Categories > Original > Romance > Kiss Me

Lucky Bastard

by sickly_ill 0 reviews

Chapter 14 - Lucky Bastard

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2013-09-27 - 4417 words

A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating as frequently as possible. I was also going through the stories and noticed I posted chapter 10 twice, so one will be deleted. Well, here's chapter 14. Hope you love it and review :)

We all decide on Subway that night. We eat there and chat about competition tomorrow. Hayden will be competing. Some of the guys couldn’t afford to come on this trip just to compete, so since Hayden is an alternate, he was selected to compete. He’s nervous, but still excited. I just assure him he’ll do great.

When we get back to the hotel, Anderson calls me in to go over some metric tools that will be used in competition. Hayden joins us just to be nosy. Which I don’t mind because he makes me calm.

Anderson goes over the tools with me and gives me some exercises he found online. I do them quickly, and get all my answers right. “Well, then, I guess we’re all set for tomorrow.” He smiles. I just nod. “We just hang out now.”

“Alright, well, I’m gonna go shower.” I get up, and head back to my room. Leaving Hayden and Anderson to talk about welding stuff. I get into my room and jump into the shower. I put on my pajamas and get ready for bed.

I’m putting away my dirty clothes when there’s a knock at my door. I answer it. It’s Hayden. “Hey, baby.” He kisses me quickly. “I was wondering if you wanna come hang out in my room. The guys are in some weird Call of Duty battle and it’s quite entertaining. Plus, they’ve got tons of junk food and we can cuddle before bed.” He smiles. I just grin.

“I’d love to cuddle before bed.” I grab my phone, slippers, and room key before Hayden and I walk three seconds down the hall to his room. The door’s open and there’s a lot of noise coming from everyone chatting and killing zombies. Hayden and I just find some space on one of the beds and watch as everyone mingles. My roommates throwing popcorn at the players to distract them, other Evergreen students playing thumb wars. It’s so chaotic in here. But Hayden and I get lost in our own bubble and cuddle, kiss, and play hand games.

We’re all cheering Devon on when Anderson comes in. “Alright, guys! It’s eleven. Gotta get to your own rooms now.” He spoils Devon’s streak. We all whine and grumble as we get our stuff.

“’Night, stud muffin.” I whisper into Hayden’s ear and kiss him briefly.

“’Night, beautiful!” He calls after me as I follow my roommates out into the hall. I smile and blush. I look back into the room and all the guys are teasing him. I bite my lip and we all go back to our rooms.

Once in our room, my roommates start to drool over my relationship. “Oh my gosh!” They gush. “That was so cute!”

“He’s so adorable!”

“I wish I could find somebody like him.” I roll my eyes and smile as I finish braiding my hair and get into bed.

“Well, he has his moments.” I smile as I get under the covers.

“Well, you guys are so cute.” Destiny grins.

“Thank you.” I smile. “Most people would think we’re completely weird. Just considering what he looks like. His piercings and tattoos. And my hair.” I lay down and get comfortable in my cool bed. No warmth from Hayden beside me. It makes me sad a little.

“Who gives a shit! You guys are good together. I can tell. Fuck what anyone else thinks.” Marlow says.

“True.” I sigh and close my eyes, trying to go to sleep as we all turn out the lights. But I just toss and turn. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. Not without Hayden beside me whispering in my ear and keeping me warm. Destiny and Marlow are already passed out. I hear their faint snoring. I look at the clock. Midnight. What the hell? Just then, my phone vibrates on the nightstand. I grab it. It’s Hayden. My heart leaps.

“Hey,” I greet him.

“Hey, baby.” I hear him smile. “I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep.” I smile. “I can’t sleep without you.”

“Me either. But I don’t want us to get in trouble. So, we have to make do.” I frown. “I love you, Hayden.” I whisper.

“I love you too, Cielo.” He says back. I just melt.

“Goodnight, Hayden. I’ll be dreaming of you.” I giggle.

“Good.” He chuckles. “Goodnight, Sky.” And with that, we hang up, and I can finally fall asleep.

Waking up at six thirty in the morning for competition is nothing new. I just wash my face, dress, and tie my hair up into a bun so it’s not loose to get caught in anything. I shimmy my coat on and hear the girls barely getting up as I grab my tool box. “Good luck, ladies!” I call from the door as I open it.

“Good luck, Sky!” They both say and I smile.

I head out into the hall and to Hayden’s room. I knock and wait for someone to answer. I hear the guys in there getting ready. I just wait until Devon throws open the door. “Hey, Devon.” I smile. He’s already dressed.

“Hey, Sky.” He smiles at me. He has a nice smile.

“Is Hayden up yet?” I ask.

“Yeah, let me get him.” I nod and he closes the door right quick. I wait a few moments until Hayden comes to the door.

“Hey, baby.” He kisses me good morning.

“Hey.” I bite my lip. “I was wondering if you wanted to walk to the busses with me.” I suggest.

“Of course. Let me just get my stuff.” I nod and put down my heavy ass tool box. I lean against the wall and wait. Soon enough, Hayden and Devon come out. Since we’re all riding to the same place. Which is some college in Tacoma. Devon and I competing on the south end of the campus, and Hayden at the north, with the rest of the welders.

“Ready.” He takes my hand and we all head to the front of the hotel. “Here, I can take that.” Hayden releases my hand and motions to my tool box.

“No, it’s okay. It’s not too heavy.” I smile and take his hand this time.

“Okay then.” He shrugs. He hates that I don’t let him do everything for me. Like carry my backpack or my books. Or give me a ride home.

We all get to the busses and figure out which one we need to be on. Devon and I set down our tool boxes in front of the bus we’ll be taking. “Okay, I need to go find my bus now. Good luck, Devon.” Hayden shakes his hand. “Good luck, baby girl.” He grins down at me.

“Likewise, handsome.” I blush. He leans down and kisses me hard.

“I love you.” He whispers to me.

“I love you too.” I smile. He just stares at me for a moment and then leaves. Now, it’s just me and Devon.

“He’s crazy about you, bro.” Devon says.

“I know.” I smile. “And I’m completely insane about him. He’s a good guy.” I nod and watch him as he finds his bus and starts to talk with some other welding kids.

“He is. And he’s smart.” Devon smiles.

“Yeah,” I bite my lip thinking about all our moments. How can he do this to me when he’s not right next to me?

On the road, I listen to the music I downloaded onto my phone. I just get into my competitive zone and get ready to kick some ass. The bus parks and we all file out. We head into the college and I put away my phone. An elderly man goes over the rules. There’s five parts to the competition. Written test, blue prints, metric measurements, mill, and lathe. We are all divided into what section we’re taking first by the schedules on our name tags. I get the lathes first. We get our layout and the bell rings like a boxing match, and I get to work.

Fuck me! I have to hog off more than 2 inches of my stock that’s at least 3 to 4 inches thick! I just work on getting my stock and tool in place. I’m already breaking a sweat just looking at the fucking layout. I ask one of the judges if I can use bluing. They have a station set up for that kind of work. I can’t blue my piece out and scratch it at my lathe, which is what I’m used to. So I jog over to the station with my scribe, layout, and stock. I very sloppily layout my stock. I jog back to my lathe and start. By the time the bell rings to stop the work, I’m not even close to making my second cut! Fuck! I spent my time sizing my piece with my carbide turning tool since I didn’t have a parting tool with me.

Next, I’m moved to the written test. I take a seat in the back and set down my tool box. Another girl sits next to me and we smile at each other. She motions to her eyes and I realize I still have my safety glasses on. I giggle and take them off. “Thanks.” I mouth to her since we’re not supposed to be talking. She just smiles and we’re handed our tests and pencils.

Shit! There’s some real technical questions on here about things I’ve never even heard of! Damn it, Anderson! I just guesstimate and mark my answers on my sheet. When it comes to the safety questions and trig equations I pass with flying colors. But then we’re given another part of the test. A layout of a metal sheet. We need to measure and write down what is asked of. This involves some math skills I have. Thank God. I get through that with no problem. Now, all I do is wait. Some guy comes over to pick up my tests and I panic. I mean, I did go back through the test to make sure I didn’t miss any questions, but now I see everyone else is still taking the test. I start to get nervous. Maybe I completely failed! Or maybe I’m just that good at knowing my shit. But I immediately rule that out. Shit!

I move to the mill now. I hate the mill. I’m horrible at this. But I brush everything off and get ready. The bell rings again and I measure my stock. I look at the layout and compute how much I need to take off before I can start on the staircase pattern they’ve come up for us to machine. I blue my piece and scribe where I need to cut to. Then, I’m off. I start taking off 100 thousands at a time. Passing quickly. Everyone else is going slow, like if they go too fast they’ll break their tools. But carbide is hard to break.

I work my arms while I hog off quickly. Chips flying everywhere. Some landing on my arms and burning me, but I don’t pay attention. I’m in my zone. I smile to myself as I see a judge come over to my station and hover over me. He watches me work intently. He doesn’t say anything, but leaves after a while. I just keep up the fast pace I’ve set for myself and finish cutting it to size. I look at the layout to see which step I’m going to take next. I measure everything out and decide I’m going to staircase my piece.

I staircase my piece. Making sure I’m at least 5 thousands away from the measurement I’m given. And I am. So, I start on the hole I need to make in the staircase. I blue my stock again and measure out where I need to drill the hole. When I put in my stock again, the same judge comes back to my station and takes a few pictures of me as I’m about to pre drill my piece. I change out the tools once that’s done and he finally speaks. “Nobody’s gotten to this stage yet.” He says. “Good work.”

“Thanks.” I smile as he leaves. Wow. That just boosts my confidence level and just as I’m about the drill, the bell rings. I sigh and turn off my machine. I take out my piece and turn it in. I walk to the layout station and wait for the bell to ring. It does once everyone’s settled and I grab everything I need. I blue out my sheet and start to scribe everything. I use the punch to mark where the holes need to be drilled and I try to get the curve just right. I’m almost done when the bell rings again. I turn my piece in and walk over to the measurement station. Last stop and we’re done for the day. I just grab my pencil and the sheet of paper they give me to write my answers down.

The bell rings and I start to measure the staircased stock with the metric micrometer. I finish that first because I know the micrometer the best. But using the vernier caliper is hard. So, I take my time. Making sure I add and subtract the right numbers. I finish early and hand in my paper. Now I just wait. My feet are killing me from standing so much. Seven hours of competition will do that anybody.

The bell rings and the judges treat us to a sack lunch. Turkey sandwiches with some cookies, an apple, and a bottle of water. I eat with Devon and some of his friends. Then, we’re on our way back to the hotel. I get off the bus as it pulls up and walk to the lobby. Hayden’s there, waiting on one of the red couches. He smiles when he sees me. I just smirk. “How was it?” He asks as he kisses me and takes my tool box. And this time I let him.

“Tiring.” I sigh. “Why are you here early?” I ask.

“Well, our competition was set up weird. We raced from station to station trying to get as much done as possible in thirty minutes. So, we only ended up competing like three hours.” He says. His hair is damp. Must’ve taken a shower after competition.

“Lucky bastard.” I push him playfully. He just chuckles and helps me into my room. “Well, I’m going to take a shower before we have to go for our interviews.” I smile and kiss him.

“Alright then. I’ll be in my room.” He grins. I just roll my eyes and close the door. I undress and throw my sweaty clothes on the bathroom floor. I hop in the shower and take my time in washing all the grime of competition from my body. I emerge from the bathroom feeling fresh wrapped in a towel and carrying my dirty clothes to the garbage bag I put all my dirty clothes in.

I have an hour till I have to leave for my fake job interview. I dry my hair and brush it nicely. I put on some lace undies and a matching lace bra. It boosts my confidence when I have on some sexy under garments. Don’t ask me why, but it just works. I shrug on my white blouse and have my black slacks and black pencil skirt laid out on my bed. Deliberating which one is better for an interview. I’m staring at them when I hear Destiny at the door talking to, who I assume is, Marlow. “Yeah, she’s in here.” I hear her say.

“Hey, guys, slacks or pencil skirt for my interview?” I ask and look up, expecting them to be in the door way. But it’s just Destiny. And Hayden. Here I am with my blouse unbuttoned in my sexy undergarments! I’ve never let Hayden see this much of me. It’s just uncomfortable for me to do so. Even though I’ve seen him completely naked before, I just couldn’t bring myself to do the same. Until now.

“Uh.” Destiny hums. I just cover myself as much as possible. She just ushers a shocked Hayden out into the hall and shuts the door. “Something tells me he’s never seen you so unclothed before.” She bites her lip. I just shake my head. “Sorry.” She mumbles.

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.” I go back to my slacks and skirt.

“If it’s any consolation, you look hot.” She smiles awkwardly. I just laugh. She laughs too.

“Thanks.” I smile.

“Anyway, pencil skirt. Slacks make you seem too serious.” She suggests.

“I was thinking the same thing.” I smile and button my shirt.

I apply some make-up and get my heels on. I grab my purse and folder containing my resume and letters of recommendation. I head out into the hall and see Anderson and Hayden waiting for me. “Hey, guys.” I smile and act like Hayden didn’t just see me half naked in some sexy lingerie.

“Ready?” Anderson smiles. I just nod and we all head back to the high school where the opening ceremony was and take a seat. We wait a few minutes until a Hawaiian guy comes out and calls us. I go first. Hayden and Anderson wish me luck as I enter the cafeteria being used as a make shift office/interview place. I just get directed to a table where a man and woman sit and wait for me to shake their hands and introduce myself. They motion for me to sit at the desk in front of their table. I sit like a lady since I’m wearing a skirt. They ask me a few basic questions, then some more specific ones. Then they ask for my resume. Which I hand to them gingerly. They smile and ask me a few questions about my volunteer hours and internship. I answer calmly and completely. They say thanks and I’m done. I’m exiting while Hayden’s entering. I smile at him and he smirks.

Anderson and I wait for him. “Did you notice?” He asks me.

“Notice what?” I furrow my brows.

“Hayden took out his gauges and wrapped his lobes around. And I got to admit, they look normal.” Anderson smiles.

“What?” I croon my neck to see him sitting and talking to his interviewers. He shakes their hands and comes back out to us. And then I notice. No septum, no hat, no gauges. Not my Hayden. “You look weird.” I frown.

“I know.” He smirks and takes his piercings out from his pocket. I smile and shake my head. He puts in his gauges and his septum. “Better?” He asks.

“Much better.” I kiss him and take his hand. We all get back to the hotel and undress. I get into some sweats and Hayden’s shirt that he gave to me when we were caught by his mom. I slip on my slippers and lay on my bed watching American Pickers. Destiny and Marlow aren’t back from their competition yet, so I’m alone. And I kind of like it.

I’m drifting to sleep when I hear a knock at my door. I get up and answer it. “Were you sleeping?” Hayden asks.

“Almost. Why?” I yawn.

“Anderson and I called you, but you didn’t pick up. Did you still wanna go on that ice skating trip thing the program’s putting on?” He asks.

“Uh, yeah.” Crap! I can’t ice skate for shit. Last time I went ice skating was in second grade. This is just a treat for surviving competition today. Which is pretty cool. “Let me just get some real pants on.” I smile and close the door. I scramble to get some clean jeans on, but keep the shirt. Just then, my roommates come in.

“Hey.” Destiny smiles.

“Hey.” I grab my things.

“You guys going to that ice skating thing?” She asks.

“Yeah. Are you?” I shrug on my leather jacket.

“Nah. We’re going to the mall.” She smiles. I just roll my eyes.

“Well, happy shopping.” I say as I leave. Anderson and Hayden waiting patiently in the hall for me. “Ready.” I smile. Hayden grabs my hand and we all head to the Dodge. Hayden gets in the passenger seat and I get in the back, again. Hayden reads directions to Anderson to get to the ice rink. Which is on the other side of town. But we get there in one piece.

We all pile out into the rain. I don’t have a hood, but I don’t mind the rain. It’s refreshing. But Hayden just unzips his sweater and takes me under his arm. It’s a sweet gesture. We run inside and get in line for our skates. We’re all chatting and then we get our ice skates. We just sit down on the chairs and slip out of our shoes. I have trouble tying mine, so Hayden kneels down and ties them for me. I feel like a child. “I could’ve figured it out.” I grumble at him. He just smiles.

“But that would’ve taken too long.” He grabs my hand and we head into the rink. We place our shoes on a bench on the raisers. I leave my purse and jacket. I’m a little shaky at first, but Hayden guides me along the rails. Soon, he lets go of my hand and I’m alone. He skates off as I barely get the foot technique. But I manage without him. But I get tired of almost tripping over my own skates, so I head to the exit, but Anderson stops me.

“Hey, let’s get a picture of you guys.” He smiles and we head to where Hayden stands, in the middle of the rink where no one is skating. I slowly let myself come to a stop near Hayden.

“You good?” Hayden smirks. I just nod.

“Okay then.” Anderson whips out his phone. Hayden drapes his arm over my shoulders as I grab his waist. “Smile!” Anderson grins. I just flash my teeth and he takes the picture. “Cooool.” Anderson smiles as he looks at the picture on his phone. I just smile and shake my head.

“One more lap?” Hayden asks.

“No. I swear I’ll fall sooner or later. So, I’m not taking any risks.” I giggle.

“Alright.” He nods as I shiver. Goosebumps spreading everywhere. Hayden notices. “Hold this for me.” He takes off his sweater and drapes it over my shoulders. It’s warm inside, and I don’t protest.

“Sure.” I chatter my teeth. He just laughs and embraces me. Rubbing my arms to warm me up. Who knew it’d be so cold in here?

“I’m gonna be out here for a little longer, okay?” He looks down at me. I nod and he kisses me softly. We get a few odd looks, but I could care less. He skates off and I head to the bench where our stuff is laid. I sit and zip up Hayden’s sweater. I watch as he skates about. He looks so graceful and hot out on the rink. Every time he skates by me I wave enthusiastically at him. He just smiles and shakes his head. I giggle and Anderson comes to sit next to me.

“You know, he told his mom he wanted to play hockey.” He says. What?

“Really? When?” I ask. He never mentioned anything of the sort to me.

“Oh yeah! Told his mom at the beginning of the year.” Anderson nods.

“Hmm.” I hum and watch him skate about with a smile on his face. He seems to enjoy being on the ice. And he watches hockey. So, it makes sense. But why didn’t he tell me?

Anderson and I chat some more until Hayden joins us. He kisses me and I watch as him and Anderson start talking about weird stuff. “Okay, kiddos. I’m gonna go get a hot dog.” Anderson gets up and leaves. Hayden stands behind me, since I’m on the top bench of the raisers. I turn to him.

“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to play hockey?” I ask softly.

“I didn’t think it’d ever happen. I mean, I’m not the sporty type.” He shrugs.

“But you can be. If you hit the gym every once in a while.” I smile and pinch his stomach. He chuckles and flinches back.

“I know. But I don’t want to take time away from you. I mean, I’ve been through that, and I don’t wish it on anybody who loves another more than themselves.” He rubs the back of his neck.

“Oh, Hayden, it’s just a practice and game here and there. I won’t mind. I promise. We can still see each other at school, and on the weekend.” I smile. “So, what do you say?”

“Uh, I don’t know. We’ll see.” He rubs the back of his neck again. I just smile and say okay.

“Ready to go get some dinner?” I ask.

“Just a few more laps. The Zamboni’s supposed to come out and skating on fresh ice feels awesome.” He grins. An excited glimmer in his eyes. I just nod and he leaves me again. By the time he’s done, I’ve changed into my street shoes and join Anderson. Finishing another piece of licorice I got from the concession stand.
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