Categories > Original > Fantasy > (draft) Abused and forgotten


by HavenWay 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-10-01 - 915 words

The problem Gerard had that night was getting her to bed in her actual bed that he and Mikwy had set up for her. She refused to sleep in the room and said it was to dark so Gerard had put a small table lamp in there for her and stood at the door till she had settled in but still said she was not tired like she said the previous 100 times. That is how it stayed till Gerard talked her into sleeping and finally after a hour she fell asleep. She had refused to make physicla contact with any one so Gerard had to get her to to go to bed, when in the living room, she was falling asleep so she wouldn't cry out if he tried to pick her up. As soon as she fell asleep, he walked back into the living room to watch some tv as the shock had finally hit him. He was a dad now and he had never known it.

He had long gone to the bed when he woke up to his door opening up and hiccups sounding off in the room door way. .
Faora woke up scared of the room that was once more dark and jumped up from her bed in a panic. She was not one for being afraid of the dark... Or being alone. But for being in a strangers home it was a whole new experience for her and against her better judgment, she walked out of the room and down the hall to where she thought other rooms were. The first room she walked to was a libarary filled with comics and complicated books she did not reconize and half of them she could not not pronouce. The room was a pale color with a dark brown carpet that rung across the room. She walked back out and walked down the hall till she got to the next room... After the third one she got mad. Where could the man who is supposably her dad at? She turned the next corner and heard loud snoring coming a room at the end of the hall. By the time she reached it, she had been lightly crying in frustration. She slowly opened the door and seen it was him and chuckled lightly as she made her way over to his bed and laid down on the side now regretting not bringing a blanket.
Gerard sat up and looked over the edge at the crying kid who was shaking on the floor with tears falling down the side of her cheeks.
"Come up on the bed Sug. The floor is not the most welcoming spot at the house. Come on." He said as she looked up at him uncertained and shocked.
She didn't move as she looked up at him and her face cringed before scooting back as Gerard watched on. She slowly stood up and went to leave the room when he grabbed her elbow and gently pulled her back careful not to scare her. She looked at him shocked but didn't freak out as he pulled her on to the bed after lifting the sheets up for her to climb under. She laid there with him but stayed at the very edge of the bed as she dozed off.
The next day Gerard had woken up before her which shocked him seeing that it was almost noon. He slowly climbed off the bed as slowly as he could so he wouldn't wake her up and walked over to her side and pushed her in the middle of the bed, glad she didn't wake up. Mikey was in the kitchen waiting when Gerard walked out of his room and walked into the room where Mikey had a cup of coffee waiting for him.
"How is she doing?" He asked as soon as he seen his brother walked into the room.
"She is doing okay. She woke up and came into my room at like 3 am crying and laying on the side of my bed.... Like you used to. So I pulled her on the bed and luckily she didn't freak out so she fell asleep in there." Gerard replied, taking a long sip of his luke warm coffee well snatching his news paper away from Mikey.
"I did the honor of washing her clothes but there wasn't much going on there so you might want to consider some shoppping." He said back as he grabbed the paper back from Gerard.
They were going to argue back and forth but there was light foot steps coming down the hall way toward the kitchen where they stopped when Faora walked in the room.
"Hey sug. Hungry?" Gerard asked, hopping up to start cooking.
"Sure." she replied sitting at the far end of the table.
"So we had noticed you have no clothes and wanted to take you out shopping. What do you think?" He asked looking up at her.
She just shrugged her shoulders at him. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
They had gotten dressed after Gerard managed to light toaster on fire some how and decided on going to Denny's for breakfast much to Faora's shock. Gerard had Mikey order for her since he seemed like he would know what she would want since she was in awestruck. After the most delightful breakfast, they went to the mall to shop first hitting forever 21.
"So what kind of clothes are you into?" Gerard asked so he went thr


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