Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tonight Will Be The Night

Chapter Two

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

He's gotta be an angel.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-08-21 - 753 words

I blinked, shocked to be able to. There was a full light next to my head. Everything was a light brown. "You're finally awake?" I jumped at the voice. "How's your head?"

"My head?" My voice was raspy and my throat burnt. "What happened?" I asked sitting up. I was on a cushion formed into a bed, a thick blanket over me.

The boy smiled at me, holding out a chipped jar half full of water. "You got gassed. If I hadn't have dragged you out when I did, you probably would have died."

"I'm not dead?" I asked, taking the jar from him. He laughed and shook his head. But he was too pretty to not be an angel. He had to be an angel.

"No, but you sure as hell got close. Drink, okay? It'll make you feel better." I nodded and downed about half of the jar.

He was right. "Who are you?" I asked, running my finger along the rim of the jar.

"I'm Frank. I've built an immunity to the gas they use, so I save the people they catch with it." I nodded. "I saw what you did back there, by the way. Saving your friend like that." He smiled.

My cheeks felt warm. "He's like a dad to me. I just did it without thinking, honestly." I ducked my head.

"You're more of a man then any I've helped before. Nobody has ever done that before." He pointed to the jar. "Finish that. When you're done, I'll get you back to the base you're stationed at." He stood up and left me alone in the small room, going through a door covered with a curtain.

I drank the rest of the water he'd given me and stood up. My legs and arms were stiff, my knees popping loudly. I looked around the room.

On the far wall, there was a map. Looking at the door, I made my way to the map. There were cities and towns that had been Xed out.

It was a map of Jersey, I realized. There was a star over one city. The city I called home for the time being. "We're a few miles out of town." I jumped at Frank's voice. "We'll have to take the back route around the patrol towers and head East to the base." He held out a beaten bag. "I put your things in here. I'll go with you until we reach the base. Then you're on your own."

"Thanks." I took the bag and took my things out of it, strapping my weapons where they all belonged. "Hey Frank, how do you survive alone?" I asked, looking at him as I tightened my holster strap.

"I have my ways." He smiled, pulling a knife out of his pocket with a quiet scrape. "I'm no joke. I can slash someone's throat in one sweep." He flipped the knife in his palm and spun, the blade stopping a hair away from my nose. "Good thing I'm on your side, huh?" He smiled, putting his knife away.

I almost fell backward against the wall in shock. "Y-yeah." I stuttered, biting my lip. "What were you before all this crazy shit started?" I asked.

"Me?" He sighed. "I was a very, very pissed teenager. When nobody blinked if you murdered someone, I instantly took off on my own. I only hesitated with one person."

"Who?" Why? Why do I care? We should be in the way to my base.

"My boyfriend. He was with the highbloods. And I'm...well, it's obvious." He laughed sharply. "But he's dead now. And I have this." He moved his shirt down his shoulder, exposing a huge purple scar.

"Wow." Wait. Did he say boyfriend? "Wait, you're...?" I couldn't say it.

"What? Did you expect me to shit a rainbow? Yes, I'm gay." He rolled his eyes. "Got a problem with that?"

"No." I smiled. "I've just never found anyone else like me." He raised his eyebrow. "Shitting rainbows here." I sighed.

"Oh." He laughed. "Well, we should get going." He led the way outside. It was pitch black out.

"How long was I here?" I whispered. He shrugged.

"Two days." He breathed, heading toward the highway. We walked in silence for a long while.

Suddenly, I was blinded by a bright light. "They spotted us!" Frank hissed. "Get ready."

So another chapter for now. I really need to go to sleep. So R+R and all that.

Hugs and Beads,
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