Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Saku Eater

Chapter two

by LemonLime_bitch 0 reviews

Sakura and Naruto team up for the test, Kakashi uses Genjutsus and well Sasuke needs some attention...

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2013-07-22 - 2626 words

Hello people, a chapter two on its way ;p


Chapter two

Sakura's eyes fluttered shut.

They had been waiting for about two hours for Kakashi to show up.

As Sakura fell asleep. Kakashi looked in on his stewards.

An evil glint flashed in his only visible eye.
He made a few hand signs and focused down on Sakura from his perch on the tree branch. "Genjutsu: Aikou Jun Kigi."

He then did the same to Sasuke, "Genjutsu: Susume Nentou Meruto."

He looked at the drooling mess of the blonde on the grass. "Genjutsu: Kyuusho Hitoshirenu Taira Mokushi."

He chuckled and leaned against the base of the tree and pulled out his book to simply waste time before they started to come out of the trance.


Naruto looked around himself finding him in a clearing in a really dense forested area.

He didn't remember waking up but he knew for sure he didn't fall asleep here.

"Naruto?" He heard a girl call to him.

He spun around looking for the owner of the voice.

He spotted a curled up figure with light pink hair leaning against the tree.

"Naruto?" Sakura called out again.

"What is it Sakura-chan?" He called out running to her side.

"Naruto?" She called again, "I don't know if you are there... please I need some one to know."

He walked infront of her face and waved a hand infront of her but she looked right through him.

"Even I am not sure about it but my inner voice says that males are not my choice, I mean sure they can get me pregnant but I am not attracted to them, I think I like girls." She shook her head. "I have these memories of beautiful women my mother had suduced when I was younger I saw them naked and heard them enjoy pleasure. I wanted to be my mother when I grew up-I wanted to be the woman making the others pant, moan, and scream. I can remember this but that person you see every day that you talk to? Yeah she can't remember-I'm just one of her many pieces of her soul that isn't powerful enough to make her aware of what she forgot."

Naruto's self esteem plummeted.

"You know your sexy jutsu?" She asked rhetorically, "Yeah we inners are arroused by that busty blonde and well its hard to do things when you are stuck inside some ones head so we wanted-"

She bit her lip and six others that looked exactly like her stood on either side of her, "We wanted you to remind her of what she forgot and find a way to where we can finally have seperate bodies." They all said in unison.

He looked at each of them finding something a little different between each one of them, wether it be the shape of the eyes or their stance they all looked the same but were different at the same time, "I swear it to you!" He said out loud knowing that they couldn't hear him.


Sasuke looked up from his spot on the ground at Kakashi. "What the hell took you so long?"

"Black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way around." Kakashi eye smiled at him.

"Hn." He said crossing his arms.

"Now Sasuke I've noticed you have a little pink mouse following you around." Kakashi said looking up towards the sky. "Well not really a mouse but I have a way to get her off your back if you are willing to listen."

Sasuke looked more closely towards him.

"Most of theose problems are fixed by giving them a chance, taking them to dinner maybe watch a movie in your apartment then test it." Kakashi said glancing at the confused look he got from Sasuke. "Test wheither or not she turns you on wheither she can make you feel like you are the man, she has to be attractive towards your emotional side and your sexual side because with out that last one there is no way that relationship could be fun and be able to last."

"You must find the one that makes your head vomit from usage but then again you are listening to your own thoughts I'm just an illusion that comes from your brain." Kakashi said putting his hands in his pockets.


Sakura awoke to a bright light flashing infront of her face.

"Oh thank god you weren't dead." She heard Naruto say as he squished her into a hug.

"What happened?" She asked rubbing her forehead.

"That hunter nin lady stabbed you in the stomach on accident because you got in the way at the last second and passed out either from pain or blood loss, we don't know." Naruto said standing her up.

"That wouldn't have happened had you been strong. You are nothing but a weakling." She heard Kakashi's condensending voice from behind her.

"Yeah Sakura-chan, you are holding us back all because of your precious 'Sasuke-kun', get a grip you will never ever be his type you are far to weak even I can not love you." Naruto spoke directly at her face coldly and harshly too.

"Either stay home like you should have or we will let you die on the next mission, you are of no use to us alive just a burden on our team." She heard Sasuke talk from behind Naruto, "Even if I have to kill you myself righ this second to get rid of the burden now."

Then she heard cherping birds and felt pain rip through her abdomin and lower back.

She looked down and saw Sasuke's arm going through her stomach and out her back.

She looked up at him coughing out blood, "How could you?" She coughed/whispered.


Kakashi was pleased to see the blonde stirr then wake up with a contemplative face, and not even three minutes later Sasuke seemed to have been able to escape the Genjutsu also with a thoughtful face.

Kakashi then waited to see how the pink haired girl would fair after all he did put the bad one on her.

The boys looked at each other one smirked and the other glared then stuck out his tounge.

Then all the sudden a very loud pained scream came from the girl as she grabbed her stomach and hunched over in pain with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Sakura!" Both boys yelled and ran to her sides.

"Oh god," She whispered, "Who put that Genjutsu on me?"

The boys looked at her confused.

"Kakashi you son of a bitch, you used Genjutsu: Aikou Jun Kigi on me didn't you?" She asked looking directly towards the branch that had been Kakashi's perch.

"Very good Sakura, you were the only one to notice that it was indeed a Genjutsu but you were also able to tell which one you were put under... They never mentioned your infinity towards Genjutsu in your files." Kakashi said jumping down from the tree and landing on his feet casually.

"God Damn you Bastard." She said through gritted teeth.

Kakashi chuckled, "I subjected you all to a certain degree of Genjutsu each acording to your chakra levels, the lower your levels the higher the Genjustu and since Sakura's is the lowest I tested her by giving her a torcher genjutsu which now that I think about it wasn't all that smart...but anyways time for your real test." Kakashi straightened up and produced two bells from his pocket. "As you can see there is only two bells which means the one that doesn't get the bell will be failed and sent back to the academy and also will be tied to the post as the rest of us eat lunch, you have until noon to complete his task and remember if you don't come at me with intent on killing you will never lay a finger on me."

Kakashi eye smiled at them, "With that said GO!"

Sakura and Sasuke dissapeared while Naruto stood his ground.

Sakura looked back towards the clearing. 'That idiot we need to hide and come up with a way to defet him... That genjutsu showed how they really feel about me-that Uchiha was willing to kill me because I was weak.' She gritted her teeth. 'Come on Naruto lets work together.'

Sakura watched as Nauto created two clones and paried with Kakashi across the clearing.

She narrowed her eyes seeing an opertunity if they kept going towards a certain area. 'Keep him distracted.'

She then ran as quietly as she could to the river and turned and caught one of the Narutos' eyes and winked then slid herself into the water.

She left her head out of the water waiting and watching as the Narutos shoved Kakashi closer and closer to the water.

She took a breath and sunk under the water and formed hand signs infront of her face.

'Naiteki Kei Waza: Mizu Kata Onkyou Boutou.'

The water started to surge around her turning it a wintery blue and a parcley green.

She opened her eyes and placed chakra at her feet sending her up and out of the water and flipping over the four people fighting.

Her eyes had turned the color of ice and slightly glowed.

Two Narutos disperced leaving one to land a hit on the Jonin's face before he subsituted himself out of harms way.

Kakashi got a good look at Sakura as she placed her hands into wha looked like the dragon in her right hand and the rat in the other.

She smiled ruefully at him. "Pay back. Boom."

All the sudden the wintery blue and parcley green water explouded giving off a shocking sound that put Kakashi on his knees holding his ears.

Naruto then ran to the jonin and took the bells and practically skipped back to Sakura.

She released her hands and her eyes took the normal shade of emerald green.

"I still can't hear but that technique I've never ever seen before." Kakashi said rubbing his ears and standing up.

Sakura smiled as Naruto handed her a bell.

She took it and then turned to the forest and threw it as hard as she could.

She turned back around to two dumb founded faces.

"What? I'd rather Naruto just pass then have a team that can't function because its missing a member." She said shrugging.

"That was a lot of damage done by some one with very little chakra." Kakashi said out loud a little louder then normal though. 'In fact I don't think she used her chakra at all.'

Sasuke came slowly out of the trees not entirely sure what just happened.

"Team 7 passes." Kakashi anounced.


Sakura had a huge smile on her face as she began her trek home.

"Sakura?" She heard her name being called.

She turned around seeing Sasuke look at her trying to make a desion. "Uh would you like to spare with me for a little bit?"

They were in a clearing already, actually she wasn't entirely sure where they were exactly.

"Sure." She said and slid into the basic stance of taijutsu.

He did the same, "Weapons are allowed but no Jutsu's."

She nodded then procceded to pounce.

Left punch. Right block. Side kick. Dodge. Upper cut. Dodge. Another upper cut. A dodge.

Sasuke jumped out of her flurry of attacks and threw kunai at her.

She danced between them basically as she dodged them.

One sliced open her dress from her neck down her right shoulder and her arm. Another sliced down her right side from rib cage to waist line. Another sliced right down the center of her chest cutting up the wraps that kept her size an A instead of a C it got her from her collar bone done to the end of her ribs.

Her boobs bounced back into shape huge and perky and slowly sliding out of her shirt.

Sasuke stared he couldn't do anything as he felt something shift and harden inside his pants.

"Sakura." He called getting her attention from trying to put the shoulder of her dress back together.

He walked right up to her and placed his hand on her right wais and took his other hand and guided her head to his and kissed her hard on the lips.

He felt his hand slip up and into the slit on her side.

She suddenly backed up. Looking direcly into his eyes. "This isn't right. You would gladly take my life in order to make the team less weak."

He looked at her confused. "Is that what the Genjutsu showed you?"

She backed some more. "Yes but that just shows me how the ones I am around actually feel about me... It couldn't be wrong yet you were just kissing me."

He hardened his eyes, "You are my teamate I never should have done that in the first place I don't know what came over me-"

"Yes you do, you are a teenage boy and they always get tents in their pants at seeing curvy women's secrets. Yes I know that you are excited but I'm sorry I don't think I feel the same way otherwise we would have been on the floor with you fucking my brains out right this very second." She said before she took a deep breath, "You don't turn me on like I always thought you would... Good night Sasuke-oh you might want to relieve yourself other wise you will be hurting for days."
She then turned around and waved as she sashayed her hips and walked away.

Sasuke felt it get harder as he watched her hips sway.


Sakura got home skillfully avoiding any male on the streets but also earning herself lustful and jealous looks from the women she passed.

"Mom I'm home, and we passed!" She yelled into the seemingly empty house.

"Thats good honey!" She heard her mother call.

She got this idea of sneaking up on her so she quietly snuck her way to the bathroom.

She was not prepared for what she saw.

Her mother sat in the bathroom taking out a bottle of pink hair dye and saw small amounts of brown at her roots.

"Mom?" She asked as if she saw a ghost.

Keshi jumped startled. "Sakura honey- this isn't what it looks like." As she hid the bottle behind her back.

"You aren't really my mother are you?" She asked finally clicking it in her head how in the mornings when her mom was just waking up how her eyes were more brown then green and how she didn't have any grey in her hair and how different their tastes were.

"You caught me, but honey you might not be biologically mine but you still are my baby girl." She said reaching her hand to touch her exposed shoulder.

"No." Sakura said backing out of reach, "I don't know you-you were never here."



Genjutsu: Aikou Jun Kigi - love turned fear - cast on Sakura to stop her fan girlish ways.

Genjutsu: Susume Nentou Meruto - advice mind melt - weird name to just give advice that helps solve a problem weighing on a persons mind.

Genjutsu: Kyuusho Hitoshirenu Taira Mokushi - secrets hidden in plain sight - brings the person closer to some one who is on their mind a lot by having their most inner secret told out loud that is obvious yet really not.

Naiteki Kei Waza: Mizu Kata Onkyou Boutou - inner sytem technique: water style sound boom - On of Sakuras special techniques and sort of a blood line will be explained in further detail later on.
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