Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 28

by pepe_soldier 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-06-11 - 362 words - Complete

Gerard‘s pov:
Someone hit the door.
-Open it! -it was Jim.
-Mikey, run away! -I whispered a little histerical.
-I won‘t leave you here!
-Just go, and take Frank! I‘ll hold Jim back!
-Please, Mikey
-Promise that you will be okay -he hugged me.
-I will, don‘t worry, now go! -Mikey picked up Frank and escaped through the back door. I stepped to the front door and opened it...

Mikey‘s pov:

It was very hard to leave him alone with that monster, but I had to. I put Frank in the car, I layed him on the back seat. Then I sat in the car and just drove away.
I was driving out of town. I had to go the most far I could. Where no one will find me and Frank. I was thinking of my brother all the time. I didn‘t know what is happening to him, I was so worried.

Gerard‘s pov:

In the moment I opened the door, Jim rushed at me, he caught me for the neck and pinned me to the wall. I couldn‘t breathe.
-Tell me where is he -he was yelling
-I-I don‘t know -I said silently, while I was trying to caught a breath.
-Liar! -he yelled and pinned me harder. I felt dizzy, very dizzy. I already know that he will kill me, when he let me. I fell on the floor, struggling for the breath.
-I will find him and your brother, and, believe me, you will wish that I killed you -he said and left.

Mikey‘s pov:

I stopped by the road, because I heard my cell phone ringing.
-Hello? -I answered
-Mikey! Run away, don‘t ever come back, please! -I‘ve heard Gerard‘s hysterical voice.
-What happened?
-He won‘t stop! He wants Frank dead! And he‘ll probably kill you, too! Mikey, for your own sake, don‘t ever come back here, please!
-Don‘t... please, don‘t. Goodbye, Mikey, I will miss you
-Goodbye, Gerard -I said silently. When he hanged up, I knew that I‘ll probably never see my brother again.
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