Categories > Original > Poetry > Poem Therapy and Such

If You Asked Me What Love Is

by GettingHighOnCyanide 0 reviews

This is sorta long. And personal. But it's something that's extremely close to my heart... something that I've been trying to put into words and organize for a long time.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-29 - Updated: 2013-05-29 - 610 words - Complete

It's feeling someone beside you for the first time
And knowing, within half the space of a second
That this should have happened long ago
And you can't believe you never saw it

It's walking the streets with them by your side
Looking over at them every so often
And you can't help yourself
Because they're truly the most perfect human being you've ever seen
And you didn't know someone so perfect could possibly exist

It's the explosion inside your chest
When they hold your hand for the first time
And you can't stop smiling
And it's the biggest surprise you could ever have imagined
But all at the same time
You saw it coming for what suddenly feels like eons

It's waking up in the morning
And smiling as your eyes flicker open
Thinking to yourself
I can't wait for today
Because you make me want to live
Like tomorrow doesn't exist

It's catching the way they look at you
Out of the corner of your eye
And maybe they were never too good with words
But they said everything that needed to be said
With just one look

It's wandering those same old streets
This time, hand-in-hand
And it feels normal
Like it was always meant to be that way
You just never knew it

And your friends think nothing of it
They just know by the way you look at each other

It's feeling like they are the one person in the world
That can make you become your potential
Because when you're around them
You feel like you could conquer the world
And for them
You would

It's the indescribable, blinding agony you feel
Whenever they're unhappy
You can't think
You can't eat
You can't sleep
Because you would sell your soul to make it go away
But it's out of your hands
And knowing that makes it hurt to breathe

It's sitting by the sidelines
Watching them live their life without you
And wondering how they can make it look so damn easy
But you don't let them see your struggle to understand
You smile
Because in the end, what does it matter
As long as they're happy

It's seeing them march out of the darkness
And knowing that they could do it
Knowing that they can overcome anything life could ever throw at them
Not because you're letting wishful thinking get the best of you
But because they're the strongest person you've ever met
And nothing could ever shatter your faith in them

It's watching them make mistakes
And hurt you, maybe even knowingly
And forgiving them every time
And you would still give your life for them
Regardless of their faults and flaws
Because though you may see the faulted and flawed person in front of you
You can't help but look past the bad things

It's going back to the happy times
When it's dark and the world is quiet
And wondering if you'll ever feel that happiness again
Tears roll down your cheeks
But a smile creeps across your face
Because although you still feel like you're missing your other half
And although you would give all the world to get those memories back
You're glad they exist at all
Because not only did they show you true happiness
But they taught you what love is

And you smile
Because it was worth it.

So to you
The one who I wrote all this about
I have one thing to say.

Thank you.

P.S. They were right. Love - when it's true - doesn't end, or even dull. Sometimes, it's just hidden from the view of the one it concerns.
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