Categories > Original > Poetry > Poem Therapy and Such


by GettingHighOnCyanide 0 reviews

A year to the day. This is my ode to the thing that I'm 365% sure is love. It's shit but it's 11pm and I'm exhausted so don't judge me.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-28 - 109 words - Complete

They say time can heal all

I watched you walk away
Thinking they were right

But I guess that they forgot to mention
That although time can heal all
Sometimes, time won't heal all

Because somewhere

In the midst of the nights I spent awake
Hanging by a thread
The expectations I knew you were capable of
But you never lived up to
And the times you pulled away once more
After letting me think that maybe
You still kept me somewhere in your heart

I came to realize that
It's been a year to the day
And it doesn't hurt any less than it did
365 days ago
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