Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Chapter 1

by atomickilljoy 5 reviews

He saw her. She was different. Their eyes meet and all of sudden, skin colour didn't matter. It didn't matter one bit.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-30 - Updated: 2013-06-15 - 549 words

It was one heck of a year. There was people killed when that mill done fall down. There was that killings in California. There was that ship that sunken and killed many persons. Then the thing with the big war. They called it the second world war, with all them far away countries. And then you were born. Yes, you. Even after all of that hellfire the world had to offer, even after the bad face the world had given you, you still gone and pushed your way out. You didn't stop pushin until you was out. Even though the midwife said you wouldn' survive, you still pushed your way out an' you fought to live. You pushed your way out and the world seemed to calm down a bit more, as if they knew that you, in all your stubbornness and sassiness, had arrived. And I'm so glad you went and did that, because when I saw you, you was a beautiful chil'. You was the most prettiest thing the good Lord had ever brought down, and you was the most beatuifulest thing I had ever set these old eyes on. You still is. But in that moment that I laid my eyes on you, I knew you was smart. I knew you was the smartest thing ever, and I knew you was gon' be so much smarter than your mama. I knew you was a special chil'. You was gon' be somethin. And that's somethin more than your mama ever was. I knew that, one day, you was gon' grow up to read an' write an' do great things. All I ever did was clean, but you? You is gon' be somethin, chil'.
And the world don't stand a chance.
When my baby made up her mind, there ain' no one in this world, or in the heavens above, who can stop her.
I is so proud of you. You make me so proud. If you is readin this, that means that I ain' in this world no more, baby. But you gots to be strong. Just know that, with or without me on this Earth, I is the proudest mother that will ever live. I will be with you in your dreams when you need help, baby. I will visit you on cold nights when you think you are alone. You will never be alone, chil'. If you feel lost and you can't find you a home, I will be there, guidin you.
One day, we will see each other one day. Up in the heavens. I will meet your husband. Marry a nice man, baby. I don't care what he does. As long as he is good with my baby, and you is happy, I is happy.
I gots to go on now.
Thank your cousin Rose for me. The chil' was so kind an' wrote down the things I wanted you to read when I is gone.
I will see you one day.
And, no matter what, I is so proud of you, my darlin Darla.
I will see you in your dreams, baby.
Your proud mother,
Bessie Haskell

I changed the year. It's just easier to do something in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. Forgive me if it's not historically accurate!
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