Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 16

by pepe_soldier 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-06-11 - 414 words - Complete

Frank's pov:

I woke up. It was morning. It was cloudy outside, again. I looked at Gerard. Still nothing. I went to the window and looked out. It was very silent and no one wasn't out there. Then I heard knock on the door. I went to the door.
-Who is it? -I asked
-A friend -I heard unknown voice
-I don't know you
-But I know you and your friend, Frank -I was confused. Who is it?
-Why should I believe you?
-Because I can help you
-No one can't help me now
-I can, you just have to believe me -I decided to believe him. I hadn't any other choice. Anyway, if he kills me, I won't suffer anymore. I opened the door. That person was very tall. First thought was Slenderman, but I understood how silly it is.
-May I come in?
-Yes, sure -I nodded and that person entered inside
-Who are you? -I asked him
-My name is Kellin, and I can help you and him -he pointed at Gerard
-How can you help us?
-It's actually very simply. You think that he's dead, right? -he asked and I nodded slowly -Well, he is not dead. He is kinda...fighting with himslef. He is trying to beat a vampire inside him. That's why he's not breathing or his heart isn't beating.
-He's alive?
-For now, yes. It all depends on him. In few moments, when he got alive, he is winning, that's a good sign.
-How long it will last?
-As I said, it depends on him.
-That's all?
-Yes, that's all.
-Are you a vampire?
-I was before few years. Now I'm not. Not anymore.
-After that, is there any possibility that you became a vampire again?
-No. Now listen. He can woke up as an unusal human being or as a vampire killer, so, take care of yourself. Now I have to go, there is so many other people like you who are wating for my help -he said and went out. A new hope. Again. He will wake up. I looked at him and smiled. He opened his eyes again. I fastly kneeled next to him.
-How are you? -I asked and he just nodded.
-I-I think that I'm finishing it.
-Good, good -I said and stroked his hair gently. He closed his eyes again and he was gone. Not breathing or heartbeat anymore. I sighed. I could just wait. And I waited. And I waited.
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