Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Surrender the Night


by Chemical_30 0 reviews

Gerard talks to Lindsay about Frank's death.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-09-10 - 1005 words

Chapter 9:

After Gerard gave the police his statement Ray, Lindsay and himself went to dinner at a local Mexican Restaurant close to the hospital. Gerard felt sick to his stomach though, the guilt rippled through his body. Frank was gone. He had his whole life ahead of him, but that was carelessly taken from him by the man that was supposed to take care of him. Gerard had no doubt that Frank’s murder wasn’t a random attack, somehow Frank’s uncle had found out about Frank was doing, and had ordered someone to shut him up. Gerard also knew that he too was supposed to die in that apartment.

Lindsay glanced over at her husband’s untouched plate of food and looked over to Ray, they shared a look of concern before she returned her attention back to her husband, “Honey, are you not feeling well?” She asked.

Gerard shrugged, “I guess I’m just not all that hungry.”

Lindsay knew his behavior had to do with the boy that was killed earlier that day. She had yet to ask her husband about the young man and what Gerard had to do with him. “Gerard, who was that boy you were with today? How did you know him?” Lindsay questioned, Ray had just assumed that Frank was the boy that had come up with information about Mikey, and that Frank had been helping Gerard get his brother back.

Gerard sighed and looked up at his wife, “He was a friend of Mikey’s…before Mikey was taken. He had just gotten back in touch with me. I guess he wanted to know if anyone had heard anything about Mikey’s abduction.” He lied; he looked over to Ray, who nodded in understanding. Ray knew then that Gerard hadn’t told Lindsay anything about what Gerard had been going through the past few weeks.

“Oh…I’m so sorry Gerard.” Lindsay muttered not knowing what else to say.

The rest of the meal was eaten in a tense silence. The only noise you could hear from the table was the sound of forks scrapping against plates. As soon as Ray and Lindsay finished eating, they paid for their meal and exited the restaurant. The couple said their goodbyes to Ray before getting in their car and driving home.

No one spoke during the drive home, Gerard stared out the window…he knew where Mikey was but how was he going to get Mikey back without Frank. Was he the reason why Frank was in laying in a morgue? Did he get Frank killed? These questions ran through his mind…no matter how hard he tried to not to he would always end up thinking about Frank.

Gerard was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt the car lurch to a stop as Lindsay pulled into their driveway. Gerard slowly exited the car being careful not to put too much pressure on his injured arm. The couple walked into their home and Gerard sat down on the couch. He could hear Lindsay doing something in the kitchen but he wasn’t bothered enough to ask what it was she was doing. After a few minutes Lindsay sat down next to Gerard and handed him a mug that was filled with steaming liquid.

“It’s tea…hopefully it’ll help you relax.” Lindsay stated Gerard simply nodded before taking a small sip of the drink. Lindsay sighed, “Do you want to talk about what happed today?”

Gerard stared at the mug in his hands before replying solemnly, “I held him as he died Lindsay. There was so much blood…I-I kept telling him that he would be okay…he just stared at me…he was scared…scared to die.” Gerard had handled dying people before his eyes, but something about Frank’s death triggered something in him. Was that how his parents looked as they bled out on the kitchen floor? Were they terrified of what waiting them on the other side?

Lindsay placed her hand on Gerard’s leg reassuringly. “There was nothing you could’ve done Gerard, you did everything you could to make him feel at peace before he died.”

Gerard shook his head, “I can’t help but feel like it was my fault…had I not been there…maybe Frank would still be alive.”

“You can’t blame yourself. It was a horrible tragedy…but nothing about what happened was your fault.” Lindsay stated strongly.

They talked for a few more hours before Lindsay reluctantly went to bed, she didn’t want to leave her husband by himself but she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay up for much longer. Gerard kept saying that he wasn’t tired and that he’d be in bed soon, but the truth of the matter was that he was exhausted; but he was afraid that if he closed his eyes he’d have to relive the events of that day …that he’d have to watch as Frank died in his arms for a second time.

The sun rose sooner than Gerard would’ve liked, he grudgingly got up off the couch and went into the bedroom to get ready for the day. Before leaving the house he carefully leaned over his wife’s sleeping body and gently pressed his lips to her forehead he also left a note stating that he would be later that evening and that he loved her. Gerard grabbed his coat and his briefcase and then exited the house making sure to lock the door. When he arrived at the police office Ray greeted him with a small smile.

“I’m sure you could’ve taken the day off today. The chief wouldn’t have minded.” Ray said.
“Ray…we have to get Mikey home.” Gerard stated looking his friend directly in the eye.
Ray nodded in agreement before asking, “When are we going to do it?”

Almost instantly Gerard responded with one simple word, “Tonight.”
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