Categories > Original > Humor > High School Never Ends

Chapter Eight: Father, Father, Tell Me Where Have You Been?

by MCR-99 5 reviews

Dad visits, after eight years of me always visiting him.

Category: Humor - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-05-10 - 980 words

Chapter Eight: Father, Father, Tell Me Where Have You Been?

After a few weeks of being at school, I got to know everyone more. Especially Vic, since he was the one who always seemed to start a conversation with me, either him or Sam. Tony talked to me too at times, but not many times, same with Ash, Jaime and Mike, so I got a good group of friends going. I have talked to Kellin a few times as well, when he was in some of my classes, and got to know him a bit too, but me and Destiny kept a very big distance, which was good, after hearing about her little escapades. I wondered what identity she'd given this Danny guy, to cover up on her little lie.

Anyway, back to present day. I was just looking out my window, sat on the window sill, and drawing, when I got a knock at the door. I looked up at the door, and put my drawing to the side as I called out.

"Come in!" The door opened, and in entered my sister, Mia, my favourite sister ever. She wasn't my real sister, my Dad adopted her a few years ago, long before he'd broken up with his girlfriend, Lucy. Mia was my age, sixteen, with a really nice tan, brown eyes and black hair. She wore a Green Day top, another awesome thing about her, was she loved bands like me. She was from America too, but transfered to England when Dad adopted her. Well, actually, she was Guatamalean, don't ask me where that is though. When Mia entered the room, her eyes widened and she squealed.

"Sadie!" She ran over to me, hugging me tightly, and I react.

"Mia! Oh my God, it's really you!" I hug her back, and we flop down on my bed.

"It's really me!" She giggled, and we both laughed. "So, how are you enjoying America?"

"It's cool." I smiled.

"How's your new school? Met any new people, any guys?" She winked and nudged me with her elbow, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's fine, Kitty," I called her by her nickname. "And, I have met some new people, and some new guys."

"Ooh!" She squealed, positioning herself on my bed. "Who are these guys?" See, Mia always wanted to know about the guys in my life. Always.

"Well, there's a guy in most of my class, Vic. He's really nice, and he's in a band, and I got to perform with them on my first day."

"Vic. I know him." Mia said. "He was in my Junior High, we were best friends, before I moved over to England."

"Cool." I say, hoping that changed the subject, yet it didn't.

"Wno's the other guy, then?" Mia asked.

"His name's Kellin. He has a girlfriend too, who really isn't right for him. Her name's Destiny. Destiny Gold."

"Ooh, Kellin sounds like a cool guy." Mia giggled again. "And, what about that Destiny?"

"Destiny?" I considered weather or not to tell her the secret about her. I decided I would. "She's... a cheat."

"What do you mean?" Mia asked.

"I mean," I say, taking a deep breath. "She cheats. I'm pretty sure she's cheating on Kellin too, that's what Vic told me."

"Wow. How can she do that?"

"That's not all," I say. "Vic also told me, she cheats on every guy she's ever dated, with the same guy every time. She just changes the name and the location of the guy."

"That little..." Mia mutters, balls clenching into fists. "Anyway, Dad's downstairs if you wanna go down and say hi."

"Okay.." I sigh. To be honest I really didn't wanna say hi to my Dad, after what he did to make Mum leave him, even though I wasn't sure what he'd actually done to be sure. But, he was my Dad, so I still was related to him, and did care for him a bit. "Let's go."

Me and Mia got up from my bed and went downstairs to the front room. In the front room, sat my Mum, Ben and Dad. The entire room went silent when I walked in, and Dad looked up at me.

"Hi, Sadie." He greeted.

"Hi," I hesitated. "Dad."

"Come," He patted the empty seat behind him. "Sit down."

I did as he said, sitting in the black sofa beside him, Mia sits herself on the floor as our dog, Mario, goes and sniffs her, and Mia giggled and stroked him, yapping like a little dog herself.

"So, how are you fitting in school?" Dad asked.

"Fine." I say. "I've met a few people, made a few enemies, and I'm getting over my stage fright a little bit."

"I never knew you had stage fright." Dad mumbled.

"That's because you were never around to realise.." I mumbled back.

"So, tell me about these friends of yours." Dad said.

"Well, the first person I met was Sam. She's in my science class, and half my other classes. She's really cool. Then, I met a few guys from this band in school, Vic, Jaime, Tony and Mike, and I've met Jaime's girlfriend Ash, she's really cool. Also, I've met this other guy, Kellin, and his girlfriend Destiny, as well as Jack and Alex."

"Good, so you've finally gotten some friends." Dad says, and I scowled.

"And, I've been invited to Destiny's party on Saturday." I say.

"So, you have plans then?" Dad said. "For Saturday."

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, I was just wondering if you wanted to do something on Saturday, just me, you and Mia."

"No thanks." I say, getting up from the seat and heading towards the door, before turning back to Mia. "You can come to the party if you want."

"Thanks, Sadie!" Mia squealed excitedly, and I head back up to my room..
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