to her. I don’t know.” She took another deep breath, “I just know I need to go. I need to see Opal. I need to once and for all face my past and make peace with it.” Now her eyes grew teary. “And I want to visit my mother’s grave.”

Gerard pulled her close. “Honey, why didn’t you tell me this before?”

Tears ran down her cheeks, “You’ve been busy…”

“I promise you I’ll never be too busy for you.”

His words made her tears fall faster. “I didn’t want you to feel like that. That’s why I didn’t say anything before.”

“It’s okay” He crooned gently rubbing her back. “Tomorrow instead of flying home we’ll fly to North Carolina.” Suddenly a thought occurred to him, “That is if you want me to go with you.”

Ayasha smiled through her tears. “Of course I want you to go with me. I….” The tears fell again, “It may sound silly but I want you to see where I grew up. I want you standing at my side when I go to my mother’s grave.” Her voice became a whisper, “I want mother to see the man who taught me how to love.”

Gerard rocked her in his arms until her tears finally dried.


Two days later they were in a rental car nearing Cherokee North Carolina. Ayasha’s hands were clasped tightly in her lap while she tried to calm her nerves.

Gerard glanced over at her taking his eyes off the road for just a moment. “You okay?”

She tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, tried to silence the voice in her head that kept reminding her she’d said she would never return to this place. That voice belonged to another lifetime, not mine, she told herself. “I am fine.” Ayasha said slowly.

He had seen that her hands were clasp so tightly that her knuckles were white. “It’s weird for you to be back here, isn’t it?”

She actually laughed, “Weird doesn’t exactly explain the feeling. Surreal maybe would be a better word.”

The summer sun beat down on the road as they continued on. Suddenly Ayasha sat forward. “Turn up ahead.”

“Okay” He slowed the car down wondering why they’d suddenly turned off the main highway leading into town.

Ayasha’s back was stiff her eyes staring ahead. “Pull over.” She said after they’d traveled about a mile.

“What’s wrong?” Gerard asked with concern once he’d stopped the car on the side of the road.

She didn’t answer just continued to stare straight ahead. It only took a few moments for Gerard to realize where they were. While the trees weren’t covered in snow nor the road, he knew. Taking a moment he imagined the snow, the cold, the fear. This spot was immortalized in the painting Ayasha had done when he’d been in the coma. It now hung in their home in LA. “Oh Honey.” He reached for her hand.

Ayasha took strength from his touch. “I don’t know why I wanted to see it again.” She said softly.

He felt in his heart this was something she needed to do. “Show me.”

By the time she was out of the car he’d rounded the vehicle to stand beside her. Ayasha took several steps forward then looked down. Her hand shook as she pointed. “That’s the tree we hit.”

Gerard saw that the bark of the tree was still scared by the impact. He shuddered looking down at the deep drop and realizing Ayasha had been in the car. What if she hadn’t survived? He couldn’t allow him to think of that. “It took great courage for your mother to climb back up to the road.”

Ayasha leaned against his chest as his arms went around her.

“Great courage and great love.” He whispered tightening his hold.

“Yes” Ayasha said softly, “I understand that so much more now. I would not hesitate to do the same for B.”

Gerard smiled.

For several more minutes they stood staring at the tree until Ayasha knew it was time to go. “We’ll need to go back to the main road.” She said as they walked back to the car. “We’ll have to stop and ask because I’m not sure where Opal lives.”

Gerard didn’t answer until he was back behind the wheel of the car. “Stop where, exactly?”

“The tribal head quarters.” Ayasha answered as she refastened her seat belt. She was silent until it came time to tell him where to turn. Quickly she released the seat belt. “I’ll just be a minute.” She said as she pushed open her door.

Gerard didn’t want her to face one moment of this trip alone. He was beside her as she neared the door to the stone building.

Ayasha took a deep breath then pulled open the door. Inside it was dark, the air cool. A woman looked up from her desk. “May I help you?”

Before Ayasha could answer a man’s voice startled her. “You’ve come.”

“Ridge.” Ayasha smiled seeing it was Opal’s grandson. She saw he was casting a puzzled look at Gerard. “Uh, Ridge, this is my husband Gerard.”

“Nice to meet you.” Ridge extended his hand.

“Nice to meet you.” Gerard answered returning the handshake.

Just then a group of older men shuffled into the building. Ayasha immediately recognized one was a revered tribal elder, the same tribal elder who had often dealt with a young, angry Ayasha. Perhaps he wouldn’t recognize her. She had continued to keep her hair dark unlike the color it had been when she was young. She turned to speak to Ridge but instead of facing her he was now looking over at the elder. When he spoke in Cherokee to the man Gerard saw Ayasha nervously look down. What had Ridge said, he wondered. The only word he’d understood was Ayasha’s grandmother’s name.

The elder took a step towards Ayasha staring at her as the other’s watched. Finally he spoke, his voice deep and surprisingly strong for a man of his advanced age. While he spoke in Cherokee Gerard knew by the look on Ayasha’s face that whatever he’d said had shocked her. For a moment Ayasha was silent but when she answered she stood taller, a smile on her face.

The elder’s wrinkled face broke into a smile. He nodded to Gerard then he and the men who’d followed him in continued down the hallway.

Ridge had now turned his attention back to Ayasha. “Grandmother said you’d come. She’s been waiting.”

“How is she?” Ayasha asked.

Ridge tilted his head “You know?”

Sadly Ayasha did know, it had been a feeling. “I was afraid.”

“The doctors told her she only had a few weeks to live.” Ridge surprised them by laughing. “That was six months ago. Grandmother knew they were wrong. Besides she was waiting for you.”

Ayasha didn’t know what to say.

“She kept telling me you’d come.” Ridge explained. “She said she knew she’d see you again before she left this earth.” When he saw how his words seemed to sadden Ayasha he added, “Hey, I’m headed over to her place now. Want to follow me?”

“That would be great.” Gerard answered taking Ayasha’s hand. The truth was he wanted to know what had just happened with the tribal elder.

Once they were following Ridges pick-up truck he asked, “Uh, so what’s the deal with the old guy?”

“Tribal elder.” Ayasha automatically corrected. “I had dealings with him in the past.”

“Dealings? I’m guessing not in a good way.”

Ayasha sighed, “Not in a good way.”

“So what did he say to you?”

“He said he knew my grandmother would be pleased I’d come home.” She paused then added still surprised herself, “Then he welcomed me.”

Gerard was relieved, “That’s good.” A few miles went by before he asked, “So, about Opal…”

“It was a feeling I’ve had for awhile now. I just knew.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? We could have come sooner.”

When she only shrugged he realized why. “It was because of what’s been going on with me.”

“Gee, it’s okay.”

Gerard sighed, “No, it’s not. You should have told me. I would have understood.”

Ayasha heard the hurt in his voice. “It doesn’t matter now. We’re here.” Up ahead Ridge’s truck had pulled into a driveway in front of a small well-kept house. She was shocked the home was only a few roads away from her grandmother’s house.

Gerard was watching her closely. “What is it?”

“I didn’t realize Opal lived so close to grandmother’s home.”

He released his seatbelt still keeping his eyes on his wife. “Will you show me?”

Ayasha forced herself to smile. “Grandmother’s home? Yes, of course.”

Gerard was struck by a thought he hadn’t before given any thought. “Uh you said you didn’t have any other relatives, right?”

She nodded.

“So once your grandmother died and you left what exactly happened to the house?”

“I don’t know.” Ayasha said slowly. “I suppose the tribal counsel took care of that.”

He was saddened to think that possibly all of her grandmother’s possessions were gone. However he didn’t have time to ponder that thought because Ridge had gotten out of his truck and was walking towards them.

Gerard and Ayasha both left the car to join him but suddenly were surrounded by four small children. Ridge laughed. “Uh, Gerard, Ayasha, this is my family.” He introduced the children, two boys and two girls.

“I didn’t know you were married.” Ayasha said smiling.

Again he laughed. “Well when we met I wasn’t.” Seeing Ayasha’s shocked look he explained, “I married a woman and was blessed by not only getting her but her children. We also have a baby daughter we added to our family just a month ago.”

“Wow’ Gerard laughed, “Three daughters and two sons. You’ve got your hands full.”

Ridge nodded, “Sure do. Right now we’re living here with grandmother hoping to get our own place soon.” They all started walking towards the house. “We’re near the top of the list.”

Ayasha looked over at Gerard knowing he didn’t understand. “The houses actually belong to the Cherokee Nation. The tribal counsel is in charge…”

He nodded, “I get it.”

Standing at the door waiting was a beautiful young Cherokee woman holding a baby. She pushed open the door. “Hello.”

Ridge gave her and the baby a quick kiss before explaining. “This is Ayasha and her husband Gerard.” He turned to them. “This is my wife, Baka”

“So you’ve come.” Baka smiled looking into Ayasha’s eyes. “She has been waiting.”

Immediately Ayasha was filled with guilt. “I should have come sooner.”

Baka smiled, “No, don’t feel that way. Opal said you would come when it was time. She said you’d know.”

Ayasha wasn’t sure how to respond to that.

Gerard meanwhile was looking around the small living room area wondering how eight people could comfortably live in such a small space.

“Opal is taking a nap.” Baka explained as she handed the baby over to her husband. “Let me see if she is awake.”

Gerard and Ayasha took seats on the sofa while Ridge lowered himself into a chair careful not to wake the baby in his arms.

“She’s beautiful.” Ayasha said softly gazing at the sleeping child.

“This is little Opal.” Ridge said his voice full of love.

“Excuse me.” The smallest child, Willow, was tugging on Ayasha’s arm. “Are you really Cherokee?”

Ayasha smiled, “Yes.”

The child titled her head clearly confused. “Really?”

Understanding that her blue eyes seemed strange to the child she explained. “My mother was Cherokee but my father was white.”

“Oh” Willow nodded. “I like your blue eyes.”

Ayasha smiled, “I like your brown ones. They are very pretty.”

“Grandma Opal says when she looks into my eyes she sees I will grow up to be very important.” The little girl said with pride.

It didn’t surprise Ayasha to hear this. She had realized Opal was very wise in the ways of the Cherokee and did not doubt she could predict certain things. She was about to speak when her attention was caught by Baka slowly helping Opal into the room. Tears came to Ayasha’s eyes when she saw how much Opal had aged from sickness.

“Little One.” Opals eyes were on her. “Welcome.”

Baka helped her mother-in-law get settled into a comfortable chair then spoke to the children. “Okay, everyone back outside.” She knew Opal wished to speak to Ayasha privately.

Once the children had gone outside and Ridge and Baka had left the room, Opal spoke to Ayasha. “Child, come sit by me.”

Ayasha moved from the sofa to the chair next to Opals. Gerard also moved pulling a chair closer to them. Ayasha was about to tell Opal how sorry she was she hadn’t come sooner but stopped when she noticed Opal was staring at Gerard.

Gerard shot Ayasha a questioning look. They hadn’t discussed what if anything they would tell Opal about him. In truth Ayasha wasn’t sure about this either. However Opal’s next words made this point mute.

“You found your way out of the darkness.”

Gerard swallowed hard. “Yes.”

Opal’s eyes were locked with his. “Leaving the darkness your mind let go of the memories.”

“Yes” Gerard said softly. “The memories of the time I spent in my spirit body were gone but my heart….it didn’t forget.”

Opal smiled, “Your heart couldn’t forget her.”

“It couldn’t forget the love we shared.” Gerard said gazing lovingly at his wife. He went on to explain, “My brother and his wife helped me find Ayasha, I wanted to thank her from bringing the talisman to me.” Just thinking about that day made his eyes misty. “I didn’t know her but when I saw her tears and touched them….”

“You felt her soul crying out to you.”

Gerard wiped his eyes. “Yes, I heard her soul and my heart and mind became one again.”

Opal turned to Ayasha. “Ominotago would be pleased. When she created that talisman she spoke of how its owner would bring love and happiness to you.”

Ayasha was shocked, “She never told me that, only that I was to find its owner.”

Opal smiled knowingly, “It was her gift to you.”

“I still miss her so much.” A tear escaped her eye.

“But she is still with you.” Opal said leaning forward slightly to take Ayasha’s hand in hers. “You will feel her love when you go home.”

Ayasha blinked in surprise. “Home?”

Opal nodded, “Yes, Little One. Your home is still there as you left it.”

“But…”Ayasha was shocked, “I’ve been gone for so long.”

“Many times I spoke before the counsel when they wanted to reclaim the house. Had Ominotago not been such a revered Medicine Woman I am sure my words would have been ignored. However I told them one day you would return, if only to get your grandmothers things and the house must be there waiting for you.”

Ayasha’s thoughts were confused. Her heart was filled with happiness that her grandmother’s belongings were still in the home but it seemed wrong for the house to have set unoccupied for so long when obviously housing was needed. “I had no idea.” She whispered.

Opal could see she was conflicted. “The house is simply a structure it is the things inside that make it a home. Take with you what you want, perhaps your grandmother’s jewelry making supplies?”

“Yes’ Ayasha suddenly smiled, “Yes, I would like those. Maybe someday I could make jewelry like she did.”

Opal nodded, “Yes, exactly like she did. Little One, you are very much like your grandmother.”

Ayasha understood the deeper meaning beneath Opal’s words and was pleased.

Gerard spoke up hoping what he was about to say would meet with Ayasha’s approval. “I was wondering…” He said slowly. “Is it possible for Ayasha to pass the house on to someone?”

Ayasha smiled at him realizing what he was saying.

Opal nodded, “She is the rightful owner. It is her right to pass the house on to another.”

“Wonderful.” Ayasha’s eyes lit up. “I would love for Ridge and his family to have my grandmother’s home.” It warmed her heart knowing such a loving young family would inhabit the house, they would make it once more a home.

Opal patted Ayasha’s hand. “I can not answer for my grandson but I’m sure he will be pleased.” That settled she seemed to be looking deeply into Ayasha’s eyes again. “There is something else you should take.”

Ayasha was surprised by the strength in Opal’s grip. “Something else?”

Opal closed her eyes, her voice became a whisper, “Yes, it was built by your grandfather’s hands. It served both you and your mother.” When she opened her eyes she saw Ayasha’s confused look. Her hand squeezed Ayasha’s even harder, “Little One, listen to your heart.”

Suddenly Ayasha’s eyes grew wide. “Oh”

Gerard leaned across the space separating them to grab her other hand. “Honey?”

Tears appeared in Ayasha’s eyes. “The cradle Grandfather made.”

Opal released Ayasha’s hand then sat back with a smile.

“Cradle?” Gerard repeated.

The hand Opal had released slowly moved towards her abdomen as a smile covered her face. “Yes” Ayasha squeezed his hand. “For our baby.”

Gerard was trying to process all of this. “You’re pregnant?”

“I didn’t realize…” This time it was tears of happiness that fell from her eyes.

Gerard turned to Opal still afraid to believe. “She’s pregnant?”

“Your child now grows beneath her heart.”

“Ayasha” Gerard stood to pull her into his arms. “Our baby.” He whispered softly into her ear. They had both wanted a baby, had never used protection but it hadn’t happened. This news filled them both with such happiness.

“I didn’t know until now.” Ayasha explained softly. “But my heart knows it’s true.”

“Yes and your heart knows more.” Opal said to the couple.

Gerard sat back down but this time Ayasha was on his lap so he could keep his arms around her. “What does it know, Sugar?”

Ayasha placed her hand on her abdomen then closed her eyes. More tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks. “Our son”

Gerard kissed her cheeks. “A son.”

Ayasha smiled, “Yes, a brother for B.” She turned to Opal. “B is Gerard’s daughter.” She paused feeling Gerard’s arms tighten around her. “Our daughter.” She amended.

Opal nodded. “Ominotago knew your path in life would be blessed with children.”

“I am blessed.” Ayasha said leaning against her husband. “Very blessed.”

They stayed until it was obvious Opal was growing tired. The parting was bittersweet, both women knowing it was the last time they would see each other on this earth. As Ayasha leaned down to hug Opal goodbye the woman whispered, “Now when you look back at your past you will remember the love.”

“Yes” Ayasha whispered, “I will remember all that grandmother taught me.”

Gerard stood nearby wondering what else Opal whispered to Ayasha before she stood then took his hand.

Once they had said their goodbyes to the Ridge and his family, who had happily accepted her offer of the house, Gerard slowly backed out of the driveway. He couldn’t contain his happiness. “A son”

Ayasha reached over to touch his arm. “I love you.”

“I love you” He was at the end of the drive, “Uh, which way?” He assumed they were going to her grandmother’s house but wasn’t sure which direction to turn.

“I’d like to visit mother and grandmother first.” Ayasha said softly.

He nodded his understanding. She told him to turn left then sat back, a smile on her face. Curiosity got the better of him. “So what else did Opal say?”

Ayasha once more placed her hand lovingly over her abdomen. “She said mother would be pleased and very proud of me.”

“I’m sure that’s true.”

At the cemetery they held hands once they reached the graves of Ominotago and Damini. First Ayasha spoke to her loved ones in Cherokee then when she spoke in English her tears flowed again, tears of pure happiness. “I have found my path, found love. I will honor your memories, I will keep you and this place in my heart forever.” Just then a small red bird lit on the nearest tombstone causing Ayasha to laugh through her tears.

“What is it?” Gerard asked, his eyes on the small bird and wondering why its presence seemed to delight his wife.

“It is a sign.” Ayasha explained holding his hand tightly. “ Cheasequah, the red bird, is the daughter of the sun..she comes to help people grow, nurture and heal. That story is one of the few I remember mother telling me.” Her eyes grew misty again, “I will remember all I have been taught of our ways” She said looking down at the graves “And I will teach my children those ways.” The promise was from her heart and mind.

“Cheasequah” Gerard repeated the name slowly.

Ayasha smiled into his eyes. “Cheasequah was once a name given to Cherokee braves.”

Her husband’s smile grew. “A fine name, a strong name.” His arm tightened around her. The deep love he felt for his wife and unborn child was overwhelming. “Come” He said softly “Let’s go get Cheasequah’s cradle.”

As they walked away, hand in hand, the red bird began to sing.

AUTHORS NOTE - I just want to thank all of you for reading my story. I spent many happy hours researching Native American legends that would fit into the story line. It was so strange how several fit in so perfectly. Of course my love of Colorado and my memories of the many happy times I’ve visited there seemed to fit in too. I posted this story here and on Mibba. They have a great little “mini” site that is just MCR.

I have one more story I’ve written, it was started over a year ago and like this one I’ve also spent a lot of time researching another place. It is a place that is very dear to me. Without saying the name (because I don’t want to give away too much) I think you all might enjoy it. But my dilemma is this… I’m not sure a story about MCR still being a band is relevant. Yes, I realize this is all just make-believe but the band breaking up really hit me hard. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact I’ll never go to another of their concerts. I just don’t know…if you have an opinion please weigh in. I’m planning on waiting about a week so I’ll decide then.

Once more thanks so much to those who shared this story with me. My love of writing and MCR is very dear to me.

Oh and one more thing I want to make clear…I’m very happy that Gerard and Lindsey seem to have a great marriage. I know in my stories they don’t but that’s just because to create an alternate universe, so to speak, they can’t. Matter of fact I really like Lindsey which I think comes across in my writing because she’s never a terrible person. I would never write her that way. So...just wanted to make that clear. Let’s face it I love drama and I love romance. Oh and of course I love paranormal!

Love to you all,

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