Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Playing Happy Families

Chapter 8

by KobraBlaze 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-08-04 - Updated: 2013-08-04 - 855 words - Complete

Hello! Sorry for the delay over the weekend but Im back now and here is what is sadly the chapter.

Chapter 8

"You okay, Mikes?" Gerard asked placing down his brothers coffee on the table.

Mikey nodded. He didnt look happy at all though. Not that you would be if you were beaten up but Mikey wasn't even tempted to pick up his coffee. He was lying on the couch with a blanket over him.

"Are you sure, Mikey? I know I wasn't like a brother to you for years but I can tell when you're sad." Gerard wanted to try dodge the subject of how he used to treat his own brother but it proved difficult of course between their mother and people at school.

Mikey stared blankly at the coffee. Gerard had no idea of what was going through his brothers mind.

"I don't want you getting bullied because of me. For years I wanted my brother back, but not if you were going to be hated as much as I am. It's not fair, Gee." Mikey spoke breaking a silence. He sounded a little angry and annoyed.

"But Mikey, that doesn't matter. It doesn't to me. I don't care if people hate me okay? I just wanna hang out with my brother, yeah?" Gerard was sad that Mikey was still dwelling on this.

"Gerard, you don't get it, you don't know what it feels like to be in a school where no one wants to talk to you except to shout at you in the face. I don't want you to feel like that either. It's horrible. Maybe it would be better if... Maybe if we didnt..."

"No Mikey! I'm not going to ignore you in school. I'm not ashamed to defend my brother. Maybe you don't get it. The fact that everyone hates my little kid brother just because I basically told them to. That makes me feel sick Mikey. I would rather be the only person in school to talk to you and be hated by my friends than to watch you get hurt each day because of me. Trust me Mikey, I'd much rather hang out with my brother." He smiled at his brother.

The doorbell rang and Gerard went to answer it.

Mikey heard Frank's enthusiastic voice. "Hey Gerard, I was wondering what happened with Mikey? He wasn't at any of his classes after lunch and he isn't answering his phone." He suddenly sounded very worried.

"Yeah, there was an incident in school earlier. I found Adam and his mates surrounding him." Gerard replied, trying to be a little quiet. Mikey replayed what happened back in his mind. It made him shiver. He hated being weak. He couldn't fight back at all. He felt like a complete loser all the time.

"Shit! Is he okay?" Frank's rushed and concerned voice reached Mikey.

"How about you just come in?" Gerard said and opened the door fully.

Frank quickly walked into the sitting room.

"Hey Mikes." He changed his tone to soft as if he wasn't panicking a minute ago.

"Hi Frank." Mikey smiled. He loved the fact he had a friend. Every time he saw Frank, he remembered that he isn't alone. Of course he has Gerard now but to actually have a school friend is something different.

"Mikey, Gerard told me what happened, are you okay now?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Nothing serious. thanks for coming around." Mikey thanked him and brushed off what could have been pretty fatal.

"Nothing serious?!" Gerard chimed in. "I'm still not ignoring the fact you possibly have a broken rib, Mikey!"

"I'm fine!" Mikey groaned.

"A broken rib?! What the fuck Mikey?! That is serious! Are you in pain right now?" Yes, Frank was a worrier but Mikey loved that.

"No I am perfectly fine, thank you. I think I would know if my rib was broken." Mikey said.

"You've got bruises all over you and scratches on your face. You are a little less than 'perfectly fine'." Gerard fussed over Mikey. He fussed over every little thing since he changed. "And remember that time you broke a rib before and you didn't know it. You just never know!" Gerard sighed.

"Yeah, well if I stop breathing at any stage I'll give you full credit for analysing the situation Gee, don't worry!" Mikey laughed.

"You broke your rib before?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, it was a bad day. Also the day I learned that I can fit into the school lockers" Mikey said.

"But I have you guys now so it's not going to happen again, is it?" Mikey smiled brightly. It was a proper happy grin as he put his arm around his brother and his best friend.

"Promise." Gerard and Frank both said in unison.

The End

Sorry about how short this story is. I wasnt sure about how to continue it. I thought that it was best left off there. So I hope you have enjoyed the story. And thanks for all the lovely comments ye have left! Please leave one if you have the time! Thank you for reading :)
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