Categories > Original > Fantasy > A Tale of Shadows

The Emperor's Storm

by Tall_Tales 0 reviews

The tale of a man who sold his soul for power.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-05-27 - 462 words

Though the early years of his life remain shrouded in mystery, the actions of the man known as the Emperor's Storm will undoubtedly thunder throughout the rest of history.

The man, when described, is said to be of average height, with a fit build. He could be Aurelian, or perhaps from the country of Oran. His skin was said to 'glow like fire' as he faced his enemies, as if drawing forth the light of the gods.

The more learned among us, however, know the truth. He is inscribed with powerful runes, that draw forth power from his very soul. This technique, referred to among the sages of Delci as 'Soul Binding' vastly reduces the lifespan of those it is performed upon, though they become immensely powerful for as long as their soul 'burns' through the light of the runes. The average Soul Binder will survive roughly four years after the initial marking, with a small amount of variation depending on the will of the individual.

The Emperor's Storm seems to fly in the face of all reason by having survived for twenty five years with his Binding continuously active.

Whatever drives this man, it is unlikely to be a force that the average citizen can truly comprehend. His will is a force unimaginable to us, and is through this will that the Emperor expresses his rage.

Though the legions are the shield of the Empire, it is said that the Emperor's Storm is it's blade, a brutal edge sharpened and oiled on the bones and blood of those who dared question the Emperor's divine right to rule. He was first seen in the Macedi rebellion in the fourth year of Amelius Aurelius' rule, the early years of which were troubled with rebellion and war. He approached the king of Macedi as a lone envoy sent to the Macedi capital of Macedina. He stood before the gates in heavy robes for seven hours, one for each generation the Aurelian Emperors had ruled. At the end of this time, he demanded the immediate surrender of the Macedi people on behalf of his master, the Emperor Amelius Aurelius.

The Macedi King, a man by the name of Corith Sula, replied by sending out a champion to face the lone challenger, the legendary warrior Vitus, a renowned spear wielder. Corith explained that if his champion fell, he would surrender. Accepting these terms, the Emperor's Storm raised his hand, and sent a massive blast of magical energy out of his palm that not only reduced Vitus to ash, but also killed Corith, destroyed the main gate, and everything within a thousand paces of the epicenter of the blast in every direction.

The Macedi people surrendered, and the Emperor's Storm was admitted into the annals of history.
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