Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tonight Will Be The Night

Chapter One

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

I'm dead. They're going to kill me.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-08-20 - 310 words

"Gerard!" I heard Charlie scream over the planes and blimps flying over us. "Pull back!" he waved at me, trying to get me away from the wall.

"No! We have a chance!" I yelled back, pulling a homemade bomb out of my bag. I taped it to the wall and pulled out the pin.

As I ran away, I grabbed Charlie, who tripped over a severed arm. "Come on!" I said, running towards a flipped car. We jumped behind it right as the bomb went off, sending flaming chunks of wall scattering across the street.

Charlie was screaming at me, but I couldn't hear what he said. I was focused on the wall, waiting.

Men wearing gas masks threw a tube of gas our way, the toxic smoke already hissing out of the top. "Gerard!" Charlie yelled in panick as I took my mask off and put it over his face.

He struggled until I broke the latch, trapping him in the mask. "Go back." I coughed, covering my mouth. "Live on." I gasped between my fingers. "Go!" I shoved him into the ditch behind us. He tumbled back.

I fell to my hands and knees, gasping for air. After a moment, my limbs couldn't support my weight and I fell onto my side.

My vision blurred, making me panic. Fear gripped me. I'm going to die.

Something grabbed me. I'm dead. They're going to kill me. "Are you okay?" The voice was soft in my ear.

But I couldn't answer. When did I close my eyes? I feel so heavy...

I wonder if the world will ever be normal again?

Boop! Another chapter! And I'm not all the way here, for some reason. I think I put myself too far into character.

While I take care of this, R+R and all that fun stuff!

Hugs and Eagles,
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